Ling Qiyue failed to pretend to be pitiful, but was teased by Nailuo in disguise.

Now she stopped pretending.

Seeing Nailuo was about to leave, Ling Qiyue pounced on her like a hungry tiger.

But Nailuo dodged nimbly.

After landing, Ling Qiyue's eyes instantly turned red.

She bit her lips tightly and almost cried out.

Nailuo looked at her red eyes and did not leave.

The two of them played the game of staring at each other.

In the end, Nailuo sighed, rolled his eyes at her, and turned around.

Seeing this, Ling Qiyue's nose moved upwards, her eyes curved slightly, and then she gently jumped onto Nailuo's back.

The netizens who saw this scene were silent again.

They now doubted what kind of variety show they were watching.

However, due to the high combat effectiveness of Ling Qiyue's fans, many netizens who were just watching the show could only eat the show silently and shake their heads, but the corners of their mouths raised the arc they had learned.

It's not that Ling Qiyue secretly imitated Wen Ya and pretended to fall down to deceive others.

Wen Ya looked back at Ling Qiyue who succeeded again, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

Yue Ming and others watched Nai Luo carry Ling Qiyue away again, and they stood in a row woodenly.

Yue Ming:"Dong Lin, I seem to remember Qiyue was in the same team with you, right?"

Dong Lin took a new paper cup and put it in his pocket. Hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he whispered

"Just treat me as a member of your own team!"

Dong Lin wanted to say: Do you think Ling Qiyue will let me carry him?

If he really said this, he would probably drag Naro into the water again, and then netizens would not know what to say. He would not drag Naro into the water.

Although he did not say it, netizens were not blind.

Ling Qiyue has been in the industry for many years, but he has never been close to any male artist, let alone any physical contact.

On the contrary, he was once involved in a scandal with a male artist with ulterior motives, and the result was that the male artist was completely banned, and their company was also hit hard.

Seeing that Naro and the other two had already walked to the middle and were about to reach the dangerous area, the few people here were not prepared to challenge them, and wanted to see how they would get through.

Dong Lin also took advantage of this gap and slipped away to challenge them.......

When they arrived at the dangerous area.

Ling Qiyue wanted to get down so as not to add burden to Naluo.

But before she could signal, Naluo jumped over with her on his back, and then landed steadily, and then took a quick step, and made another big jump, and landed steadily again.

Ling Qiyue was shocked by Naluo.

Looking at his handsome profile, Ling Qiyue's heart began to beat wildly.

Her eyes froze, and in an instant she became much gentler, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily raised a beautiful arc.

She was also determined to be Nai Xiaoluo's family in the future and protect this handsome brother.

But when she thought that she was bullying Nai Xiaoluo, Ling Qiyue blamed herself and scolded herself.

Then she gently hugged Nai Xiaoluo again.

When Naluo carried Ling Qiyue to the finish line, Yue Ming and others were dumbfounded.

Netizens were also dumbfounded.

【Nai Xiaoluo, isn’t he in pain?】

【Nai Xiaoluo is a real man!】

【Daming, you little dogs, can you please help me! Nai Xiaoluo has carried Qiyue on his back, why are you still looking at him! Ling Qiyue got off Nai Xiaoluo and went to look at his feet, wanting to rub them for him.

Nai Luo reluctantly took a step back.

"I don't feel any pain!"

Ling Qiyue looked at Nailuo for several seconds, then said"Oh" obediently.

Nailuo watched Wen Ya grit her teeth and jump over the dangerous area, then she relaxed for a while before jumping over again, and finally reached the finish line smoothly.

Wen Ya sat on the ground as soon as she came over, then smiled at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue's ears were slightly hot from Wen Ya's eyes, and finally she walked over and squatted down.

"Your feet hurt, let me rub them for you~"

Wen Ya smiled and grabbed Qi Yue's hand, but didn't let her rub it. The relationship between the two was very good, but she didn't want the fans of the two families to bring this up.

"It's okay, I just need to take a break. Naro is really amazing~"

Wen Ya praised Naro again, and Ling Qiyue's mouth corners raised proudly again, as if she was praising her.

This also made Wen Ya couldn't help but look at her and smile.


Dong Lin folded the paper cup and bit it in his mouth after he walked out.

No matter how painful it was, he had to bear it.

Naluo had carried Ling Qiyue through. If he didn't hurry through, who knew if he would be bullied by the small boss Ling Qiyue when he returned to the company.

Chen Shuang's big boss treated Ling Qiyue as a treasure and would definitely listen to her.

Thinking of this, Dong Lin's little universe also exploded, as if he had been injected with chicken blood. His face turned red with pain. The paper cup in his mouth was bitten to pieces by him. He just stood there in a daze and didn't make a sound.

Seeing Dong Lin's desperate posture, Yue Ming and others also began to get anxious.

Yue Ming also wanted to carry Tian Yuan like Naluo.

Wen Ze looked at Jiang Siqi, and the two of them finally moved forward slowly and silently.

Sister Wu Ling was yelling for Cheng Xin to hurry up.

As a result, the three teams were stuck again.

When the Yue Ming and Wu Ling teams came back with their heads and faces covered in grizzled hair to accept the punishment of the nutritional juice, they also saw Dong Lin throwing the paper cup that he had bitten into pieces and beyond recognition to them.

Seeing this, Yue Ming and Cheng Xin realized!

The Nailuo team was the first to pass again, and they received bonus points and door card keys.

After putting on their shoes, they went to the next floor.

When they reached the third floor, this level was a test of carefulness and agility.

It was a level full of ropes tied with bells.

They knew what this level was without the fox notifying them.

When they got here, Nailuo and Ling Qiyue watched it carefully together.

Soon after they finished watching, they both had a strategy for moving forward.

After watching, they looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes.

"Nai Xiaoluo, let me compete with you in this round to see who is faster!"

"If you win, I'll agree to one condition for you. If you lose, then I'll agree to one condition for you!"

Hearing this, Nailuo frowned unnaturally, mainly because the previous sentence made people easily have bad thoughts.

But looking at Ling Qiyue's eyes that were full of fighting spirit, he nodded.

Nailuo and Ling Qiyue turned around and said to Wen Ya and Dong Lin, asking them to see the route they were going and just follow them.

Wen Ya still trusted Nailuo. When she heard that he was going to lead the team, she also smiled and said

""Okay, I'll try to win this time too~"

Ling Qiyue's ears felt slightly hot again when she heard Wen Ya's obviously ambiguous words.

When netizens saw that Nailo and Ling Qiyue were finally going to compete, the comments started to spread quickly.

【Come on, come on, place your bets, I bet on July to win!】

【I bet on Xiao Luo to win!】

【I bet on Dong Lin to win......】

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