In just two minutes, the palace lord of Qingyun Palace and the valley lord of Heaven Sound Valley died in front of everyone. The incomparably powerful Martial Saint, under that pure heart gun, seemed impossible to withstand a single blow.

Li Sect Master’s face was instantly ugly.

You can see that he is very frightened at this moment, and there is a deep fear in his eyes. Obviously, for this scene just now, Sect Master Lee was obviously scared.

“Sect Master, what shall we do?” Behind him, Yin-Yang Sect’s dísciple swallowed saliva and said, asked in a low voice.

Death is not terrifying.

The terrifying thing is, you know you will die, but you still want to die.


Li Sect Master gritted his teeth and finally spit out a word under the torment of his heart: “Run, run! This skeleton is too strong, We are not opponents!”

After Li Sect Master said this, the whole person turned around first and ran towards the outside. When the dísciples behind him saw this scene, they also reacted immediately, and fled outside without saying a word.


Li Sect Master is still too naive.

At the moment they just turned around, the Great Emperor Jingxin already raised the Jingxin gun in his hand, his right arm shook slightly, and then, the suction of a wild and tyrant suddenly disappeared. The Jingxin gun surged out.

Under this suction, the people of Yin-Yang Sect suddenly seemed to be pouring lead on their feet, and the unimaginable gravity made them impossible to move a single step.

“Jingxin Gun!”


Among the bones of Emperor Jingxin, there was a dull voice.

next moment, those Yin-Yang Sect people, including Master Li Sect, all of them burst with a “pu” and turned into blood mist in the sky. However, these blood mist not at all dissipated immediately, but gathered quickly, and finally turned into a blood glow, poured into the Jingxin Gun.


After absorbing these blood glow, the Jingxin gun trembled.

A strange red glow flashed across the tip of the gun, which looked very strange.

Up to this moment, all people except Emperor Mingchen have died under the hands of Emperor Jingxin. Even from beginning to end, Emperor Jingxin has not used any martial skills. . Just relying on the Jingxin gun in his hand, killed everyone.

“One of the Five Great Paragons back then… really terrifying!” Emperor Mingchen took a deep breath, and his eyes also revealed a thick look of dreading.

He can guarantee that if the Emperor Jingxin at the peak period, he is definitely not an opponent, and even, he is very likely to be killed by the Emperor Jingxin!

No wonder the opponent can become Five Great Paragons. This kind of strength is no longer comparable to that of an ordinary emperor.

“Lian Jingxinda Imperial Capital is so strong, the Stardust Emperor, who was the head of Five Great Paragons at the time, did not know how terrifying his at the peak period was.” Mingchen squinted. Squint.

Although it is somewhat dreaded for the strength of Emperor Jingxin, this makes Emperor Mingchen’s heart firmer and even more wanting to obtain the good fortune of Emperor Jingxin!

“Senior, how offended it is.”

The Emperor Mingchen hugged cup one fist in the other hand, and then looked towards the blood wolf guard behind him, and said: “You guys So, go out and wait for me. I want to fight with Senior. You all stay away to avoid hurting you by mistake!”


As soon as these words came out, several people in the Blood Wolf Guard took a cold breath, and immediately cheered.

God! This is another confrontation at Emperor Level!

The battle between powerhouses in the imperial realm has not appeared on the mainland for tens of thousands of years, right? The most recent one seemed to be the battle between Emperor Jingxin and Empress Hongchen?

If they can take a look at the battle of the powerhouse in the imperial realm, they will definitely benefit a lot!


For the sake of their own lives, they quickly dispelled this idea and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand to Emperor Mingchen. , Is to retreat respectfully.

I retreated to the edge of Damangshan, carefully watching the battle in the distance.




Until the blood wolf guard left, Emperor Mingchen Said: “There are so many people here, if you and I try our best, this Mangshan Mountain will be razed to the ground! So in order not to cause trouble, Senior, let’s change the place!”

Ming Chen The emperor said, waving his right hand lightly.

In an instant, I just felt that all around suddenly changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The original tomb was not there, but instead, it was a strange space. In this space, there are only endless mountains and rivers, no people, no trees, and barren land.

Some of them are just mountain ranges with ravines.

In this space, there seems to be only mountains!

Emperor Mingchen stood on the top of a mountain, looking at the bones of Emperor Jingxin.


The Great Emperor Jingxin turned his head, as if he was looking at this place, there seemed to be flames beating in the dark pupils. Finally, after the Great Emperor Jingxin discovered that this was not an ancient tomb, he jumped directly into the sky.


The Great Emperor Jingxin raised his spear at the sky and stabbed him suddenly!

ka ka kha…

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of cracking sound in this space, and there were cracks in the sky. Soon, it was the Great Emperor Jingxin. A black hole was poked out. Emperor Jingxin extended the hand, tearing this hole continuously, as if he wanted to open the passage connecting the ancient tomb.

“Want to run?”

The Great Emperor Mingchen is coldly snorted.

Raising his hand, he waved his sleeve robe at Emperor Jingxin.


The huge rock arm was condensed in an instant, and directly hit the emperor Jingxin in the sky. However, what surprised Emperor Mingchen was that this extremely hard rock giant hand, after beating Emperor Jingxin, broke apart, turned into countless broken stones, and fell to the ground.

The bones of Emperor Jingxin are still intact!

“How is it possible?”

The Great Emperor Mingchen browses slightly and is also a little moved.

The strength of this rock arm is terrifying. Even the Martial Saint powerhouse dare not touch it easily. Although the Great Emperor Jingxin is an imperial powerhouse, there is only one skeleton left now…

“Is it?”

The Emperor Mingchen squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking of something.

“The Stardust Emperor once said that the pure-hearted Dual Cultivation has already set foot on the top of the world…Yes, since he is a wild cultivator, his bones are naturally extremely powerful!”

Thinking of this, Emperor Mingchen was coldly snorted, his figure moved slightly, and he flew directly towards Emperor Jingxin. His speed is very fast, like a flash of lightning, he came to the side of Emperor Jingxin almost instantly.


At this moment, I saw the Great Emperor Jingxin who had not spoken, suddenly turned his head, and the dark pupils and Emperor Mingchen looked at each other for an instant.

“Get off.”


The whole space seemed to shake, and Emperor Mingchen’s body flew out directly . He seemed to be hit by a blast of air, and countless holes were broken out of his body. The blood dyed reddened his clothes, looking very embarrassed.

In addition to Emperor Mingchen, the surrounding mountains and rivers also shook violently during this brief moment. The boom~ boom~ of the earth shattered into countless stones, and the dust rushed into the sky. Rise.

ka ka kha……

Together with the surrounding world, it is also trembling in this brief moment, countless cracks crawling all around, cracking like a spider web.

next moment, just listen to the sound of “peng”, the entire space collapses instantly.

It’s just because I can’t bear the power of a word of Emperor Jingxin.

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