
The sudden huge wind directly shattered everyone’s door. The Elders screamed and flew out. Then one fell to the ground.

Yang Chen turned his head and saw that outside the house, there were several silhouettes. The one headed is no one else, but the patriarch of Ouyang Family, Ouyang Zhen.

Behind Ouyang Zhen, is a group of warriors of the Ouyang Family. Even the weakest person has reached the Great Martial Master level, which looks like seven or eight people.

Be aware that in places like Qingfeng Empire, the powerhouse of the Great Martial Master at this level is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. And Ouyang Family can own seven or eight Great Martial Masters at one time, which is enough to show the status of Ouyang Family in Qingfeng Empire!

“I am a member of the Ouyang Family!”

Yang Rushuang complexion slightly changed, and he was also taken aback.

“This group of beasts are here again, they are really unwilling to give up!” Yang Shan gritted his teeth, just propped up and prepared to get up from the bed. The doctor Li next to him hurriedly extended the hand, supported him, and said: “Mister Yang, you have a physical injury. It is better not to move, otherwise the wound will be affected, and the gain will not be worth the loss!”

“Doctor Li, I It’s the steward of the Li Mansion, I can’t just sit idly by something wrong with Li Mansion!” Yang Shan waved his hand and said.

Although he is only a steward in Li Family, in terms of status, he is by no means inferior to Li Family’s patriarch. Even due to Yang Chen’s relationship, Yang Shan’s position in the Yang Family has even surpassed the Li Family patriarch and holds a pivotal position.

Doctor Li hugged cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Mister Yang, you can wait here for a while, I’ll talk to Ouyang Zhen.”

“This, isn’t it good?” Yang Shan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes revealed a look of hesitation.

“Yes, Dr. Li, it’s not appropriate for you to go, right? This is the Li Mansion after all. If it drags you down, you will always be a little bit unreasonable.” Yang Chen also said.

“Shut up!” Yang Chen just finished speaking, Yang Shan just glared at him and said angrily: “Sir, where can you speak? You kneel down for me, I’ll settle the account with you later!”

Hearing this, Yang Chen bitterly laughed, his eyes showing helplessness. Thinking of his dignified Stardust Emperor, who would dare to talk to him like this? That’s Yangshan that’s all.

However, Yang Chen still closed his mouth very well.

Emperor Li stood up and said, “After all, the old man is the imperial physician of the empire. Although his status is not very high, he still knows some people. Ouyang Zhen will not embarrass the old man. Please rest assured. “

As the doctor Li said, he lifted his foot and walked towards the door.

Ouyang Zhen stood outside the door, just about to speak, when he found that Doctor Li came out of the door, he couldn’t help being frowned and asked: “Doctor Li, why are you here?”

Doctor Li hugged cup one fist in the other hand and said with a smile: “Master Ouyang Family, what’s the matter with you? How did you make such a big movement?”

Ouyang Zhen lightly saying “Doctor Li, this matter has nothing to do with you. The old man is here today to look for Yang Shan and Yang Chen! You quickly get out of me, don’t block the old man!”

“Eh, this No.” Li’s doctor said quickly: “Ouyang Family Lord, I’m an old acquaintance with Yang Shan, and his son Yang Chen has a good relationship with me. How about you give the old man a face? This time, just forget it. Let Yang Shan and Yang Chen go?”

“Give you face?”

Ouyang Zhen browse slightly raise, said with a sneer: “Doctor Li, I will give you face, you Do you give my son face?”

“What…what do you mean?” Doctor Li was taken aback.

next moment, I saw Ouyang Zhen’s finger flick, and saw two huge objects suddenly fly out of his storage bag, and smashed directly to the ground with a sound of “hong”.

The whole Li Mansion seemed to shake at this brief moment. Several cracks were smashed on the ground, and dust rose into the sky.

Emperor Li looked intently, this thing is clearly two huge coffins, the whole body is pitch black. The two coffins were close together, shivering in the sun with a cold luster, which made people shudder.

“You, Ouyang Family Master, who are you?” Doctor Li was taken aback.

“This is the coffin for Yang Shan and his son!” Ouyang Zhen smiled and said, “Doctor Li, the kid Yang Chen killed my son. Today I have to avenge my hatred! “

“What?” Upon hearing this, Li’s expression also changed. He thought that the relationship between Li Mansion and Ouyang Family was only related to the title deed of Li Mansion. But didn’t expect, Yang Chen actually killed Ouyang Zhen’s son, Ouyang Ke?

“Give me aside!”

Ouyang Zhen waved his hand directly, Gang Feng surging out from within the body, pushing out Doctor Li, and then aggressively towards it. The room walked over.

“Yang Chen kid, get me out!”

Ouyang Zhen coldly scolded.

However, there is still no sound in the room.

Ouyang Zhen frowned and raised the volume: “Yang Chen, get out of grandfather for you, can you hear me!”

The voice is like Hong Zhong, and it makes people’s ears humming. The eardrums were shocked and painful. However, there was still a dead silence in the room. Ouyang Zhen was frowned and couldn’t help but look at it and saw Yang Chen kneeling in front of Yang Shan, motionless.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Zhen couldn’t help being frowned, and said puzzledly: “Which is Yang Chen? Get out of me for grandfather! Didn’t you hear what the uncle said?”

Hearing this, Yang Chen in the room moved, and helplessly said: “Father, people have come to the door, so you can get me up and solve the matter. Then I will wait for the matter to be resolved. Can I apologize for you?”

Yang Shan pondered for a moment, and said, “Well, in that case, then you should be careful and be careful not to hurt people.”

Listen At this point, Ouyang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed uncontrollably: “Hurt me? Haha, what a idiot! Now outside of your Li Mansion, there are eight Great Martial Masters sitting in town. You think you Li Is there any rescue today?”

Ouyang Zhen finds it ridiculous!

Yang Chen seems to be at most twenty years old. At this age, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is the realm of the Great Martial Master, right? He doesn’t believe that Yang Chen is the opponent of these Great Martial Masters, even more how Ouyang Zhen himself is an expert in the Martial Sect realm. To deal with a twenty-year-old junior is tantamount to killing a chicken and getting eggs!

And at this moment, Yang Chen in front of me suddenly stood up and turned his head, coldly said: “You are the patriarch of Ouyang Family? Now I have something to do, I have no time to talk nonsense with you, I will take your life after a while! Now I will give you three seconds to disappear from my face!”

Ouyang Zhen’s expression turned gloomy for an instant. As the patriarch of the Ouyang Family, who is not respectful when people see him? Now a junior, dare to utter a wild word, and let him go?

“Arrogant child, Hugh is rude!”

Ouyang Zhen coldly shouted, next moment, a huge spirit strength spread directly from his within the body.

But seeing this scene, Yang Chen just raised his hand and waved lightly.


next moment, Ouyang Zhen’s whole body just flew upside down like a cannonball, and flew directly out of the door.

I don’t know life or death.

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