The center of the Wu'an Marquis Mansion~

"Sister, I was wrong. That was my first time there. I really had never been there before!"

Gu Yuan was pressed on the torture chair by the servants and shouted loudly inside.

The servants did not dare to look and could only obey the eldest lady's order to hold the young marquis Gu Yuan down.

At this time, Wu Anhou, who had rushed back from outside, also came.

Looking at his precious son, he hurried forward and wanted to pull him up.


Gu Xuan'er, who had changed into a woman's outfit, came out with a whip in hand. When

Wu'an Hou saw his precious daughter coming back, he dropped Gu Yuan's hand and ran away with a bright face.

"Xuan'er, my father's darling daughter, when will you come back?"

"Oh, your face has become thinner. Dad is so distressed.

Gu Xuaner smiled at her father and replied briefly.

"Just got back."

Wu Anhou had forgotten about his son at this moment, and asked Gu Xuaner where she had been in the past two years and how she was doing.

Gu Yuan was lying on the torture chair, and he only dared to raise his head to peek, not daring to breathe.

He watched the father and daughter chat for a long time and finally looked at him.

Wu Anhou then ran over and grabbed Gu Yuan's hand and asked

"what happened?"

"Get up quickly."

The servants didn't dare to hold Gu Yuan down any longer, but before they could let go, Gu Xuan'er's voice came.

"Dad, I'm the one who's going to punish him!"

"He actually dared to go to the place of prostitution and talk loudly......"

After hearing this, Wu Anhou glanced at his son, then at his daughter waving the whip, and finally shook Gu Yuan's hand away in disgust. He immediately walked towards Gu Xuan'er angrily.

"Xuan'er, give the whip to Daddy, Daddy will personally beat this bad boy."

Gu Xuan'er glanced at Wu'an Hou and handed the whip over.

Wu'an Hou shouted

"I'll beat you to death, you bastard! Bang!"

Gu Yuan also shouted


"I'll teach you a lesson, bang!"


Gu Xuaner narrowed her eyes.

"Father, if you can't bear it, I can come and fight you!"

Wu Anhou, who was found to be a fake fight, blushed, then looked at his daughter awkwardly, and finally cast a look at his son with a fierce look in his eyes, saying"Don't blame your father".

Gu Yuan, who was also dumbfounded, then hurriedly shook his head and looked at his father.



Gu Yuan really screamed this time.

Gu Xuaner glanced at her brother, snorted and walked away.


As the director called out, Zhang Liang, who played the role of Marquis Wu'an, leaned over and looked at Nailuo.

Nailuo smiled and waved his hand.

"It's okay, but I have to take off my clothes now!"

Naro wore a thick layer of clothes inside, and for the sake of realism, of course, the fight was real. Fortunately, Zhang Liang knew his limits.

Seeing Naro stand up quickly, Zhang Liang smiled and told him to go quickly.

Zhang Liang is a veteran actor, and today is his first time to act with Naro.

He nodded and praised Naro's performance.

Director Liang likes Naro more and more now, and now he has done it all in one take.

After that, it was time for lunch break, and Naro also took the work meal and ate with Wen Ze.

The two really got to know each other because of being on the crew.

After the afternoon break, there was still Naro's part.

This was all in the early stage.

This scene was shot indoors, without the scorching sun, Naro lying on the bed was quite comfortable.

As the director said to start, Naro also quickly got into the state


Gu Yuan lay on the bed, gasping in pain. A servant beside him came in with ointment.

"Master, does it still hurt?"

Gu Yuan looked at him unhappily.

"How can it not hurt? You don’t know how strong my father is. Ouch, my butt!"

"It hurts, and we'll see if you dare to do it again next time!"

Gu Xuan'er also came in from outside with ointment.

When he saw Gu Xuan'er, Gu Yuan jumped up immediately like a mouse seeing a cat, but he fell back in pain as soon as he moved.

"Lie down!"

Gu Xuaner glared at her brother.

"You go out, I'll apply medicine to Xiao Yuan."

Gu Yuan's mouth twitched wildly, his face full of resistance.

"Sister, I...I...I can do it myself."

Gu Yuan said, and then he moved a little inside.

Gu Xuaner went up and held down her brother.

"Lie down quietly!"



Gu Xuan'er slapped Gu Yuan's butt with one hand, and Gu Yuan screamed in pain.

Gu Xuan'er was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Gu Yuan with an apologetic look.

""Sister, didn't you forget that your butt is injured?"

Gu Yuan looked at his sister with a wronged face.

Director Liang was also stunned, because there was no such scene in the play, but he forgot to call"cut" when he saw the two people still acting.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan'er showed her gentle side later and began to preach to Gu Yuan.

Wu'an Hou's wife passed away when Gu Yuan was ten years old. Although Gu Xuan'er was strict with Gu Yuan, she loved him.

Gu Xuan'er went out to travel after she came of age. She came back once two years ago, and then she traveled alone. This time she also returned from the tour.

Gu Xuan'er preached to her brother for a while, and Gu Yuan also explained clearly that it was really his first time to go to a brothel today.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by his sister as soon as he entered.

After that, Gu Xuan'er also took the ointment to apply medicine to Gu Yuan.

This time, Naluo couldn't stay calm.

Ling Qiyue's little claws attacked him again.

Naluo finally blushed in front of her and rolled over inside immediately.


Director Liang, who was originally engrossed in watching the play, now shouted"Cut" angrily.

Ling Qiyue also���She responded, she was too immersed in the role just now.

But when she looked at Nai Xiaoluo's red ear tip, her beautiful eyes were instantly fixed.

【You little brat, it turns out you are still shy!】

"Naro, why are you hiding? Just let her touch you, what's wrong with that?"

"That's applying medicine, not taking advantage of you!"

Director Liang also said this to Nai Luo.

Nai Luo's eyelids twitched after hearing this. He didn't remember this scene in the play, and the beating before was not there before.

At the beginning, he had been holding back when Ling Qiyue hit him. If he hadn't held back, he was afraid that he would subconsciously counterattack and hurt her again.

Ling Qiyue listened to Director Liang's words, glanced at the shy Nai Xiaoluo again, and suddenly wanted to continue touching her.

At this time, the assistant director also whispered a reminder

"Director Liang, this is not in the play.

Director Liang was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked at the screenwriter.

Screenwriter Han looked at Director Liang's eyes, then nodded and said

"Of course!"

Director Liang also glanced at the assistant director.

"I just remember it, you see, Lao Han also said it was there!"

Assistant Director:"......???"

Anyway, Director Liang wanted to touch Ling Qiyue, so let her touch him. As a boy, being touched won’t make him lose any flesh.

Besides, that’s the national goddess Ling Qiyue. There are so many people who want to be touched by her, but do they have a chance?


When Director Liang said that this part could be added,

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows and looked at Nai Xiaoluo with amusement.

Nai Luo:"......!!!"

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