The game is over~

Ling Qiyue saw that the rewards were being distributed, and at this moment she finally got off Nai Xiaoluo.

When looking at the various kinds of meat, she was holding a grudge and learned to show off like Lu Lin and He Yun at the beginning.

Lu Lin and He Yun couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly.

The program team originally wanted to create a gimmick of confrontation between Nai Luo and Lu Tao, but it turned out that this was a one-sided crushing.

And Nai Luo didn't even bother to look at Lu Tao.

After that, Ling Qiyue's two teams, which had a lot of harvest, also accepted the next task to help the owner of the house to harvest sweet potatoes.

And the two teams of Lu Lin and Lu Tao could only do more farm work if they wanted to get meat.

The two groups of people also separated.

Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya brought their two younger brothers to a field under the guidance of the staff.

But as they walked, Wen Ze suddenly patted Nai Luo's shoulder, his eyes widened, and pointed to a place not far away for him to look.

"Naro, look at what that is. Oh my god, it's conjoined....Two-headed dog!"

Wen Ze's exclamation also made Naluo, Ling Qiyue, Wen Ya and the photographer turn their heads to look at the bushes not far away, and the camera was directly pointed over there.

And there was indeed a conjoined/two-headed dog there.

Everyone was stunned!

Naluo's mouth twitched fiercely, and he looked at Wen Ze speechlessly.

Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya were also curious and wanted to take a closer look.

Wen Ze looked at Naluo who was motionless and went forward to grab him to have a look.

Naluo's face darkened

【Hahaha....I'm dying of laughter, two-headed dog, Wen Ze, you're such an idiot!】

【Qiyue, Yaya, don't look at it, that's not it!】

When Naro was pulled closer by Wen Ze to look, Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya had already seen it.

Both sisters blushed and glared at Wen Ze with their beautiful eyes.

Wen Ya angrily slapped Wen Ze. Wen

Ze also saw it clearly at this time, this is not a conjoined/two-headed dog, it is clearly two cheating/amateur dogs out to play/mate together!

Naro looked at Wen Ze who was beaten and gave him a look of pity.

Ling Qiyue also grabbed Naro and pulled him away from this obscene place.

"Nai Xiaoluo, you are not allowed to look at this. Come with your sister!"

【Hahaha....Wen Ze made me laugh to death!】

【I saw the shy side of the two goddesses!】

【Oh my god, I didn’t expect to see such large-scale shots on a variety show. It’s so exciting!】

【Nai Xiaoluo, follow your sister! You are too young to watch!】


The incident just now passed.

Breathing the fresh air of the countryside and feeling the pastoral scenery here, Ling Qiyue also felt relieved.

After a local person explained, they all knew how to dig sweet potatoes.

Wen Ze ran to Nai Luo again, and the two of them laughed and talked. It was obvious that the previous two-headed dog incident was forgotten.

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows slightly after seeing this, and she also walked to Wen Ya and gently touched her.

"Why is your brother always sticking to Nai Xiaoluo?"

Wen Ya looked at her two brothers, and also raised her eyebrows and looked at Ling Qiyue.

"They have a good relationship, don't they?~"

"What, are you lonely and want me to stick to you~"

Ling Qiyue stared at Wen Ya in amazement.

Wen Ya was also amused by her little expression.

"The two brothers work hard together, and we, as sisters, cannot lose to them."

Ling Qiyue looked at the two brothers again, and nodded her head in deep approval.

But then Ling Qiyue dug a small one, and then dug another small one. Seeing that Wen Ya dug a bigger one than hers, she hummed and walked towards Nai Xiaoluo.

When she saw that Nai Xiaoluo dug a bigger and fuller one, she felt a little disappointed.

Nai Luo also looked up at Ling Qiyue, and then pointed to the one next to him.

"There should be a big one nearby."

Ling Qiyue blinked her eyes, wanting to act like a sister, but after taking a look at the fruits of Nai Xiaoluo's labor, she went to the place he pointed to.

When she pushed aside the soil and saw a fat head exposed, Ling Qiyue happily shouted to Nai Xiaoluo beside her:

"Nai Xiaoluo, Nai Xiaoluo!"

"" Sister, this one is definitely big!"

Ling Qiyue's excited shout also attracted Wen Ya and Wen Ze.

Nai Luo also patted the soil in his hands and looked over.

Ling Qiyue felt that she had finally dug a big one. She said"Hey, hey", and her little hands suddenly exerted force and pulled the sweet potato out.

When she saw that it was really big, Ling Qiyue smiled even happier.

"Nai Xiaoluo, how is this, is it big


Elegance and grace:"......"

Follow-up photographer X4:"......"

Naro's ears turned red unconsciously, and then he looked away without answering.

Wen Ya's face also turned red again, and she glanced at Ling Qiyue with resentment.

Wen Ze, who had just passed by the conjoined/two-headed dog, turned his back silently, indicating that he would not participate.

Ling Qiyue looked at the actions of the three people and puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction.


"You are jealous!"

"You are jealous of me for digging a big one, right?"

After she finished speaking, Naro lowered his head and remained silent, Wen Ya's face turned redder and she also turned away, and Wen Ze turned his back and remained silent. The actions of the three people stimulated Ling Qiyue.

She was angry and hugged the sweet potato in her hands.

And this also made her see the side that she had just shown to the three people.

Ling Qiyue was petrified!

Then her body was stiff, and a blush began to spread from her face.

There was no doubt that the sweet potato she dug was a real sweet potato!

But the side of the sweet potato that was facing everyone just now looked like a sturdy man, and the two forked legs below were even more sturdy legs.

But there was an extra section in the middle of the legs!

【Hahaha...I can’t take it anymore, I’m almost dying of laughter!】

【Goddess Yaya and the other three must have thought of the same thing. Seeing their reactions is enough to make me laugh for a year!】

【My mom just asked me why I fell down, but I didn’t answer. Instead, I got up and continued typing and laughing!】

【I know about ginseng fruit. Did the July Goddess dig up a ripe sweet potato spirit?】

【Hahaha...Goddess Yaya and Goddess July blush duet!】

【Did anyone notice that Nai Xiaoluo’s ears turned red just now?】

【So can you sell me that sweet potato? I'm waiting online, it's urgent!

Ling Qiyue finally understood why Nai Xiaoluo and the other two had that reaction just now. She quickly threw away the sweet potato in her hand and quickly patted the dirt off her hands.

Ling Qiyue's face turned even redder. Finally, she snorted and turned away from the camera, holding her little butt with her back to everyone.

Later, as if she had thought of something, she ran towards the cameraman with a fierce look on her face and raised her little fist.

"The segment just now has been cut, it cannot be broadcasted!"

Photographer & Program Crew:"......"

【Hahahaha, we all saw it!】

【The fierce little milk fist may be late, but he will never be absent! 】

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