After everyone chose their meals, they ate in the lounge area outside the hall.

As a result, the boys sat at one table and the girls sat at another table, each eating the meals they bought.

After they finished eating, the fox on the wall jumped out again.

With this intelligent system, there is no need for the program team to send people to issue tasks.

Naro and his team are equipped with the latest technological products, and there is no need for a photographer to follow them in locations covered by surveillance, so they can follow them from all angles without blind spots.

"Oh, it's time for punishment. Wen Ze, Dong Lin, Cheng Xin, you three didn't complete the target this morning and you have to accept a small punishment!"

As the fox's voice sounded, everyone remembered that there was indeed such a punishment.

Wen Ze cast a resentful look at his sister Wen Ya again.

Wen Ya pretended to talk to Qi Yue, pretending not to see it.

The punishment is to choose one of three, pain, sourness, and bitterness!

It's exactly the same for each of the three people.

Wen Ze and the other two looked at each other.

Finally, Yue Ming stood up and asked the three to play rock-paper-scissors.

Very good, Cheng Xin won, and he clasped his fists towards the two of them, pretending to shake his head and said

"It's really a happy trouble. Then I'll choose sour."

Dong Lin won by luck. He looked at Wen Ze and said earnestly.

"Wen Ze, which one do you want to choose?"

Wen Ze frowned and looked at the remaining two items. He didn't want to choose any of them.

In the end, he said pain. After all, he didn't know what bitterness was. If he ate it, he would definitely not be able to eat a single bite.

Dong Lin nodded, and then said without hesitation

"I choose pain!"

Wen Ze:"......"

【Hahaha...Dong Lin, is it okay for you to bully Wen Ze like this? Wen Ya is still there!】

【Wen Ze has expressions everywhere, this look of stunned shock for ten thousand years, I can't take it anymore.】

But when the staff brought up the punishment, Dong Lin was dumbfounded, Wen Ze was also dumbfounded, and Cheng Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The staff brought a very bright red pepper, as the saying goes, spiciness is pain, and the pepper belongs to Dong Lin.

Bitterness is a cup of bitter melon juice, and sourness is double lemon juice.

Cheng Xin likes sour food so this punishment is not a big deal for him.

He was proud and clasped his fists and smiled at the two people with bitter faces.

But when Cheng Xin took a sip, his face was twisted by the double sour taste, but fortunately he held it back and finally raised his head to finish drinking it.

Wen Ze knew he couldn't avoid it, so he pinched his nose and drank it, and his whole face became even more bitter.

Dong Lin hesitated for a long time holding the pepper and finally bit it off and ate it quickly.

Then...He ran madly to find water to drink.

Looking at the three people, Wu Ling almost laughed madly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next part starts now!"

When the cartoon fox jumped out again and said this, the few people who were still laughing raised their eyebrows and looked over.

After all, no one knew what the next part would be.

Soon ten staff members came in, five men and five women.

And they walked towards the ten people respectively.

All ten people were blindfolded and led out.

Naro only felt that he walked a long way, changed to a new building, followed him to the elevator, and then was taken out.

When his blindfold was removed, there was a new scene in front of him.

There was only one door in front of him, and other places were marked with no entry, and the elevator stopped after he came up.

At this time, the fox's voice came again.

"Welcome to the new unit of"Crazy Journey"!"

"Next, you will be divided into five groups, two people per team"

"You need to pass the next level to get points, gems and keys to unlock the next level."

"If one team member does not want to clear this level, that team member needs to spend 3 point gems to exchange for the key. If two players do not want to clear this level, that team member needs to spend 6 point gems to exchange for the key."

"Except for the checkpoint level, other roads in this building are strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to more severe punishment."

"The last two people in the team will be severely punished. One of the punishments is to work at a funeral home tonight....Then just accept the reality!"

"The team that clears the level first will receive the grand prize, which is very rich and will be announced to everyone at the end!"



【What the hell did I hear?】

【Funeral home, damn, is it so exciting! 】

When netizens heard about the penalty for failing one of the options, they were shocked.

Jiang Siqi and Tian Yuan were both pale.

As for the male guests, Naluo had a calm expression, while Yue Ming said"Fuck you!"

Wen Ze's expression was not good either, and he silently moved towards Naluo.

Except for Naluo and Ling Qiyue, everyone else's expression became serious.

"Okay, let's move on to the grouping phase."

As soon as he heard about the grouping, Wen Ze stuck close to Naro, not wanting to leave at all.

【Prince Song and the young marquis make me feel so gay!】

【The two brothers teamed up again, what about the two sisters!

Everyone looked at each other, trying to find a suitable teammate quickly.

But then Wen Ze was dumbfounded.

"The girls' group and the boys' group draw balls numbered 1-5 separately, and those who draw the same number will form a team!"

"Now, everyone, start drawing your teammates."

Wen Ze was very reluctant to not be able to team up with Nailuo. When he looked at the other side, he just prayed that he would not draw Ling Qiyue and his sister Wen Ya.

At this time, Ling Qiyue and Jiang Siqi both looked at Nailuo. Wen Ya was next to Ling Qiyue. She smiled and looked over.

Nailuo's eyelids twitched, but he didn't see it.

【Oh, Jiang Siqi is looking at Nai Xiaoluo, that's Miss Mu looking at the young marquis, July is looking at Nai Xiaoluo because she wants to continue to team up with her brother, Wenya, what do you mean by looking at her with a smile?】

【The one above you can tell you didn't watch the last variety show, Wen Ya's new movie, Nai Xiaoluo is also her brother】

【To be honest, for the boys' group, I really want to see Qiyue and Nai Xiaoluo in the same group. 】

Yue Ming started to show off his muscles wrapped in clothes. At this time, two staff members came over, each holding a paper box, and inside were small balls with serial numbers.

"Everyone, take whatever you want."

The boys' group had no pressure at all.

Nailo was the last one to draw.

After watching the boys' group draw, Wu Ling directly asked Yue Ming what number he was.

Yue Ming raised his chin and replied

"Number 1, I'm number 1!"

After hearing this, Wu Ling looked at the girls and asked who would draw first.

The girls gave way to each other.

Finally, they decided to let Tian Yuan and Jiang Siqi, the two flying guests, draw first.

After they drew, Wu Ling saw Tian Yuan's number 1 and almost jumped up with excitement.

"Haha, luckily I didn't say anything just now!"

Yue Ming laughed and said after hearing this

"Then I have to thank you for not saying anything."

Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue were the last to take one.

Wu Ling from the girls' group took a number 4, and Cheng Xin also took a number 4.

Looking at Wu Ling, Cheng Xin walked over with a wry smile on his face. The two had a good relationship in private, and they also played around on the show and insulted each other.

Jiang Siqi took out a number 2 ball at this time, and Wen Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Jiang Siqi, as long as it wasn't those two people.

Wen Ze was really afraid of meeting the other two just now.

Jiang Siqi smiled when she saw that it was Wen Ze, after all, she was most familiar with Naluo and Wen Ze here.

And now there are only Naluo, Dong Lin, Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue left.

Dong Lin was praying there frantically. He didn't want to team up with Ling Qiyue, mainly because he was afraid!

When Dong Lin showed the number 5 ball in his hand first.

Wen Ya also smiled and looked at Ling Qiyue.

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