It's okay if you don't pass the exam.

Zhou Lanping comforted Liu Liang, We won't be able to get into high school in the future. Mom will accompany you to open a small restaurant. With our beautiful craftsmanship, we are afraid that we won't be able to make money, regardless of occupation. As long as we can make money, we can Just feed yourself.


Liu Liang didn't object, she really wanted to open a small restaurant, but she wanted to do something else.

After picking up some things, Liu Liang walked to the school. When she got to the class, most of the people in the class came over, and she was one of the later ones.

Liu Liang is here!

Liu Lele waved to Liu Liang vigorously.

Liu Liang walked over and sat down beside her.

Liu Liang, let me tell you, all of my papers have been written in one copy, but some of them are not good. I have found them all. When the time comes, you can tell me about them.

Liu Lele raised her head proudly. Fortunately, she resisted the temptations from the outside world. She always had the same routine as before. When she got up at six o'clock, she found a place for herself to run for half an hour, and then came back to endorse, When it comes to making papers, she doesn't have a day when she's slack, and she doesn't have a day when she's just playing.

Liu Liang said that self-discipline is difficult to develop, and sometimes a habit of several years is destroyed because of a day's change.

And she didn't want to ruin her work and rest for the past few months, because she knew that this was a good habit that she finally cultivated.

So she has always insisted, and of course she is doing the papers every day, otherwise, she would face Liu Liang facelessly now.

This is for you. Liu Liang gave Liu Lele what she was holding, of course, she was kind.

Can I not?

Liu Lele knew what Liu Liang gave her? Liu Liang would never give her anything else, she would only give her books and papers, she could guarantee that these were papers.

look by youself.

Liu Liang doesn't like to force others. Whether she listens to good words or does what she can do is entirely up to herself. Dog meat is destined to be unable to help her. Whether Liu Lele wants to do dog meat or something else is up to her own decision.

Liu Lele took the thing over, and when he squeezed it, it turned out to be the paper.

That's enough time for you to pass the winter vacation.

Liu Liang's next sentence can really make Liu Lele vomit blood.

Who uses paperwork to pass the time?

What about you? Liu Lele flattened his mouth.

I want to do something else.

Liu Liang has a picture of you being stupid.

Why don't you make papers?

Liu Lele felt very unfair. She didn't have a good time this winter vacation, and Liu Liang didn't even think about it, let alone Liu Liang made her have a bad time.

I'm done at school.

Liu Liang hugged her chest, if you can keep up with my speed, then you can do other things during the winter vacation.

Liu Lele ...

These words were so good that she was speechless.

And she really didn't know why she was so obedient. She wanted to protest once, but she was obedient every time. She thought that she must have been abused by Liu Liang.

Just when she was still staring at the same pile of new papers, their head teacher, Teacher Qi, walked in. Teacher Qi, who has always been a bit lackluster, even smiled today, even walking like a It was windy.

Is this the last one in the exam, or is Mr. Wu being stimulated stupidly?

Many students touched their arms, and they always felt a little hairy in their hearts.

Teacher Qi walked to the podium and cleared his throat first.

Students, your grades have come down.

This is all about a bunch of students. It's inexplicable. When did Teacher Qi start to take the usual path? Didn't they always send their transcripts to them, why do they still need the leader to speak?

Teacher Qi cleared his throat again, This time our class's grades are very stable.

The word steady is what makes the students of Class 6 feel very cold in their hearts.

Their class has always been counted down, not only the grades of the whole class are counted down, but even the grades of each of them, even if it is the first or second place in their class, they may be ranked 30th in the whole grade. Forty, if the exam is worse, it may be after the fifty.

Their class has stabilized their grades, isn't this a bad test?

But why did Teacher Qi himself laugh so happily, wouldn't it be really stimulated convulsions?

Teacher Qi held the report card with both hands, and she could see the trembling of her hands.

She glanced around at the classmates below, and her last gaze stopped on Liu Liang's body. That feeling was like a kind old mother.

Although the grades of our class are higher than other classes, but this time our class has a first grade and a tenth grade.

Teacher Wu said happily, this is the most beautiful time she has been the head teacher for so many years. When the school general meeting was held, the principal announced the results. When the first place in the whole grade was in her class, she seemed to be I could hear other teachers' jaws dropping, and that voice was as beautiful as it could be.

Especially their constipation-like expressions, but they still had to say congratulations to her, her heart was really happy.

No. 1 in the whole grade, even if this is the last one in the ranking, so what if there is a No. 1 in the whole grade, she will have the bonus, not to mention, the tenth grade is also in her class, and there are other grades The first twenty-four, thirty-five, and now I can finally have a good year.

The students below screamed like a frying pan.

They were the first in their class, but who was the first in their class, it was Xie Xiaoli, the representative of the English class, or Xu Jiang, the class leader.

They are the first and second place in the class. Did they take any elixir this time? How could they be the first in the year?

When the class leader saw his classmates, he looked at him quickly, and he lowered his head. He could guarantee that the first person in the test grade would definitely not be him.

This time, it was obvious that the math questions were difficult. He failed to answer three questions correctly, and they were all large-scale questions. His English was just average. It can't be him.

Could it be her?

Xu Jiang's eyes couldn't help looking at Xie Xiaoli, the representative of the English class. Is she the first in the grade this time?

But it's not likely. Xie Xiaoli is good in other classes, but she is very poor in math. He also heard that after taking the math exam, Xie Xiaoli told people that she couldn't do many math problems, and she didn't know if she could pass the exam. ?

Is this the truth, or is she pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger.

The English class Xie Xiaoli raised her head high, as if she was the first in the grade. She knew that she played very well this time, because she got a lot of questions right, but she didn't expect it. I actually got the first place in the grade.

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