Wu Ling looked behind the curtains and saw no one.

Then he looked at the open window beside him.

He muttered to himself:

"I was wondering why the curtains moved, it turns out the window was not closed.~"

"Could it be that someone is really stupid enough to hide outside?"

When she stuck her head out and looked around, she didn't see anyone. She stretched her neck and looked down again, but still no one.

Just at this time, Ling Qiyue also walked in.

Wu Ling looked at her and shrugged and said

"There's no one here, how about you?"

【Shit, where did Nai Xiaoluo go? 】

The person who had just gone to Nai Luo's live studio came back and heard Wu Ling say this

【Sister He Ling, there is no one here, please do the opposite!】

【Nai Xiaoluo was bitten by a spider, and he is lying there! 】

In Nai Luo's live broadcast room, everyone was sweating as they watched his current posture.

They just saw that when Wu Ling approached, Nai Luo took advantage of the corner and the curtains to jump up in two steps, and even used the curtains to cover himself.

Wu Ling just opened a corner.���After looking inside and looking up, he found that the curtains above had hidden Naro. The curtains moved at first because of the wind, and Naro used this gap to hide himself.

He really wanted to slip out of the window, but he was afraid that this was a live broadcast, and it would be bad if he played too much.

When Ling Qiyue heard this, he nodded.

The two went to look for other rooms.

At this time, Naro also landed on the ground again quietly.

The hunters searched all five floors, but did not find Naro and Jiang Siqi.

This made the hunters frown.

Wu Ling hit the small air hammer and said

"These two little rabbits are really cunning!"

"Are you sure there is no one in the place you just searched?"

The one who asked this question was Yue Ming.

The two of them were obviously very familiar with each other.

Wu Ling was not happy when he heard this.

"Don't doubt me, an experienced hunter. Cheng Xin was discovered by me."

"If I say there is no, then there must be no. If there is anything to blame, then we can only blame these two rabbits for being too cunning!"

But her words quickly attracted the attention of the three people.

Obviously, they all knew the title of"Sister Wu Ling".

Ling Qiyue was very sure that there was no one in the place she checked, and Wen Ya was the same.

Wu Ling looked at the distrustful eyes of the three people and immediately became anxious.

"I've looked, but there's really nothing there!"

Ling Qiyue no longer bothered about these things, and quickly ran to the room that Wu Ling had just found.

She also came to the place where Wu Ling had stopped before.

When she opened the curtains, there was indeed no one inside.

But soon Ling Qiyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because she saw that the curtains on the top could still cover the top, and when she lifted them up and took a look, she also found some traces on them. Seeing this, Ling Qiyue was sure that it was Nai Xiaoluo who was hiding here just now.

But now there is no one inside.

"There's movement over there!"

"There must be someone there!"

Hearing the noise outside, Ling Qiyue ran out immediately.

But she stopped at the door of the room where Wen Ya and the others were.

Because she felt that Nai Xiaoluo would not be so stupid.

Sure enough, after Yue Ming and the others went in, they found that there was only fallen water and some small objects inside.

But when they came here, they didn't find anyone coming out, and when they came in, there was no one here. It was also at this time that Ling Qiyue ran out suddenly.

When she ran to the corridor, she saw a figure rushing down quickly.

""Nai Xiaoluo, stop right there!"

Ling Qiyue knew Nai Luo's figure too well.

Just now, she realized that Nai Xiaoluo would not be so stupid, so she stopped and ran outside.

Sure enough, this was all Nai Luo's trick.

Everyone in Nai Luo's live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

They watched Nai Luo slip down, and then took a bottle of water with the packaging torn off, and made a simple arrangement in the room.

Drill a small hole in the bottle cap, fix the bottle and tilt it downward, and the water slowly fell from the bottle cap to a device below, and waited until the weight was fully loaded. The piled up objects automatically fell to the ground, attracting the hunters to check.

And Nai Luo, who was hiding in another room, took advantage of the gap to slip away.

【Damn, I learned it!】

【I thought the hunters would use tricks, but I didn't expect the little rabbit to be even more cunning!】

【Haha, it's a pity that Qiyue didn't fall for it, Nai Luo, run quickly! 】

What Nai Luo didn't expect was that Ling Qiyue didn't think he would be so stupid as to make a noise, and ran out first.

He just happened to see his figure running down.

Ling Qiyue's shouting also made Wen Ya and the others run out in a hurry.

But when they came out, Nai Luo and Ling Qiyue had already run away.

Seeing Nai Luo going downstairs at a high speed, the netizens in his live broadcast room exploded again

【Holy shit, Nai Xiaoluo, are you a parkour player?!】

【I have to say, Nai Xiaoluo's action is really cool!

Ling Qiyue's eyes lit up as she watched Nai Luo running farther and farther away.

She also followed suit and quickly chased after him.

The chase between the two ignited the live broadcast room.

【This is not as good as Bo Ran!】

【Exciting! Speed and passion! Sanba said I'm getting stronger again!】

Nailuo frowned slightly when he heard Ling Qiyue chasing him from behind. He didn't stop when he reached the third floor. After all, this was where Jiang Siqi was hiding.

Nailuo ran directly to the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, Ling Qiyue also ran down.

Looking at Nai Xiaoluo who was still running away.

Ling Qiyue's eyes lit up, and she trembled and screamed in pain.

Her scream of pain also made Nailuo frown and stop.

"hiss...it hurts!"

""Nai Xiaoluo, my sister has sprained her ankle!"

Ling Qiyue frowned, her face full of pain, and she clutched her ankle tightly.

Seeing Nai Luo stop, the netizens in his live broadcast room were worried again.

【Nai Xiaoluo, run away, she is pretending, she learned it from Wen Ya!】

【It's over. Both brothers are stupid and fell for the hunter's trick!

Wen Ze and others who were caught sat in the hall on the first floor and watched the show.

Wen Ze looked at this similar scene and his mouth twitched. He wanted to remind Naro that it was fake, but he couldn't speak now. He could only look at Naro with pity.

"hiss...It hurts, Nai Xiaoluo, my sister's foot hurts so much!"

Ling Qiyue is indeed a movie queen. Her appearance and body movements at this moment almost made her fans mistakenly think that she really sprained her foot.

Seeing Nai Luo frowning and walking over, Ling Qiyue's heart was filled with joy.

【Alas, I am still too young after all!】

【Nai Xiaoluo, you are still young, what July said is absolutely true!】

【Is Nai Xiaoluo small? I have seen it, it is quite big!】

【Damn, upstairs, are you so dirty! Come, let me talk to you!

Seeing that Naro was about to enter his attack range, Ling Qiyue's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, ready to gather strength to pounce on his prey.

But the next second, Naro suddenly said softly

"Wen Ze said you are too bad at playing games!"

Ling Qiyue:"......!!!"

Ling Qiyue, who was pretending to be in pain, turned fierce in an instant after hearing this.

Then she looked fiercely at Wen Ze who was sitting not far away and resting!

And her body instantly jumped up, as if she was going to hit someone!

There was no softness or weakness in her agile and quick rise.

By the time Ling Qiyue reacted, Nailuo had already run away again.

He didn't forget to look back at her teasingly after running away.

This time Ling Qiyue was directly furious!


"Nai Xiaoluo, wait for your sister!"

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