Ling Qiyue finished filming"Mo Shang Xuan" yesterday.

She spent the last day in Hengyue City last night. She slept until 10 o'clock this morning before getting up.

After that, she packed her luggage with Xiaoke and took the flight back.

Xiaoke had to go home for something, so Ling Qiyue let her go.

She originally wanted to go to the hotel to avoid Sister Qing, but in the end she thought about her own place, Tianshuiyuan.

She hadn't lived here for too long.

When she came back, she asked someone to clean up in the afternoon. She originally thought that she would wait for Xiaoke to come back and then run to another hotel with her to hide.

She wanted to lie down and never wanted to work. She originally wanted to go down to the car to get some things, but she didn't expect that when the elevator opened, she saw Nai Xiaoluo coming back with food.

This made Ling Qiyue, who was already very hungry and didn't want to eat takeout, immediately find her home.

Who told her to see that it was Nai Xiaoluo who cooked for her later, and he lied to her that he was a warm-hearted neighbor, and he still owed her a birthday present.

Ling Qiyue, who was now watching from Nai Xiaoluo's living room, was also attracted by the floral and fruity aroma of the apricot wine.

Hearing the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen, she covered the wine and ran to the kitchen again.

When she saw Nai Xiaoluo cooking, Ling Qiyue leaned against the kitchen door and hummed with her little mouth puffed.

"My kind neighbor made me dinner tonight.~"


Nailuo looked back at her helplessly.

Ling Qiyue looked at Nailuo's expression, raised her eyebrows and snorted.

"Since you are cooking for me, I won't blame you for hiding it."

Nailuo shook his head and smiled and continued to cook.

When the aroma of the food wafted in, Ling Qiyue's stomach also started to rumble.

"Nai Xiaoluo, do you cook for yourself every day?"

Nai Luo didn't look back, but nodded.

At school, he didn't know where to rest at noon, so he would return to the apartment after school every day, cook for himself, and then rest for a while before going back to school.

The two chatted in the kitchen.

Ling Qiyue could see that Nai Xiaoluo was stronger than she thought.

When the fourth dish was ready, Ling Qiyue came over to wash her hands and took the dish out.

Nai Luo took the bowls and chopsticks for both of them and walked out.

But when he just arrived at the dining table, he saw Ling Qiyue holding his wine.

Nai Luo looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Ling Qiyue licked the corner of his lips and carried the wine to the dining table.

"This wine smells so good. I just opened it and smelled it. I want you to drink some. You won't be stingy and not let me drink it, right?"

Nailuo had never seen Ling Qiyue drink, and he didn't know if she could drink it. He just looked at her.

Ling Qiyue understood what Nailuo meant, patted her plump chest, and said with a raised mouth.

""Sister is a heavy drinker, but she just doesn't drink outside!"

Ling Qiyue absolutely doesn't drink outside. Not only does Sister Qing control her, but even Chen Shuang does the same, forbidding her to drink outside.

Of course, Naluo doesn't know this.

Ling Qiyue was mainly seduced by the floral and fruity aroma of the wine and wanted to taste it.

In addition, she had seen the wine Naluo drank at the two wrap-up banquets, and knew that he had a good alcohol tolerance, so as his senior sister, she certainly didn't want to be inferior to her junior brother. She directly put on the style of a sister who could drink a lot.

Naluo looked at Ling Qiyue who was about to drink, and could only let her drink.

Naluo took two wine glasses and poured a glass for himself and her.

Ling Qiyue looked at it with shining eyes, and then watched Naluo pour her a full glass, and also gave him a beautiful look of appreciation.

Seeing Naluo Xiaoluo so considerate, Ling Qiyue also picked up the chopsticks and invited Naluo Xiaoluo to start eating.

When she took a bite of the food made by Naluo Xiaoluo, her eyes curved up comfortably again

"Nai Xiaoluo, I give you 100 points for this dish, you can be proud of it!"

""Yeah, this one too!"

Seeing Ling Qiyue's mouth full of food, Nailuo smiled.

After trying all four dishes, Ling Qiyue was very satisfied. She had been holding back from eating secretly since she served the dishes. After all, she still knew etiquette.

Ling Qiyue also picked up her wine glass.

"Nai Xiaoluo, let's have a drink. Thank you for cooking dinner for my sister."

Nai Luo picked up the glass and clinked it with Ling Qiyue's, then drank half a glass of wine.

Ling Qiyue took a sip at first, and the fruity fragrance and sweetness made her squint her eyes again.

"Nai Xiaoluo, what kind of wine is this? It's so soft and fragrant, and it has a hint of apricot blossoms.

Seeing that Ling Qiyue liked it, Nai Luo also replied softly.

"Apricot wine, a specialty wine from my hometown."

This wine is Grandpa Nailuo's favorite wine, and it is also his favorite wine.

Only the one produced in Nanyun County is the most authentic, and the others on the market are blended and counterfeited.

When she heard that it was a specialty wine from Nailuo's hometown, Ling Qiyue took another sip and savored it slowly.

Drinking the delicious hometown wine and eating delicious delicacies, Ling Qiyue was in a good mood.

After she finished a glass, she poured another glass for herself.

"This wine has a strong aftereffect, so drink less."

Nailuo kindly reminded her, but Ling Qiyue waved her pretty little paw.

"It's okay, sister can drink!"

Looking at Ling Qiyue who was eating happily with a sip of wine, Nailuo shook his head and smiled, and started eating with her.

During the meal, Ling Qiyue also talked about her later work in the crew.

Nailuo was listening opposite.

At the end, Ling Qiyue smiled triumphantly.

"Sister can finally have a holiday now."

Ling Qiyue, who was so proud, suddenly turned fierce when she looked at Nailuo.

"Nai Xiaoluo, you are not allowed to tell Sister Qing that my sister has moved back to live across the street!"

"want���If she knows about it and comes to force me to work, I will put the blame on you."

Nailuo looked at Ling Qiyue who turned into an unscrupulous girl in an instant and shook his head and smiled again.

"Okay, I won’t tell her. I’ll just pretend that I don’t know who my next-door neighbor is and that I’ve never seen her."

If Ling Qiyue hadn't come back here today, Naro really wouldn't have known that the person living opposite was Ling Qiyue.

Listening to Naro's words, Ling Qiyue gave him another knowing look.

After that, the two of them started eating and drinking again.

After Ling Qiyue finished the fourth cup, Naro stopped her from drinking anymore.

Ling Qiyue pouted her lips and didn't pour any more wine.

After that, the two of them ate some staple food.

Seeing Ling Qiyue choking, Naro hurriedly got up to pour her some water.

As a result, when he came back with the water, he found that Ling Qiyue was using wine as water to wash down the food that was choking in her mouth.

Naro shook his head helplessly and handed her the water.

After the two of them finished eating, Naro asked Ling Qiyue to sit for a while while he went to clean up.

Ling Qiyue just waved her hand.

When Naro went to wash the dishes, Ling Qiyue finished the glass of water, shook it, and there was only a little wine left before she put it back. She raised her eyebrows again, poured the rest of the wine and drank it all.


Ling Qiyue burped and walked to the sofa in the living room, then lay down directly.


When Nailuo packed up and returned again, he looked at the empty wine jar, then at Ling Qiyue's cup. He pressed his brows speechlessly.

But when he walked into the living room, he saw Ling Qiyue lying on the sofa.

Nailuo sighed helplessly.

"Are you okay? I told you that this wine has a strong aftereffect. You can still finish the rest."

Nailuo came over and wanted to check on Ling Qiyue.

But the next second, he sensed the danger and instinctively stepped back.

As soon as he stepped back, a fierce kick came over.

Nailuo frowned and looked at the person on the sofa.

At this time, Ling Qiyue's body also slowly sat up straight from the kicking action just now.

But her head was drooping.

"Teacher Ling?"

This is what Naro called Ling Qiyue.

His gentle call also made Ling Qiyue slowly raise her eyes.

But when Naro saw those cold eyes, his brows immediately frowned.

Ling Qiyue's eyes now made Naro instinctively sense the danger.

It was different from any time she had in the past. It could be said that she was strange and extremely dangerous.

Ling Qiyue raised her hand and gently lifted her scattered hair, and then her pair of cold starry eyes stared at Naro.

The gaze locked by the hunter also made Naro alert.

He really didn't know whether she was acting or drunk.

Soon Ling Qiyue told him the answer.

After Ling Qiyue locked onto Naro, her body bounced up quickly, followed by a set of fierce combination attacks.

Naro frowned and dodged to block.

He resolved Ling Qiyue's offensive one by one.

After the two came into contact, Naro was also���He was shocked by Qiyue's skills.

During the filming, he could see that she had skills, but after a contact, he realized that her skills were really amazing.

Naro called out"Teacher Ling" several times, but Ling Qiyue did not respond to him.

When he called out"Ling Qiyue", she stopped, but only for a moment, and then she attacked again.

Naro raised his leg to block her kick, and his right hand quickly reached out to grab Ling Qiyue's wrist, trying to force her to stop.

After the two of them got close, Ling Qiyue's cold eyes changed at this moment, and she finally spoke.

"Who are you?"


Naro's mouth twitched.

It turned out that he was really drunk and didn't recognize him.

Seeing Ling Qiyue stop moving, Naro also loosened his hand.

But soon he also saw a clear mark on Ling Qiyue's left wrist.

That was the mark left by Naro's instinctive effort, which also indirectly showed that Ling Qiyue's skin was very tender.

Naro looked at Ling Qiyue who was waiting for his answer, and could only say helplessly

"I am your junior brother. Have you drunk too much? You can't even recognize me."

Ling Qiyue frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Nailuo and nodded, then she walked to the sofa again.

"I'll get you a glass of water, go wash your face with cold water, I told you that the wine has a strong aftereffect, why did you drink so much."

When Naro came back with a glass of water, Ling Qiyue sat down on the sofa again.

But when he approached and handed the water to him, he never expected that Ling Qiyue would suddenly attack him and pull him to the sofa.

Naro's body was warned, but he still had the glass in his hand. He didn't expect Ling Qiyue to suddenly attack him while he was handing the water.

Now he was suppressed on the sofa by Ling Qiyue, and part of the water in the glass was directly spilled on him. He just wanted to lift the glass to fight back subconsciously, but he stopped in the end, but she hit him to the ground and broke it.

When he wanted to get up, Ling Qiyue held him down like they did when they were in the hospital.

Naro wanted to push her away, but when he saw the mark on her left wrist, he stopped again. He wanted to turn over, but Ling Qiyue hit his forehead with her elbow in a threatening way.

"What are you doing again?"

Nai Luo asked helplessly. If he hadn't known Ling Qiyue's character after spending so much time with her, he would have kicked her out if it was someone else.

"There's no drug in the water?"


Naro almost choked to death after hearing this.

Seeing Naro's expression, Ling Qiyue's eyes lost a trace of coldness.

Then Naro frowned and asked her to get up.

Ling Qiyue did not move, but looked around again and asked her how she got here.

Naro was not feeling well now, he had drunk so much that he forgot everything.

Then he told her everything that happened to them today, and reiterated twice that she was his senior sister.

After listening to this, Ling Qiyue looked at Naro, frowned slightly and said coldly

"I am your senior sister?"

"Then just call me senior sister!"


Naro's mouth twitched again.

As a result, Ling Qiyue's eyes turned cold again.

"You really lied to me!"

After saying that, Ling Qiyue hit Nailuo with her elbow again.

Nailuo gritted his teeth in anger, but he was afraid that if he kicked her down, he would be injured by the broken quilt. In the end, he could only look away and shouted

"Senior Sister!"

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Look at me and say, and call me sister!"


Naro's head really hurt at this moment.

But he still looked at her and shouted


The frost in Ling Qiyue's eyes faded a lot.

She also looked at Nailuo and asked

"Tell us about our acquaintance, and don't keep anything to yourself. If you tell me anything false, I'll beat you up!"

Looking at the cold and unscrupulous girl, Naro didn't know what she was doing, so he could only tell her about their acquaintance, of course, in this life.

But when he mentioned that he accidentally hit her mouth and made it bleed and swell, Ling Qiyue's eyes immediately became colder.

"You also hit me!"

"You even hit me in the mouth until it bled!"

Ling Qiyue said coldly, the coldness in her starry eyes was also a trace of anger as she looked straight at Naluo, pulling back her right hand and wanting to hit back.

Naluo looked at Ling Qiyue speechlessly as she was indeed bringing up the past, and also grabbed her right hand again.

Ling Qiyue was so angry that she wanted to hit with both hands, but was caught by Naluo and couldn't hit.

Finally, she looked at the corner of Naluo's lips, lowered her head and bit it.


Naro's eyes widened instantly!

He never thought that Ling Qiyue, who was stopped, would lower her head and bite him.

The corners of their lips touched, and Naro's first kiss was taken away by Ling Qiyue, who was drunk and bringing up old grudges.

But before he could ask, a stinging pain and a smell of blood came.

Naro knew that it was his mouth corner that was bitten by her!

This was not over yet. Ling Qiyue, who had bitten the corner of Naro's lips, bit his cheek again, and finally bit him twice, and then turned to bite the corner of his lips. When

Naro moved, Ling Qiyue bit even harder.

Over and over again, until the corner of Ling Qiyue's mouth was stained with Naro's blood, she stopped.

Ling Qiyue saw that her little revenge was taken, and then she stood up.

Naro watched her get up, and did not stop her.

Now both corners of his mouth were bitten by her.

Of course he could resist, but his brain was directly shut down at that time. When the pain came, he wanted to push her away, but he saw the meaning in her eyes.

Now the revenge in this little notebook has been crossed out.

I just don’t know if she will remember it after she wakes up. If she knows it after waking up, will she start writing it in the little notebook again? And what will happen if my boss Chen Shuang finds out?

Naluo twitched his lips and stopped thinking about it for now.

When he saw Ling Qiyue go straight to his bedroom to sleep, his eyelids began to twitch again. He was about to step forward when she turned around and glared at him.

Naluo patted his forehead and told her to do as she pleased.

When he heard the sound of the bedroom being locked, Naluo let out a sigh of relief.

Before he could clean up the living room, his phone rang again.

When he saw that it was Sister Qing calling, he walked to the balcony to answer it.

"Hey, Nailo, come to the company tomorrow weekend. I will arrange a variety show for you in two days."


Looking at his bitten lip reflected in the balcony window,

Naro fell silent!

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