The neon lights of the city echo with the bright stars, making the night even more beautiful.

In Tianshuiyuan Apartment.

Naro sat on the sofa helplessly and watched their first variety show with Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue was chewing the apple she bought for Naro. Ling

Qiyue came to eat again for dinner, but Naro saw her looking at his wine again and said directly.

If you want to drink, go back to her room opposite.

Ling Qiyue glanced at the wound at the corner of Naro's mouth and waved her hand to indicate that she didn't want to drink.

After dinner, the two watched the variety show together. When they saw the clip of Naro cooking, Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows and snorted.

"A caring neighbor.~"

"Since you are so enthusiastic, I will come and have meals with you during my vacation!"


Nailuo's eyelids twitched and he was about to roll his eyes.

Ling Qiyue immediately handed him the washed fruit.

"Hey~ a kind and caring neighbor~"

Naro took the washed fruit and took a big bite.���He was being cheated.

As for the show, Nailuo was in no mood to watch it.

He just wanted to keep Ling Qiyue away.

When the show was finally over, Nailuo glanced at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue took away another fruit she bought, then waved her other little paw and left.

Nailuo walked into the study, sat down at the computer desk, and typed on the keyboard.

When it was late at night, he stretched his body and walked to the bedroom.

As for the blood stains on his quilt that were rubbed off by Ling Qiyue, he had already changed and washed them.


On Sunday morning, Naro got up and started to exercise as usual.

When it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, Naro's phone rang.

When he opened the phone and looked at the number, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was this number that changed his previous life.

This call came much earlier than in his previous life.

Naro opened the phone directly, and soon a hypocritical question came from it.

"Hello, is this Nailuo?"

Hearing Chen Ping's voice, Nailuo narrowed his eyes and replied lightly.

""I am, who are you?"

Chen Ping on the other side winked at the family beside him when she heard that he was still using this mobile number.

They got this number from the hospital.

When Naluo left Yunhai City, he did not delete his phone information. What he wanted was naturally to wait for Chen Ping's call.

But now that he has signed a contract with Jiachen Company, and the variety show he participated in last time was in the form of a live broadcast, Naluo thought they were going to continue planning to find him a fake father, but he didn't expect them to call so soon.

Chen Ping saw Naluo on TV yesterday, so she called the hospital early in the morning and found Naluo's mobile phone number.

As for Chen Ping's daughter and son, they have watched the live broadcast, but they have never met Naluo before. They just know that there is such a person. As for what his name is, the two siblings don't care.

Chen Ping saw that Naluo is now an artist, and his mind became active.

As for when Chen Shuang sent someone to buy the old house back, it was not in Naluo's name, but it was later transferred again for him.

Of course, Chen Ping didn't know all this, just Just like when she asked someone to buy the old house.

When Chen Ping called the hospital, the nurse on duty at the workstation didn't believe it at first.

But after Chen Ping told the old man's name, they gave her the mobile phone number that Nailuo used before, but also told her that they didn't know whether Nailuo used this mobile phone number now. The nurse on duty knew Nailuo and told Chen Ping the news that the old man had passed away. Chen Ping was stunned for a moment, and then she began to cry hypocritically and said some words against her will.

When she got the phone number, Chen Ping immediately put away the false expression on her face. She didn't care about the death of the old man at all.

Nailuo's great uncle was also stunned when he heard the news of the old man's death, and then he rubbed his hands and started to call Nailuo.

Chen Ping was afraid that he would say something bad, so she pushed him away and called Nailuo herself.

Nailuo's great uncle sat on the side and listened, and there was a flash of eager waiting in his eyes.

When Nailuo answered the phone and replied that he was later, there was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the couple, but more of it was greed.

"Xiao Luo, I am your aunt!"

"Your uncle and I were planning to go back to Yunhai today to see you and the old man."

"I wanted to call to ask about the old man's condition, but he passed away......."

Nailuo stood by the bedroom window, listening to Chen Ping's fake sobs with a sneer.

This was the opening of the previous life, but it happened a year and a half later.

"Xiao Luo, I am your uncle......."

After Chen Ping finished crying and pretending to be sad, it was her uncle who followed her sigh and sentimentality.

Listening to the couple's performance, the coldness in Nailuo's eyes became stronger. It was a pity that the couple didn't become actors.

But when it comes to acting, Nailuo is not the same as he was in his previous life.

He also changed his tone and did not use the tone of his previous life, but replied lightly.

Chen Ping sobbed again, and then said

"Xiao Luo, you are all alone now. Auntie just told your uncle that we will take care of you from now on."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, there was no distress or sadness on her face. Instead, she kicked her husband and winked at him.

The uncle immediately understood and quickly said

"Yes, Xiao Luo, you will be my uncle from now on....Together with your aunt, I will take care of you."

The uncle forgot the tone of voice when he spoke at first, and almost revealed his flaws. Chen Ping kicked him, and he changed his sad accent.

Even if Nailuo was not in front of the two of them, he could guess what was going on on the other side.

But they were not like this in their previous life. In their previous life, they found the fake Lao Zhang and asked him for money.

In this life, they saw that he was an artist, so they wanted to take care of him.

���How to take care of him? It's the same as in the previous life, they want him to make money for them.

But Naro still can't figure out why they thought he was rich in the previous life?

This is the biggest doubt that bothers him.

Chen Ping on the opposite side started to cry again and wanted to take care of Naro.

Naro looked out the window with cold eyes and said in a calm tone

"No, I'm living well on my own now. I've been through all these years and I can take care of myself. Thank you for your kindness."

"Xiao Luo......"

Chen Ping on the other side was obviously a little anxious when she heard this reply. As soon as she shouted,

Nailuo heard the doorbell outside.

""Okay, I'll hang up first. I have something else to do."

Nailuo hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Nailuo turned around. He wanted to know whether Chen Ping and the others would continue their actions in the previous life and find the fake father.

He was really looking forward to meeting the fake plastic surgery old Zhang.

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