Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 1116: Understand or pretend not to understand

After that, Xiao Chengjin looked at Su Aimin again, "Grandpa, give me Guoguo!"

Su Aimin agreed with a smile, and put Guoguo into Xiao Chengjin's arms.

Xiao Chengjin often held two children alone, and they held them very securely, so there was nothing to worry about.

Chen Apo and Su Aimin were also happy that their family of five wanted to get along alone. They watched them go to the backyard. After a while, they also got up and went to the backyard.

The backyard is planted with various fruits and vegetables. It looks more lively than the front yard. The three children like it even more, and they don’t have enough eyes.

There are advantages and disadvantages.

At this time, places with many plants have the most mosquitoes.

Although Su Ruan Ruan used an important mosquito-proof sachet and put it on the three little guys, he was still extra careful and didn't dare to hold them too much.

After just playing for a while, I went to the kitchen door to stand again, and was driven to the front yard by Chen Apo and Qian Aiju.

At this time, the last ray of afterglow of the sun has disappeared. The sky is dark and the light is on in the room, but the light is It is no problem to play with the children.

Su Ruanruan looked at the three children sitting together and sighed, "It would be nice if the three of them could walk."

Being able to run around is much more fun than lying or sitting.

Without waiting for what Xiao Chengjin said, Su Ruanruan added, "If you can speak, it would be better."

The three little guys now have this kind of tone.

Aunt Chen and Qian Aiju said that neither she nor Xiao Chengjin would say the first word until seven or eight months.

Counting this up, you have to wait another three or four months!

Just thinking about it, Su Ruanruan felt that there was still a long time left.

Xiao Chengjin was a little amused, "What are you doing in such a hurry? The child will always grow up, and will get bigger and bigger day by day, but when he was young, he was really gone after he passed.

Just now I was still thinking about what the child would look like when he grew up. After hearing Xiao Chengjin's words, Su Ruanruan froze for a while, then suddenly sat upright, "Yes! Cheng Jin! Waiting for your next rest," Let's take pictures!"

The last time I took pictures of the children was when they were three hundred days old.

The children were gone when they were young, but they had no memory.

If you want to record it, you can only take pictures with an adult's brain.

Xiao Chengjin also felt that this proposal was good, and immediately agreed.

"It just so happens to let parents go with them."

Su Ruan nodded softly, "It's best to shoot once a month from now on."


It’s not expensive to take pictures, let alone take one every month, it’s okay to take one picture a week!

At night, when the children were asleep, Xiao Chengjin talked about Zheng Xiu with Su Ruanruan.

"People checked it and said that after Zheng Xiu took Zhao Hongyun back, he took Zhao Hongyun a bath, changed clothes, and cut his hair. They were neatly cleaned. As long as Zhao Hongyun is not going crazy, he looks almost like a normal person."

Su Ruan raised his eyebrows, "So good? Then why didn't Zheng Xiu do this when Wang Liang was still alive?"

Shouldn't Zheng Xiu do this even more when Wang Liang was still there? I can still brush up on my good feelings in front of Wang Liang.

Now that Wang Liang is dead, who should Zheng Xiu do this for?

Xiao Chengjin nodded Su Ruansoft's forehead, "You! I understand or pretend I don't understand!"

(2nd more)

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