The Wen Ya siblings who won first place received beef and some vegetables.

Lu Tao received pork and some vegetables, but when he saw that Na Luo only had steamed buns and pickled mustard tuber, he also looked at him with a gloating look.

And his look was recorded again.

Ren Jingshu pretended to speak to Ling Qiyue and blame the program team, pretending to want to help but unable to.

Compared with Lu Tao, she is more concerned about her image. After all, if there is unpleasantness with Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya, she will be the one to be criticized. Since they are here, she also wants netizens to see her close relationship with the two. Of course, her action also made her fans start to flood the screen with comments saying that she is beautiful and kind.

Wen Ya originally wanted to share the ingredients with Ling Qiyue, but the program team’s meaning was very clear that they could not help the last place.

She also came over to comfort Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue looked at the steamed buns and pickled mustard tuber and then looked at their rewards, and her mouth shrank.

She knew that even if she talked about the Cheng Yao Chicken just now, it would not change the result.

So she also gave lunch to Na Luo

"Nai Xiaoluo, you eat these."

"If it weren't for your sister, you would still be able to eat meat."

Looking at Ling Qiyue giving up lunch, Naluo shook his head and smiled.

But when the two heard that they had to make lunch by themselves, and seeing the sudden change in the faces of the two people in Lu Tao's group, Ling Qiyue smiled again, because she couldn't cook either.

As for Wen Ya's group, Wen Ze's mouth was already twitching wildly.

He can't cook, but his sister can cook, but he can't eat it!

Originally, Ling Qiyue's fans were still feeling sorry for her, posting comments about the attack of Er Batian blocking the road just now.

But when they saw that Ling Qiyue didn't say anything, they all fell silent.

When they saw that Naluo really picked up the steamed bun that belonged to the lunch of the two, they were even more silent.

Ling Qiyue also took a bite and then ate it with pickled mustard, and finally chewed it and found that it tasted good.

But seeing that there were only two steamed buns, she finally only ate one bite and gave the rest to Naluo.

"My sister ate a lot when she came. Now I am not hungry and can’t eat anymore. Nai Xiaoluo gives you these."

Nai Luo looked at her and ate them all without hesitation.

【Damn, you really eat it! Can't you see that it's just a polite remark?】

【Nailuo, are you a pig? Leave some for my Qiyue! 】

There was another round of accusations against Nailuo on the Internet.

Lu Tao looked over with a sinister smile in his eyes. He had been around longer than Nailuo, so he could naturally guess that if this segment was broadcast, Nailuo would be scolded by Ling Qiyue's fans.

Just thinking about it made him feel very comfortable, because it was Ling Qiyue's fans who scolded him the most last time.

This time it was Nailuo's turn.

Seeing Ling Qiyue looking at the ingredients of the other two teams, Nailuo just glanced and turned his head away.

After eating, Nailuo told Ling Qiyue that he would go out for a while and come back soon.

Ling Qiyue wanted to stay and watch the two teams cook, so he waved his hand and let him go.

Nailuo walked out of the courtyard, and the previous VJ followed him again.

After Nailuo asked him, the VJ finally spoke.

He also told him that the people from the program team had already talked to the owner of the rooster and paid, but he didn't know which family it was and didn't say.

The courtyard where Naro and his team filmed was the best and largest one in the village.

Walking along the path in the village, he looked back and forth.

Passing by an open courtyard, he saw a woman who was drying newly harvested crops and the dead rooster.

And the cry of a child just happened to be heard in the house.

Naro did not leave. He waited until the woman came out with a two-year-old boy to coax him. There was no one else in the house.

The woman also saw Naro.

Naro walked straight in and explained to her that he came here to apologize.

After hearing this, the woman smiled and said it didn't matter, after all, the program team gave her money. After talking to the woman, I learned that the head of her family had to go to the city today for something, and now she had to take care of the children at home.

Naro also helped the woman spread out the newly harvested crops. The woman looked at Naro's skillful movements and the two chatted more.

Seeing that it was noon, the woman was going to cook.

Naro also said at this time

""Big sister, let me help you do it as an apology."

The woman looked at Naro and asked with a smile.

"Can you cook?"

The main reason was that her two-year-old son had woken up and was a little noisy, and she had to coax him.

Seeing Naro nod, the woman agreed and pointed at the big rooster.

Naro shook his head and said

""That Liu elder sister, the head of your family is back, you cook for him, I'll make two side dishes for you."

After hearing this, the woman thought Nailuo didn't know how to kill a chicken or could only make a few simple stir-fries.

She took Nailuo into the kitchen.

The photographer also followed in. At the beginning of the conversation, the woman knew that Nailuo and his team were filming a show. Fortunately, she didn't mind it, and asked Nailuo if she wanted to change clothes and whether she would appear in the show.

Netizens on the Internet gave her the answer.


【You've been on the show!】

【This elder sister is so cute, the baby just cries a little, but still so cute!】

Naro entered the kitchen, and when he saw the bacon on the chopping board that the elder sister had placed, he knew what he was going to do.

Naro rolled up his sleeves and tied his apron, picked up the ingredients from the ground beside him, and then began his work.

Naro had learned a lot of cuisines from Uncle Liu in the restaurant before, and when he lived with his grandfather in the past, he was the one who cooked most of the time.

Naro wiped the chopping board, washed the ingredients, and quickly and skillfully cut the bacon and other ingredients with a kitchen knife.

【Holy shit, Nai Xiaoluo can cook? His knife skills are amazing!】

【Over there, Lu Tao is cutting vegetables. What is he cutting? Wen Ze also saw that both of them had never been in the kitchen.】

【I just went to check it out. Didn’t Lu Tao’s fans say that his brother can cook? What the hell are they cutting?】

【I just want to know what Nai Xiaoluo is doing cooking here!】

【Zombie meat? yue! 】

The netizen who mentioned zombie meat was immediately criticized by a large group of netizens.

As the ingredients were cut, the eldest sister also praised Naro's knife skills. She no longer doubted that he could cook.

Naro also heated the oil in the wok, and then made the first dish, stir-fried bacon with garlic sprouts.

In that interval, he did not forget to steam the rice.

As a flame rose, Naro put the ingredients and flipped the wok in one go.

【Damn, it turns out watching people cook is also a kind of enjoyment. July next door is still watching those two teams and laughing!】

【Did I hear the sound of swallowing saliva just now? It wasn't me! 】

As the garlic sprouts and bacon came out of the pot, Naro also put it on a plate and let the eldest sister taste it.

The eldest sister was not polite. She took a bite with chopsticks and said with shining eyes

"Delicious, really delicious, are you a chef?"

Nailuo smiled, and then continued to cook the second dish, baby cabbage in soup.

When the second dish came out of the pot, Nailuo also saw the photographer swallowing his saliva.

Nailuo raised his eyebrows, and then made a steamed egg, which was left for the little guy to eat.

After the three dishes were ready, Nailuo also took off his apron and asked a little embarrassedly

"Big sister, can I take some away?"

The big sister greeted with a smile.

"You can just eat here."

Naro shook his head.

"I've eaten it, mainly me...There is another companion who hasn't eaten yet, can I pack some to take away?"

After hearing this, the elder sister smiled and asked him to pack it up.

【Shit, Nailuo really came to cook for July!

Nailuo found a large stainless steel bowl, put some rice in it, and added some vegetables to each dish.

The eldest sister thought Nailuo didn't put enough, so she asked him to put more, as she and the child couldn't eat much.

Nailuo added some more dishes, and thanked the eldest sister.

The eldest sister looked at the photographer and said

"You should serve some too.

The photographer had already swallowed his saliva many times because of the delicious smell. Just when he was about to nod,

Naro rolled his eyes at him and said

"You have work meals, I made less, there is no share for you!"


Naro said thanking the elder sister again and left.

【Hahahaha, Nai Xiaoluo’s retort was beautiful this time!】

【I made less, so there's no share for you. The big bowl is full to the brim! 】

When he walked out the door, Naro glanced at VJ

"Go back and cut this part off."


A VJ who doesn't make a living doesn't want to bother with him

【What to cut, we all saw it! 】

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