After Wen Ya came back, she also noticed Ling Qiyue's little expression.

She couldn't help laughing again.

After everyone got up, Lu Lin prepared breakfast in the morning. After breakfast, the few people had no tasks, but sat together for a symposium.

Lu Lin and He Yun were absolutely very good at controlling the situation.

The two first talked to Ling Qiyue and others one by one, and talked about some things that netizens wanted to know most.

Later, the program group was completely determined to make trouble, and of course it was inevitable that they talked about the previous role controversy of"Mo Shang Xuan".

Lu Lin was unwilling to say these, and it was the program group that sent people to ask.

Hearing this, Lu Tao's face obviously darkened, and Na Luo just smiled lightly and was unwilling to say more.

On the contrary, Ling Qiyue and Wen Ze started to publicize it directly.

The two praised Na Luo's work in the crew over and over again, which made Lu Tao's face even uglier.

Wen Ya also said with a smile at this time

"Nairo is indeed very talented in this area and he works really hard."

"《In"Winter Snow Remains Warmth", Nailo also played my younger brother."

Lü Lin, He Yun, the program crew, and the netizens who got up early to wait were all shocked.

《The filming of"Winter Snow Remains" has been completed. They all knew about the drinking and beating incident, but they didn't mention it, and the film crew didn't say who would be the replacement.

Wen Ya's words immediately aroused the interest of the audience and netizens. Of course, these can be announced to the public at the suggestion of Director Zhou.

Wen Ya also praised Naro.

After listening to it, Lu Lin smiled and asked Naro :

"Nailuo, you are playing the younger brother of two actresses at once, how do you feel?"

As soon as Lu Lin finished asking, Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya looked at Nailuo at the same time.

Nailuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought for a moment before replying

"Feel...It’s good, but I’m dead!"



Nailuo's answer made He Yun burst into laughter on the spot.

She also waved and asked with a smile

"Which of these two sisters do you like?"

Nailuo's eyelids twitched. He felt that this was a fatal question. Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya looked at him.

Nailuo felt uncomfortable being looked at. He could only say helplessly.

"I like them all. Teacher Ling in"Mo Shang Xuan" is the kind of strict and loving teacher."

"《In"Winter Snow Remaining Warmth", Teacher Wen is the kind of gentle love"

"It is a kind of love that the elder sister has for her younger brother. The two elder sisters are willing to give everything for their younger brother. It is the purest family love.·"

"That kind of feeling cannot be compared, they are all respectable and lovely, and in the characters I play, they are all irreplaceable relatives."

Nailuo's answer also made Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya smile, and he was considered qualified.

Lu Lin and He Yun also smiled and said that they would definitely go to see it when it was released.

Nailuo also breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Wen Ze was also asked about his sister Wen Ya and Nailuo playing siblings.

Wen Ze smiled and talked about the casting that day. On the contrary, he also talked about how he could avoid playing his sister and brother.

When he said it, he deliberately glanced at his sister Wen Ya's expression.

These words and small actions made netizens laugh again.

And the majority of netizens are now looking forward to the new dramas of the two actresses.

Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue also said that they would like to cooperate if there is a chance, and they said it doesn't matter who will play the female lead. Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue have a really good relationship, and it is not the kind of hypocritical acting.

Ren Jingshu also said that she would like to work with the two actresses if there is a chance.

And the two of them smiled and said to see, without a positive response.

The morning was spent in conversation.

When it was noon, it was the last meal Lunch.

Lv Lin also started to prepare lunch for everyone again, and he also saw that Nailuo could cook, so he directly pulled him to join.

Nailuo couldn't refuse, so he had to help.

As a result, when Nailuo was cutting vegetables, the camera was pointed at him again.

Nailuo was just helping, and didn't try to grab the camera to show other things.

When he felt someone was looking at him, he also saw Ling Qiyue's scrutiny.

As lunch was over, everyone took photos together, and finally walked back to the starting point where they got off yesterday, got on yesterday's car, and the show was declared over.

Ling Qiyue packed her luggage and came down, and this time she didn't let Nailuo help her carry it.

It was her first time to participate in a variety show, and it felt very fresh and interesting.

There were six people when they came, and when they left, there were eight people including Lv Lin and He Yun. After leaving the courtyard, Lv Lin talked about the culture and beauty of this place.

Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya walked aside and listened and looked at this village where they had stayed for a day.

Just when Lv Lin was talking about it, a big white goose fluttered towards the few people again.

Netizens on the Internet were also shocked at this moment

【Damn, the first of the three bullies, the big white goose is here!】

【Damn it, Daba, don’t be so upset, retreat quickly, you can’t afford to offend the place you’re going to!】

【Is Baba here to avenge Erba? How can he not let it go?

After Erba attacked Ling Qiyue yesterday, netizens are now very calm, but a few of them are starting to worry.

And the big white goose, fortuitously, rushed towards Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya. Ling Qiyue was originally excited by what Lu Lin said, but when she heard the voice, she was also a little shocked, and then her eyes became fierce in an instant.

She threw down her suitcase, and when the big white goose attacked, she grabbed its neck with one hand, and then threw it violently. The whole set of actions was so cool. After throwing the big white goose, Ling Qiyue also clapped her hands and snorted. But when she looked back again, she was also dumbfounded. She threw the big white goose to Naluo, who was walking at the end with Wen Ze.

Naluo's mouth twitched slightly, feeling familiar, he wanted to raise his hand to grab it, but Wen Ze was startled and subconsciously pulled him back. Naro just stretched out his hand, but was pulled by Wen Ze. Finally, his body instinctively kicked out again. Then the big white goose was kicked out just like Erba. Fortunately, Naro restrained his strength this time, and the big white goose was able to flutter.

【I think I've seen this script!】

【Daba, don't go. Hurry up and thank Wen Ze. If he hadn't helped Xiao Luo, you would have died under that man's feet!】

【I just want to know if the third bully will come too! 】

The change in the middle also stunned everyone. They had heard about the second bully being kicked to death by the two siblings yesterday, but they didn't see it. Now they are lucky enough to see it with their own eyes.

Ling Qiyue looked at the big white goose that was still struggling, and immediately ran to Nailuo and said to the program team

"You all saw it, it was its own fault, don't blame us!"

"It's not dead. If it's injured, it's your production team's responsibility. It has nothing to do with us!"


Program Group:"......"

Netizens: [We seem to have seen this script before! ]

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