Ling Qiyue looked at the mark on her wrist, her beautiful eyes blinking again and again.

Then she looked straight at Nailuo.


Nailuo was now finally sure that Ling Qiyue was not acting.

She had really forgotten that it was what he had left behind last night, and that she had bitten the corner of his mouth.

Nailuo looked up speechlessly and rolled his eyes.

What did Ling Qiyue's eyes mean?

Did she think that he was plotting something bad against her, and then she beat him up!

""Nai Xiaoluo!"

Ling Qiyue's shout also made Naluo look at her again.

Just seeing her eyes and expression, Naluo wanted to curse and hit her.

Ling Qiyue looked at the mark on her wrist with a serious look, then shook her head and glanced at Naluo, and finally sighed.

After thinking for a moment, Ling Qiyue puffed her lips, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes. Then she said to Naluo in a serious tone of an elder.

"Nai Xiaoluo, you are still young!"

"Sister knows you......"

Ling Qiyue's sermon had not yet been completed when Nailuo gritted his teeth in anger and interrupted her.

""Ling Qiyue!"

Ling Qiyue was startled by Naluo's shout, and her beautiful eyes widened.

After all, this was the first time Naluo called her by her name.

Naluo didn't want Ling Qiyue to label him as a werewolf who was plotting against him.

It was she who bit his mouth, but when he thought that Ling Qiyue mistakenly thought that it was her who hit him, he would follow her wishes, which was much better than being told the truth.

Who knows if this girl will believe the truth? Naluo estimated that there was a 99% chance that she would not believe it, and she might even make another note in her little notebook.

Naluo, who had thought quickly, looked directly into Ling Qiyue's eyes and said word by word

"Who told you to finish the last of the wine last night? I told you to drink less, because the wine has a strong aftereffect."

"When I got you some water, you got drunk and broke the glass."

"As a result, you started to get drunk and broke the corner of my mouth. If I wasn't afraid that you would step on the broken wine glass, would I have grabbed your wrist? I didn't expect that you could use your other hand to break my side."

"Then he ran to my bedroom, occupied my bed, and locked the door."

"If you don't believe me, there are still pieces of the cup in the trash can next to it."

Naro said in one breath, and finally looked at her in a pretended angry manner.

Ling Qiyue:"......!!!"

After Ling Qiyue heard this, she was completely stunned.

After she sorted out Naluo's words, she raised her hand to scratch her long hair and rubbed her heavy head. Finally, the apology in her eyes deepened.

Ling Qiyue lowered her eyes, touched the mark on her wrist with her small hand, and then looked up at Naluo.

"Nai Xiaoluo, I'm sorry!"

Seeing that the matter was finally settled, Nai Luo also let out a sigh, then waved his hand and said

"Okay, let's just let it go. After all, I accidentally broke your mouth before."

"Just consider it as paying off the last time."

Ling Qiyue looked at the wounds on both sides of Nai Luo's mouth and nodded.

"Nai Xiaoluo, how about I help you apply the medicine?"

Nai Luo waved her hand.

"No, thanks to you, I can rest now. Sister Qing called me last night and asked me to go to the company today to arrange a variety show for me. Now it’s all right, I don’t have to go."

When Ling Qiyue heard about this, she immediately became nervous. She looked at Nailuo carefully, fearing that he would sell her out.

Nailuo naturally understood what she meant and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Don't worry, I didn't say you"

"I went to the company this morning and told Sister Qing that it was because I was angry. I didn't say anything about you."

Ling Qiyue patted her plump chest and cast a loyal look at him.

But soon her eyes turned red again, and then she raised her little paw and tapped it back and forth in pain.


Naro was confused by Ling Qiyue's little trick again.

If she knew that Ling Qiyue was upset because she lost a small amount of krypton gold because of her two"bang bang" punches last night, she would probably be even more speechless.

Ling Qiyue is not jealous at all about Naro being able to continue to rest. Instead, she is heartbroken. After all, she is also resting now, but she lost some small money because of this. It hurts to think about it.

Ling Qiyue: o(╥﹏╥)o!

Naro really couldn't understand Ling Qiyue, and he was too lazy to think about it, so he turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Ling Qiyue had just come out of the sadness of losing her krypton gold money, and she also looked at Naro.

"Nai Xiaoluo, are you going to cook?"

Nai Luo looked at Ling Qiyue's shining eyes and sighed helplessly.

"Go back to your room and wash up. When you are ready, just come over and knock on the door."

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue's eyes curved again. She really liked the food that Naluo cooked.

Ling Qiyue, whose mood improved instantly, also walked towards the entrance.

Watching her leave, Naluo let out a heavy breath again.


Ling Qiyue returned to her long-missed bedroom, then took her change of clothes and ran to wash up.

She was just rinsing her mouth and preparing to brush her teeth when she soon felt a faint smell of blood in her mouth.

Ling Qiyue was stunned again.

When she spit out the water in her mouth and looked in the mirror, she did not find any wounds.

When she licked her mouth again, the remaining blood had been spit out by her.

As for the rest, if Ling Qiyue woke up and looked at the quilt, she would find that most of the blood she wiped off with the back of her hand last night was left on it. Ling Qiyue frowned and checked her mouth, then took off her clothes again, and saw that there were only marks on her wrists, and nothing else.

She also shook her head, thinking that this was because she got angry after drinking. Instead, he believed Naluo's words more.

After all, there was no other mark on her body except for her wrists.

Ling Qiyue first reprimanded herself for hitting someone after drinking, and then expressed her apology to Naluo.

At the same time, she appreciated that he did not behave frivolously with a drunk woman.

But just as this thought of praise came out, Ling Qiyue's mouth bulged with dissatisfaction again.

"Am I not attractive?"

The national goddess Ling Qiyue, who was wondering if she was not attractive, looked fierce again.

Finally, she figured it out and snorted.

"Nai Xiaoluo is still young, he doesn't understand!"

If Nai Luo heard this at this moment, he would probably grit his teeth and have a headache again.

But Nai Luo's headache came soon.

At noon, Ling Qiyue took a shower and changed clothes and knocked on the door.

Nai Luo took a bite at the table, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

And a certain unscrupulous girl ate deliciously!

But this is not over yet. After eating, Nai Luo directly ignored Ling Qiyue who wanted to pull him to play games.

After sending her away.

As a result, near the evening, his door was knocked again.


"Nai Xiaoluo, sister brought you a fruit basket~"

When looking at Ling Qiyue standing outside the door and preparing to eat and drink,

Nai Luo's mouth hurt even more!

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