Nailuo went to the study room again after waking up, and sat there for the whole afternoon.

Looking at the night view outside the window at night, his thoughts drifted far away.

The more he thought alone, the more confused he became.

It was not about the future, but about the things that had developed around him in his previous life.

He didn't know what was going on.

In short, he was now wondering if Chen Ping and his uncle would bring the fake father with them when they came to see him in the future.

Nailuo stood by the window until late at night before going to bed.

He also had a good rest the next day.

In the evening, he once again received Ling Qiyue's jealous emoticon.

He thought she was flying to Hengyue to return to the crew.

Nailuo also sent him a"work hard" emoticon.

But the next second, Ling Qiyue replied with a dancing emoticon and a text.

Ling Qiyue: [Haha, my sister also has a four-day holiday, you didn't expect it!】


Naro still couldn't think of it, so this unscrupulous girl just came here to show off to him?


The third day of rest finally ushered in September.

Today is the day when Naro starts school.

With the things he had packed, Naro also went to Tianqiong University with a chest bag.

When the car stopped at the gate of the campus, Naro got off the car.

Returning to the campus, although it is not the former Yunhai Medical University, breathing the unique atmosphere of the campus again, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Naro had sorted out the distribution of Tianqiong University before coming.

This is also a habit!

So when he enters the campus, he will not be like a headless fly who doesn't know where to go.

Naro's arrival naturally attracted the attention of passing students.

He automatically blocked those eyes.

According to the route map he had seen, he quickly found Class 1 of the Department of Performance. When he walked into the class, there were already many people inside.

When they saw Naro, they were also shocked.

Not only them, but even Director Liang was shocked when he heard that Naro had not yet entered the university.

Naro glanced at the last row and walked directly to the window seat.

The back row by the window, the hometown of the king!

The people in the class looked at Nailuo, some wanted to say hello, but seeing that Nailuo just turned his head and looked out the window after entering, they held back.

Just looking at his profile, several girls took out their mobile phones and secretly took photos.

Who said Nailuo's appearance is too good?

Of course, there are also very few who disdain this. They believe that as long as they are given resources, they will definitely be better than Nailuo.

The campus is a small society and a microcosm of the big society.

From the moment you enter the university, one of your feet has already stepped into the society.

The university emphasizes your own efforts. No one is strictly watching, so it depends on your own self-discipline.

The college entrance examination is a step to heaven and a step to hell. It is a watershed that changes your life.

The university is a condensed silhouette of society. How much you pay in the university will be rewarded when you leave the campus.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people.

After all, the real society is much crueler than the university.

The university can be said to be the last checkpoint of the survival of the fittest on the road of life. How to choose is still up to you!


A lady in her forties, with a dignified manner and gentle appearance, walked in.

She was Professor Gu from the Department of Acting.

With her arrival, the classroom, which was a bit noisy, immediately became quiet.

"Welcome, you can call me Teacher Gu......"

Teacher Gu's voice was very gentle. After an opening speech, Naro followed the classmates in applauding.

Then they introduced themselves to each other.

They were all from the acting department, so they were not so restrained. They introduced themselves in different ways.

Naro was no exception and made a brief self-introduction.

The acting department does have more time.

Naro went to find Teacher Gu after class.

Teacher Gu knew that Naro was currently filming with Director Liang.

Director Liang also called her.

Teacher Gu approved Naro's leave and said some encouraging words at the end.

Naro finally thanked her and left. She had a rare campus life at school.

Naro also said goodbye to Teacher Gu the next afternoon and left school.

Many people envied Naro's departure.


Nailuo left the school gate, and he didn't have anything to take with him, so he took a taxi directly to the airport.

But just as he got in the car, Ling Qiyue called.

"Nai Xiaoluo, my sister is getting ready to go to the airport. Are you ready over there?"

"Just got on the bus"

"Running so fast, OK, let's meet at the airport later!"

Naro looked at the hung up phone and sighed helplessly. He really couldn't understand why the boss's wife wanted to take a flight with him.

If Naro knew that all the commission from his film contracts belonged to Ling Qiyue, he would probably understand.

He is her employee!

She has to urge him to make money for her all the time, and then spend money to play games!

As the vehicle moved forward, Naro closed his eyes and took a rest.

But when the vehicle was halfway, a sudden brake in the distance and the sound of the vehicle rolling made him open his black eyes.

The driver looked at the rolling vehicle in front, slowed down the speed, and slowly stopped.

Naro frowned and watched a white private car hit the isolation belt on the side and rolled over.

The driver stopped the car because the two cars in front were also hit by the rolling private car and blocked their way sideways.

After seeing the scene, Naro also He saw that the accident was caused by a flat tire of the white car behind him.

Naro, who originally didn't want to care about this matter, looked at the overturned private car.

Finally, he let out a long breath, opened the door and rushed out.

The vehicle overturned and got stuck on the guardrail on the side, but the broken glass on the other side was just blocked.

Naro looked at the several people getting off the car, and a kind-hearted driver was already calling for help.

Hearing the woman's scream, Naro rushed over and tried to open the door.

However, the door was locked from the inside. Naro looked at the situation inside, took off his chest bag and clenched it in his fist, controlled the strength, and punched the cracked window on this side.

Naro looked at the broken window, reached in, and opened the door from the inside.

Looking at the boy who was protected by the woman but whose lips were already pale, Naro's brows also frowned.

"Save my son first."

Seeing the woman's left arm bleeding and her left leg stuck, Naro carefully carried the boy out first.

And Naro's rescue also attracted more people to join the rescue team.

Naro carried the little boy out and looked at the men who came to rescue. He quickly told them the problem to be dealt with and also told them how to rescue.

The most serious one was the man in the driver's seat, who was unconscious at this moment. The airbag relieved the impact of the man.

Looking at the crowd of people saving people, Naro felt inexplicably warm in his heart.

Perhaps this is also a kind of redemption for him!

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