In this mission, everyone will be detained for 72 hours.

Even if they win first place in all the rounds of the game, they will not be able to get out of prison before dark.

Naro looked at the contents of the mission card and after reading it carefully, he knew what the game was and the final punishment.

They are now imprisoned on the fifth floor.

During the one hour of solitary confinement, they will try their best to find the answer to crack the combination lock in the cell.

Then they will use this time to escape from prison.

The camera in the room also displayed the contents of the card in Naro's hand to his live broadcast room.

【Wow, it's a prison break. Nai Xiaoluo, take off your shirt quickly and show me your map.】

【Oh, I want to watch it too, I'll pay to watch it! 】

In the other cells, except for Wen Ze, everyone else found the prison escape mission card.

Of course, the top three people received special help props after returning to their own cells.

Wu Ling and Yue Ming had already received their own props.

Nai Luo, Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya naturally had nothing.

As for Wen Ze, his fans were already beating him up in his live broadcast room.

【Wen Ze, you are such an idiot, you actually can go to sleep, I am really impressed!】

【Others are starting to jailbreak, are you a pig, Wen Ze!】......

Naro glanced at the cell door. Actually, he wanted to open the lock, so he didn't need to bother.

But now he was live streaming, so he still had to pretend. He carefully looked through the few books on the desk.

After looking through them and finding nothing else, he studied the desk carefully.

When he opened the middle drawer, there were 9 coins and a note inside.

The note read: Arrange the 9 coins in 3 columns and 4 rows, and you will get a......

There is no more at the end, it was crossed out with a black pen!


Naro looked at this speechlessly and glanced at the camera.

He didn't ask about this for now, but continued to look for other clues.

On the desk, there was a magazine among several books. Naro flipped through it casually and put it back to its original place.

When he walked to the bed, he looked at the big ice cube in a red bucket next to the bed.

After reading it, Naro shook his head helplessly, and then poured out the ice cube.

In the middle of the ice cube was a ball of paper.

It was obvious that he was asked to break the ice cube and take out the information inside.

There was no tool in this room.

The fastest way he could think of was of course to break it violently.

But soon he heard a crisp sound of thieves.

And that was obviously someone violently throwing ice cubes.

Naro raised his eyebrows slightly, and just when he was about to follow suit, a whistle was heard in the corridor outside.

Less than a minute later, four guards in prison guard uniforms walked towards the sound.

Naro witnessed all this, then put down the ice cube and walked towards the cell door.

"Who told you to make noise? Your sentence will be extended by two hours. If you dare to make noise again, you will be put in solitary confinement later!"

The voice of the black-clad prison guard had just finished speaking when a fierce and fierce voice of a queen was heard.

"How could I make a noise? Which eye did you see it with?"

After being scolded, the black-clad prison guard's voice was obviously not as majestic as before, but he still pretended to be calm and responded

"I heard it!"

Then the fierce voice came again, followed by the loud sound of ice cubes falling.

"Just now, the ice cube came out and fell to the ground by itself. What does it have to do with me?"

"This is what I dropped. Listen to it now and it sounds the same as before!"

"You deliberately framed me and increased my sentence. Is there any justice in this world?"

"I think you are deliberately making things difficult for me. I want to file a complaint against you!"

The fierce voice said, and then he picked up the ice and threw it violently.

After hearing this, Naro's mouth twitched slightly, and he cast a pitying look at the prison guard not far away.

Who else could do such a thing except Ling Qiyue.

The prison guards were stunned by her.

Ling Qiyue's eyes were now fierce, and she looked like she was wronged.

The prison guard looked at her, and finally had no choice but to warn her not to make noise, otherwise she would be taken away and put in solitary confinement immediately.

Upon hearing this threat, Ling Qiyue pouted in dissatisfaction.

"I already told you it wasn't me. I wanted to sleep. Why are you still putting such a big block of ice here? Do you want to freeze me to death?"

"You are bullying me, do you still have human rights?

Ling Qiyue said angrily, and then she put the ice cube that was about to break open on the desk, and then turned and left.

But soon the ice cube fell down again.

The prison guards:"......!!!"

Ling Qiyue was"startled" and jumped forward.

When she turned around and looked at the ice cube that was about to be opened, she immediately pointed at it and shouted fiercely at the prison guards.

"You all saw it!"

"I told you it fell down on its own because it didn't obey."

"This has nothing to do with me!"

"Now you see, stop slandering me."

"I committed a crime of beauty, not a crime of violence!"

"If you dare to frame me again, I will sue you for defamation!"

The guards' faces turned black.

【Haha, yes, our July committed a crime of beauty, not a crime of violence!】

【Ice cube: You dare put me in the middle of the desk, deliberately put me in the corner, you just want me to be crushed to pieces! 】

After the prison guard was angry and left, Ling Qiyue blinked her cute eyes and walked towards the ice cube. There was only a little left, she picked it up and walked to the corner of the desk and began to quietly remove it from her bag.

After two minutes, she took out the paper ball inside, and on it was the second number 7 of her cell door combination lock.

Because of Ling���The prison guards warned each cell one by one about Yue dropping the ice.

Wen Ze, who was woken up earlier, was still confused.

Wu Ling got a small sun, and she turned on the high temperature to warm the ice.

Yue Ming got a saw blade, and the noise outside almost made him break it.

As for Wen Ya, she gave up that clue and looked for other ones.

Wen Ze was warned by the prison guards, but he was still confused, and then he went back to sleep without asking any questions.


Naro returned to the room and searched carefully. Seeing that there were still twenty minutes left in solitary confinement, he decided to go out and take a look.

When he arrived at the door of the cell, Naro glanced outside and found that there was no prison guard. After taking a closer look at the combination lock, he covered it with his sleeve.

Naro looked outside, but his hands were moving, and he did this for a while.

After the combination lock was opened, he calmly put the lock into his pocket.

This scene made the netizens who saw it think that he had really cracked the code.

Although the ice was not broken, there was only one number missing, so he could just guess.

However, just as Naro carefully left the cell and was about to walk towards the stairs not far away, a voice came over.


"Nai Xiaoluo, you solved it.~"

"Come and help your sister~"

Seeing a beautiful little paw sticking out of the cell door and waving at him.

Naro felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in his heart, but he also whispered back

"The password cannot be the same.

Seeing Nailo was about to leave, Ling Qiyue immediately shouted again.

"Nai Xiaoluo, it's different then it's different"

"Come over here and chat with your sister for five cents.~"

"My sister has money in her pocket!"


Naro pretended not to hear anything with a frown on his face.

But he had just taken two steps when he heard the door open.

When he looked back, a certain unscrupulous movie queen was looking at him with a brilliant smile on her face.

"Hum hum~"

"I didn’t expect that my sister also cracked it~"

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