Ouyang Ke stepped forward, bent down, and pulled off the steps on Yang Rushuang’s face, and said with a smile: “Little girl, we are here. You will be here tonight. , Can you play with the uncle?”

“I’m pooh!”

Yang Rushuang spit with rage, panting with rage and said: “Ouyang Ke, you hurry up I let go! You beast, I am a married woman! What do you want to do to me?”

“A married woman?”

Hear these four words , Ouyang Ke chuckled, with obscene rays of light in his eyes, and suddenly felt his interest surged. In this world, some people like pure girls, some people like mature girls, and people like Ouyang Ke like mature girls.

Especially young women like Yang Rushuang, that makes Ouyang Ke very excited.

“Hehe, you are really not lucky enough to die Old Ghost. You left such a top grade young woman and died by yourself? What a pity, what a pity, he has no chance to taste this kind of beauty.” Ouyang Ke chuckled, then squatted down, extended the hand, lightly stroking Yang Rushuang’s face, and said with a smile: “Little girl, you must be lonely and intolerable these years? Hehe, rest assured, uncle will be tonight Let you release yourself and return to the happiness of being a woman!” Listening to these vulgar words, Yang Rushuang was embarrassed and angry, tears in his eyes rolled in his eyes with anger. She bit her tongue fiercely, as if she wanted to bite her tongue to commit suicide, and traces of red blood spilled from her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ke frowned directly put the piece of cloth into Yang Rushuang’s mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and killing himself.

Ouyang Ke stood up and said to the person on the side: “You guys, show me a good look, I’ll go in and feel comfortable!”

“Young Master, this thing Here you are.”

At this moment, a servant walked up and stuffed Ouyang Ke’s hand with a small yellow pill: “Young Master, this object is called The golden spear doesn’t fall. It’s a small one bought in the market.”

Ouyang Ke browsed slightly and smiled immediately after hearing this, and said: “Hehe, count you brat. See you!”

Ouyang Ke extended the hand after receiving the pills, and directly grabbed Yang Rushuang from the ground and carried it on his shoulders.

However, he has just taken a step…

The whole person is just stunned, and there is a suspicious look in his eyes.

I saw a young man in his twenties standing in front of the door of the room, wearing a white shirt, looking at him coldly. Being stared at by this youngster, Ouyang Ke shivered for no apparent reason, only feeling twitched in his heart.

“Who are you?” Ouyang Ke frowned, scolded: “Quickly get out of my way, haven’t you heard what the uncle said!”

Ouyang Ke said, suddenly looked towards side The old servant, scolded: “old steward, is this your person? Why don’t you have any eyesight?”

However, the old steward glanced at the person in front of the door, but he was puzzled. head, said blankly: “Young Master, I don’t know him, he is not a subordinate of our Ouyang Family!”

Ouyang Ke was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

However, when he looked over again, he was surprised to find that the person who was standing at the door suddenly disappeared? It was like a ghost, suddenly evaporated before his eyes?


The scream sounded out of thin air.

Ouyang Ke shocked all over, and looked back fiercely. Next moment, he was surprised to find that the old servant who was standing beside him just now was suddenly torn in half.

With the temple as the center, the body is torn apart directly to the two sides, the blood is mixed with the intestines, and it flows oh la la all over the floor.


Seeing this scene, everyone was complexion changed and couldn’t help but vomit. Na Ouyang Ke was also very scared, and his feet softened and almost fell to the ground.

“Who? Who is it?” Ouyang Ke looked at all around in panic.

However, when he tone barely fell, he saw a dark shadow suddenly and quickly passed through the air. Then, when Ouyang Ke hadn’t reacted yet, the dozen guards on his side burst in an instant. .

peng peng peng!

The blood mist in the sky exploded as Ouyang Ke said, and the strong smell of blood made people feel sick.

Ouyang Ke stood quietly in the middle, watching these guards and being killed inexplicably, a panic of fear suddenly flooded his heart.

The rustle…

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

A silhouette came out not far away.

Although more than a dozen people were killed, Yang Chen’s clothes were not stained with minced meat or even a trace of blood. It’s just that his eyes are very cold, and the depths of his eyes are even more indifferent.

Looking at Yang Chen walking out, Yang Rushuang was taken aback for a moment, with an incredible expression on his face. She even wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes?

But soon, when she realized that this was not a dream, tears were uncontrollable, and rushed from Yang Rushuang’s eyes.

“Who on earth are you?”

Ouyang Ke gritted his teeth, resisted his composure, and solemnly asked.

“Yang Family, Yang Chen.” Yang Chen said lightly.

“Yang Chen?” Hearing this, Ouyang Ke was taken aback for a moment. Then he remembered something and said in surprise: “Yang Chen? You are Li Tian’s big brother? You, you are not Did you go to southern Xinjiang? Why did you come back?”

Yang Chen didn’t speak, but just flicked his fingers.

Call sou!

A spirit strength ejected directly from Yang Chen’s right hand, and shot on Ouyang Ke’s wrist, piercing his entire right hand through a hole , The blood flowed frantically.

“Ah!” Ouyang Ke screamed, and Yang Rushuang on his body also slipped off, but before Yang Rushuang fell to the ground, Yang Chen just raised his hand and grabbed it lightly, sucking Yang Rushuang. come.

“Aunt, are you okay?” Yang Chen glanced at her apologetically.

Listening to these familiar words, Yang Rushuang’s tears flowed out uncontrollably. She hugged Yang Chen and cried: “Xiao Chen, you are finally back. Aunt was so scared just now! “

“And your father, your father…”

“I know.” Yang Chen patted Yang Rushuang’s shoulder, trying to calm his tone, saying: “Aunt, don’t worry, I won’t just leave it like that.”

Yang Rushuang was taken aback for a moment, the next moment she saw that Yang Chen had lifted his foot and slowly moved towards Ouyang Ke Walked over.

That familiar figure from the back looks a little strange at this moment. I don’t know why, looking at the silhouette of Yang Chen going away, Yang Rushuang shivered for no reason.

“You, what are you going to do?” Ouyang Ke was very scared, scolded: “Boy, I can warn you! I am from the Ouyang Family, you dare to kill me, Ouyang Family will not let go It’s yours!”

“Ouyang Family?” Yang Chen frowned, indifferently said: “It just so happens, I didn’t plan to release Ouyang Family, but the sorry thing is that you might have to leave before your father One step.”

Yang Chen said, suddenly raised his hand and patted Ouyang Ke directly.

This palm is enough to take Ouyang Ke into pieces!


Just as the palm of my hand was about to take a picture of Ouyang Ke, I could only hear from the house, and suddenly there was a cold scream: “Ignorant child Now, let’s play Ouyang Young Master soon? Otherwise, the old man will definitely kill you!”

next moment, I saw an old voice suddenly flew out of the house and pounced towards Yang Chen Coming over, the vigorous spirit strength shook the air and the air was all chi chi.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ke was overjoyed and said with a smile: “Master Liu! It’s Master Liu! Boy, you have played, Master Liu is the powerhouse of Great Martial Master Peak, far from Martial Sect. It’s only a tiny bit away! If you don’t want to be killed by Master Liu, you can quickly kill me…”

Before Ouyang Ke finished speaking, the whole person was suddenly stupid.

I saw that the originally aggressive Liu Shi suddenly exploded with a bang. He didn’t even touch Yang Chen’s body. At a distance of more than ten meters from Yang Chen, he did it out of thin air. Exploded.

Turned into a pile of minced meat, pa ta pa ta fell to the ground.

“Martial Sect? Yier!”

Yang Chen slightly smiled, directly raised his hand and smashed the Ouyang Ke in front of him.

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