The variety show that Nalo participated in is called"Leisure Life".

Most of the program crew's scenes are about introducing beautiful countryside. This variety show has four permanent guests, and several flying guests are invited to appear in each episode.

The programs are also filmed and edited, and then broadcast simultaneously on satellite channels and the Internet.

It's just that this time the program crew announced in advance on the official website yesterday that there will be major news at 7 o'clock today. As for what the news is, no one knows.

Netizens who like this variety show also waited on the official website on time to wait for the answer.

And when it started at 7 o'clock, the official website of the program crew actually opened a live broadcast signal.

This operation also shocked the waiting netizens, but they all clicked in curiously.

When the screen first appeared, the program crew knocked on the door of the first room, and after a while, it was Wen Ze who had not woken up yet.

Seeing Wen Ze, netizens are not unfamiliar, but many people typed on the screen.


【The program team changed to live broadcast?】

【That's the so-called big news.���】

When Wen Ze talked about Nailo later, the barrage was full of question marks again.

When seeing Nailo really come out, the barrage started to increase again.

After seeing Lu Tao, many netizens sensed that the program crew was going to stir up trouble.

Originally thought it was some big news, but it turned out to be these three. Some netizens were too lazy to post barrages, but many felt that they could just watch the show and watched it happily.

When the program crew said they were going to find partners for the three.

Hearing that there was a partner, the majority of netizens began to get excited again.

Among the three, Nailo must have the lowest traffic, but Nailo also gained a wave of fans because of the previous video of saving people.

As the camera followed, when Nailo knocked on the door and opened it from the inside


"Nai Xiaoluo!"

When Ling Qiyue appeared in the camera, the netizens who were watching Nai Xiaoluo's live broadcast room were blown away!

【Holy crap!!!】

【Am I dazzled? Is that Ling Qiyue? Someone come and slap me in the face to wake me up. I actually dreamed about the goddess July!】

【Ah!!! July, my goddess!!!】

Fans of Ling Qiyue who originally liked this show looked at the split live broadcast room and finally thought about supporting Nailuo.

Unexpectedly, they actually saw their goddess Ling Qiyue who never participated in variety shows.

They also followed the fans of Ling Qiyue to the fan group to tell the news.

People in the fan group thought that another crazy person had gone crazy and didn't believe it at all.

After all, Ling Qiyue never participated in variety shows.

But as more and more people said it later and took screenshots, the fans of Ling Qiyue could no longer remain calm and began to rush into Nailuo's live broadcast room one by one.

When they really saw that it was their goddess Ling Qiyue, the network almost collapsed.

And those poor fans of Nailuo dared not speak now. Of course, those who liked Nailuo were the original fans of Ling Qiyue.

But when they saw their real host coming, they immediately leaned towards Ling Qiyue.

At this time, the other two live broadcast rooms were also boiling.

Because Wen Ze's partner is his sister Wen Ya!

Wen Ya's fans also rushed into the live broadcast room crazily, with one comment after another.

In Lu Tao's live broadcast room came Ren Jingshu, a first-line female star from Tianyue.

However, Ren Jingshu was still not as good as Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya, two top actresses.

Of the three, Ling Qiyue's fans were naturally the most popular.

Ling Qiyue never participated in variety shows, and Wen Ya only participated twice. This was the third time.

《"Leisure Life" also has a geometric increase in clicks due to the arrival of Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya. The number of online viewers has tripled compared to the previous peak of their program, and the number is still growing.

The chief director was already laughing like a fool when he looked at the backstage data.

He never thought that Ling Qiyue would call him to participate in the filming of this program.

When he heard it, he confirmed it again and again, and readily agreed, and also kept it confidential.

What he didn't expect was that Wen Ya would also come.

Later, when he thought of the appearance fees of the two actresses, the chief director immediately reported to the station.

When the leaders knew that Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya were coming, they gritted their teeth and spent money directly.

They believed that Ling Qiyue's variety show debut and the two actresses would bring them more influence and rewards for this program than that.

After discussion, the station directly turned this episode into a live broadcast, after all, they spent a lot of money.

Sister Qing, who was watching the live broadcast, looked at her two artists on the screen speechlessly.

She was almost broken by Ling Qiyue's phone call yesterday, and finally agreed.

Now she just hopes that Ling Qiyue will behave herself in the variety show and not cause trouble for her.

She originally wanted to tell Nailuo, but she received a warning from Ling Qiyue, telling her not to say anything.


Nailuo looked at Ling Qiyue, and his eyelids twitched.

Ling Qiyue looked at Nailuo, raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Is it unexpected? Is it surprising?"

"I didn't expect it to be my sister!"

Naro exhaled lightly, then smiled.

"Surprise, surprise, I didn't expect it!"

Ling Qiyue was wearing casual clothes today, with a pair of white and pink sneakers on her feet, and her soft black hair was still loose.

As for Nailuo, he was wearing a black and white trendy sportswear.

Ling Qiyue's mobile phone was naturally handed over.

When Nailuo carried Ling Qiyue's suitcase, they went downstairs.

When they got downstairs, Nailuo asked

"Have you had breakfast?"

Ling Qiyue glanced at the dining area in the distance. She really hadn't eaten.

Nailuo also saw it.

Ling Qiyue said to Nailuo and ran to the dining area in a hurry.

"Nai Xiaoluo, wait for me, I'll go get some bread and leave."

Nai Luo followed her and said

"It's okay, take your time to eat."

Looking at Ling Qiyue who had already run away, Nailuo also looked at VJ

"Don't you guys leave her time to eat?"

VJ didn't reply. Naro exhaled and followed.

Seeing that Ling Qiyue already had a piece of bread in her mouth, a box of milk and a small cake in her hands, she waved him to go.

Naro also took two packaged small cakes and hurriedly followed.

When they got outside, the other two teams had already left.

Naro and Ling Qiyue got on the last car and started heading towards their destination.

Ling Qiyue sat in the back seat and ate with relish. When she finished her breakfast, Naro handed her the small cake he brought.

Ling Qiyue glanced at Naro, smiled and stretched out her hand to take it, and then"ah ah ah" began to eat.

After Ling Qiyue replenished her energy, she asked how long it would take to get there.

After learning that it would take nearly three hours, Ling Qiyue started to catch up on sleep.

After all, she only arrived in the early hours of last night and had not slept enough.

But later, Ling Qiyue fell asleep and her head rested on Naro's shoulder.



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