“Mother, who is this Uncle?” At this moment, Bao’er suddenly said something gruffly, extend the hand pointed at Yang Chen, and said.

Yang Chen was suddenly a little confused by her finger.

“Bo’er, this is Yang Chen Uncle, a good friend of my mother.” Ling Yuyao touched Bao’er’s head, her eyes showed kindly, although her face was cold, it still made people feel Arrived gentle.

“Squad leader…”

Yang Chen couldn’t help but ask: “This kid is?”

“I will talk to you later.” Ling Yuyao faintly replied, then patted Bo’er’s head and said: “Boer, go and play by yourself, pay attention to safety.”


Bao He was nodded hard, and then eagerly ran away like a butterfly.

After the other party left, Yang Chen said: “Squad leader, when did you get married? Why don’t I know? You have children?”

Yang Chen’s heart suddenly Somewhat sour.

Ling Yuyao’s mouth raised slightly, said with a smile: “Why, do I need to tell you when I am married? You are not me who, I have child none of your business?”


Yang Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he was a little bit disappointed, and said: “Well, congratulations, monitor, you are a mother.”


Hearing Yang Chen’s words, Ling Yuyao couldn’t help but laughed and said: “Okay, don’t tease you, this child is not mine, I am outside The kid picked up.”

“The kid picked up?”

Yang Chen frowned, although he was a little confused, he was still relaxed in his heart.

“Well, the kid who picked it up.” Ling Yuyao was nodded, walking forward and recalling: “About a few months ago, I suddenly heard the cry of a little child on the edge of Guanghan Palace. So I sent someone down the mountain to search. I found Bo’er lying in a swaddle, crying from the cold, so I had to have her take her back to Guanghan Palace and kept raising her.”

“This child has always regarded me as her mother. In fact, I don’t know who her mother is.” Ling Yuyao sighed, with a little sorrow in her tone.

I don’t know which parent they are, they are so cruel that they lost their child.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Yang Chen nodded, did not say anything more.

At this moment, everyone has already passed through the great hall and came to the innermost part of the great hall. The two maids walked in and bowed respectfully to Ling Yuyao.

“The slave servant has seen the palace lord! I have seen all Elders!”

“Get up.”

Ling Yuyao waved her hand, said in a tranquil voice: “Has the old palace owner rested now?”

“Back to Palace Lord Ling, the old palace owner just fell asleep. If the palace owner has something to do, the servant will go to inform the old palace owner.” The maid respectfully To say.

“No need.”

Ling Yuyao quickly said: “The old palace master is very old, you can let her rest well, we can just wait outside the door. Old palace After the Lord wakes up, you will come and inform me again!”


After hearing this, the two servant girls were nodded and they just retired.

“Yang Chen, sorry, the old palace lord is resting, let’s wait here for a while.” Ling Yuyao turned around and said apologetically.

Yang Chen didn’t say much, he just found a place and sat down silently. Ling Yuyao waved his hand and let everyone go down directly. In the entire great hall, only Yang Chen and Ling Yuyao were left.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

“What should I do? Why don’t you find something to talk about?” Ling Yuyao was a little nervous, her eyes glanced at Yang Chen secretly, only to find that this guy had closed his eyes and started cultivation directly .

“This guy!”

Finally, a male and a female together alone, in the same room, this guy doesn’t want to tease his sister, but he is in cultivation? Really good-for-nothing!

Ling Yuyao was a little angry and couldn’t help but raise the volume: “Yang Chen, what are you doing?”


Yang Chen eyes opened, laughed, and said: “I’m in cultivation, what’s wrong, monitor, what’s the matter with you?”


Ling Yuyao opened her mouth, unexpectedly There is nothing to refute.

“Squad leader, what’s the matter with you?” Yang Chen glanced at her curiously. What’s the matter with this girl, interrupting his cultivation, and don’t say what’s the matter?

“It’s okay, you cultivation!” Ling Yuyao said in a low, muffled voice, and then she hugged the Black Tortoise egg in her arms, whispered: “You dead wood, and you Speaking can be annoying, it’s better to talk to an egg!”

Yang Chen hearing this rolled the eyes.

Why is this girl angry again?

The woman’s mind is really a needle on the seabed, deep and unmeasurable……

Yang Chen bitterly laughed, shook his head, and said nothing more. Close his eyes and continue to enter the cultivation.

While in Yang Chen cultivation, Ling Yuyao did not stop, she continuously conveyed spirit strength into the egg, and used her energy to warm the Black Tortoise egg. In this way, the little Black Tortoise in the egg will be healthier, stronger, and born earlier.

“Little tortoise, you have to grow up quickly, and bite Yang Chen when you grow up!” Ling Yuyao hummed, and said lightly to the Black Tortoise egg, but what she said was unbearable Live blushed with shame.

Time is also waiting in this boring way.

Yang Chen and Ling Yuyao sat in the great hall for one night.

When Yang Chen cultivation was over, the old palace lord hadn’t woken up yet, Yang Chen turned her head, but found Ling Yuyao asleep holding the egg.

“This girl.”

Yang Chen let out a laugh, took out a piece of clothing from the storage bag and put it on for the other party, then turned around and continued to cultivated.

Until the hour of the morning on the 2nd day, after Ling Yuyao woke up, the old palace lord had not yet woke up. Even the guard and servant girl in the great hall have changed a few waves.

“What’s the matter, your old palace lord is not awake yet?” Yang Chen bitterly laughed.

“You have to be patient.” Ling Yuyao said: “The old palace master’s body is not as good as one day, and her time for rest is getting longer and longer, but looking at this hour, she should also wake up soon It’s over.”


Heard what Ling Yuyao said, Yang Chen nodded, and said nothing more.

Finally, another hour has passed.

I saw a servant girl walk over and respectfully said: “Palace Lord Ling, Young Master Yang, the old palace lord woke up, she let the two of them go in and see her.”

Hearing this, Yang Chen was relaxed and he only felt a little difficult. Seeing an old palace master is the same as Xitian taking the scriptures. It has gone through 81 difficulties.

“Yang Chen, let’s go in.” Ling Yuyao said softly: “Remember, don’t say extra words when you go in, everything is fine with me.”

“Okay Of.”

Yang Chen nodded.

Under the leadership of the servant girl, the two walked all the way to the depths of the great hall, and soon entered the door of the old palace lord.

“Old palace lord, Yaoyao is here to see you.” Ling Yuyao saluted outside the door.

“Come in.”

As Ling Yuyao’s voice fell, an old voice came from the door.

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