Nai Luo's face turned black.

He never thought that Ling Qiyue would tear his clothes.

When he felt Ling Qiyue's fixed gaze, Nai Luo's face turned even darker.

When he raised his hand to tighten his clothes, Ling Qiyue came back to his senses.

But the tips of her ears had already turned red, and now she felt her mouth was a little dry and wanted to drink water.

But looking at Nai Xiaoluo's black face, Ling Qiyue instantly exerted her strength as a movie queen to the extreme.

She quickly calmed down her good mood, and then acted like a doctor sister, holding the ointment for treating external injuries and bruises, and just ripped Nai Xiaoluo's clothes off again.

"Sister will apply the medicine for you, sit still and don't move."

When Ling Qiyue's slightly cool little hand touched Naluo's shoulder, they both shuddered at the same time.

Then they were stunned for a second.

In the end, Naluo turned his head to the side and stopped looking.

Ling Qiyue's little paws were a little excited, but she quickly suppressed it.

So she put some ointment on the tip of her index finger and gently rubbed it on Naluo's shoulder.

But when she looked at the claw mark on Naluo's shoulder that was almost disappearing, her expression was still solemn.

One finger, two fingers, and finally the whole right hand.

After applying it three times, when Naluo looked back at her, Ling Qiyue still said with a solemn expression

"Nai Xiaoluo, does your shoulder hurt? Are there any other places scratched by that mad dog?"

Nai Luo looked at Ling Qiyue and said


Nailuo was about to get up and leave, but he was stopped by Ling Qiyue again.

"Nai Xiaoluo, sister thinks there should be!"

"Let your sister check it out!"

Looking at the solemn expression of a certain unscrupulous movie queen, Naro's eyelids twitched.

"No, there is one place, I am leaving now."

Seeing Nai Xiaoluo was about to leave, he wrapped her beautiful body tightly, her shirt was broken, and he just put on his coat.

""Thank you."

Just as Ling Qiyue was about to stand up, Nailuo's voice of thanks came to her ears.

This made Ling Qiyue's eyes slightly curved, and she stopped trying to pull him.

""That's what a sister should do~"

Ling Qiyue looked at Naluo with a slight smile on her lips.

Naluo looked back at her, nodded slightly and walked out.

After Naluo left, Ling Qiyue desperately fanned her cheeks with her little hands.

A blush rose visibly on her face.

At this time, another thought popped up in her mind:"Nai Xiaoluo, you are not little anymore."

When Xiaoke walked in with resentment, Ling Qiyue quickly turned her little butt towards her, not letting her see her blushing face.


Director Ai went to Ling Qiyue in the evening to deal with this incident. Only after giving Nailuo more scenes and a higher ranking did she stop complaining.

Of course, the higher ranking also means a lot more pay.

Some actors would be willing to get more scenes and a higher ranking even if they don't get paid more.

But this time, Director Ai didn't just want to appease Nailuo, but also Ling Qiyue who was standing behind him.

Chen Chong's scenes were cut a lot, so her ranking naturally dropped.

As for Chen Chong, Director Ai would ask the assistant director to talk to him later. As for the investors behind him, he couldn't ask so many questions now.

After all, this incident was caused by Chen Chong. If Ling Qiyue was unhappy because of this, he would lose more.

Ling Qiyue was a living traffic indicator. Together with Kuang Tianhua and the other two, he believed that as long as the filming of this movie went smoothly, the box office would be guaranteed. There were enough worries today. Director Ai fell asleep after drinking a little wine in the evening.

As for the matters with the investors and Chen Chong, the assistant director would talk to them.

Chen Chong, who learned about the situation from the assistant director that night, was even more furious.

He had paid a lot to get the role in this play.

First, he used his connections to send several attractive outsiders to the bedside of the investor, and even he himself went to accompany a fat woman who was a subordinate of the investor.

It was because of the recommendation of the fat woman and the beauty he sent that he got the third male lead in this play.

Although he was only the third male lead, in the play of two old movie kings and Ling Qiyue, a new generation of movie queen, when the movie is released, it will definitely be a hit, and then his popularity will also rise.

But now, all his efforts have been destroyed by Naluo.

When he received a call from the investor behind him, he scolded him and told him to be honest in the crew.

If it was someone else, the investor behind him would definitely be tough, but when he heard that it was Ling Qiyue, the investor also backed off.

The investor was afraid of Ling Qiyue, but he was more afraid of Chen Shuang standing behind Ling Qiyue.

The other party hung up the phone, and Chen Chong gritted his teeth and glanced at the door viciously.

He decided to take action against Nailuo.

Doesn't he have Ling Qiyue's protection? Let's see if she will protect you when the time comes.

Chen Chong looked at his assistant sinisterly, then picked up the phone and began to deploy.


On the second day of filming, Ling Qiyue was in a very good mood because Chen Chong was not in the crew.

Not only did she get more commission, but Nai Xiaoluo's role also increased, and the most important thing was that he could stay in the crew longer.

The cold east wind was still blowing, but Qiyue's heart was very warm.

Because Nai Luo had to add more scenes, Ruan Mingye pulled Nai Luo and the screenwriter to discuss it together.

Just like that, a pleasant day ended.

At night, when Nai Luo was about to rest and go to bed, there was a knock on the door outside.

When he walked over with a frown, he did not open the door directly.

The knock on the door outside did not stop, and it became more urgent later.

When the door opened, there was a girl dressed in a pure way standing outside.

The girl was obviously excited when she saw Nai Luo.

"Nailuo, I am your fan, can you sign an autograph for me and take a photo with me?"

The girl said, and then she looked at him with her beautiful eyes full of admiration.

Nailuo frowned, looked at the girl and said indifferently



The girl didn't expect to get such an answer.

The girl was obviously a little anxious at this time. She stretched out her legs to block the door. Her hands were not idle either. She opened her tightly wrapped coat.

She was wearing a sexy low-cut dress, revealing half of her white skin.

"Nailo, I am really your fan, can I come in and sit for a while?......"

Naro's eyes turned cold instantly, and he uttered a cold

""Get lost!"

The girl was frightened by Naro's eyes.

Her left foot was also kicked out by Naro.

The girl wanted to pounce on Naro, but Naro closed the door in disgust and came into close contact with the door.

The girl was hurt, but she still did not leave. Instead, she tidied her clothes and messed up her hair.

When she was done, she deliberately exposed her sexy clothes, looked at the corner and then walked away.

There was another person at the corner who took all of these photos.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, a piece of news was directly topped the hot search

#A young male artist named N who just debuted is looking for a girlfriend in the crew hotel#!

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