After the little episode, the evening party began the award ceremony.

Several awards were given out one after another.

When it came to the Best Director Award, Nailuo followed Ling Qiyue's gaze and looked at Director Zhou.

Director Zhou felt the gazes of several people, and he was at ease, acting very calm.

But his hands were clenched into fists nervously.

Director Zhou wanted to win the Best Director Award this time.

But his biggest competitors at the moment are Director Chen from Ling Qiyue's crew and Director Wang from Qin Xun's crew. Director Zhou was still confident about the other two nominees.

Nailuo watched Kuang Tianhua and He Manshu go on stage to announce the Best Director Award, and applauded with everyone.

The filming of the movie that Nailuo and Ling Qiyue participated in had just finished, and Director Ai wanted to wait for post-production editing, and then release it during the summer vacation, and also participate in next year's selection.

Kuang Tianhua and He Manshu cooperated to keep it a secret.

In the end, it was announced by Kuang Tianhua.

"The Best Director Award went to......."

"《"Winter Snow Remains Warmth" Director Zhou!"

When Director Zhou heard that he won the Best Director Award, he almost couldn't hold back the joy on his face. Then he suppressed his excitement and pretended to be indifferent on the surface.

But his hands were clenched into fists.

The crew applauded happily, and the assistant director and screenwriter rushed over to hug him to congratulate him.

Naluo and Wen Ya also stood up and applauded.

Ling Qiyue naturally followed suit.

Director Zhou and Wen Ya hugged each other briefly, and then he hugged Naluo again.

The last time Director Zhou won the Best Director Award was with When he was working with Ling Qiyue.

That time, Ling Qiyue also won her second Best Actress crown.

Director Zhou, Director Chen from Ling Qiyue's crew, Director Wang from Qin Xun's crew, and other nominated directors all paid tribute to him.

Then he went on stage to receive the Best Director trophy from He Manshu, took a long breath, and began his acceptance speech with excitement.

Director Zhou thanked all the main creative staff of the crew, thanked every staff member, and praised the other nominated directors.

Director Zhou thanked Wen Ya by name.

At the end, he thanked Nai Luo by name.

"《I would like to thank Naro for the success of"Winter Snow Remains Warmth" and for receiving this honor."

"When our crew was in the later stage of filming, it was Naro's joining that gave us greater motivation."Winter Snow Remains" is Naro's first movie. I originally planned to shoot overtime and teach him as a newcomer, but Naro gave me a surprise. His acting skills amazed me."

"Originally I wanted to find Wen Ze, but after seeing Nai Luo's final scene of"Mo Shang Xuan", Wen Ya, Lao Chen and I all chose Nai Luo."

"His acting skills and maturity are totally unlike a newcomer. He seems to be born to do this."

""Thank you, Nailuo!"

The camera was also focused on Nailuo when Director Zhou was speaking.

Nailuo looked up and smiled. Wen Ya listened to Director Zhou's words and clapped with a smile.

Wen Ze also clapped vigorously in the back row.

Ling Qiyue's eyes were smiling like crescent moons, after all, Nailuo was taught by her.

And Nailuo was specially thanked by Director Zhou, which once again brought him into the vision of more directors.

《They had all seen Nailuo's acting in"Winter Snow Remains Warmth", which was indeed outstanding.

Director Zhou came down from the stage and hugged Nailuo again.

When he looked at Ling Qiyue, he also smiled at someone with a bright smile on his face.

Ling Qiyue snorted with a sweet smile.



When the Best Newcomer Award was presented,

Ling Qiyue was invited to the stage alone as the award presenter.

Ling Qiyue walked up to the stage with her slender and beautiful legs.

The host asked with a smile:

""Qiyue, who do you think will win the Best Newcomer Award?"

Ling Qiyue held the microphone and winked playfully.

"My Nai Xiaoluo!

Ling Qiyue's answer was not surprising at all.

The host asked with a smile.

"Are you confident in Nailuo?"

Ling Qiyue raised her head.

"Of course not!"

"I am his sister, I have won it before, my Nai Xiaoluo's acting skills are obvious to all, I have confidence in him!"

The host asked again

"What do you think of the other new actors?"

Ling Qiyue looked directly at Nailuo, without looking at the others.

"They are all excellent. This Best Newcomer Award is an award that we can only get once in our acting career."

"Even if Nai Xiaoluo didn't get it, he is still the best in my eyes."

"Of course, the others who didn’t win are also excellent in the eyes of the audience.

Ling Qiyue didn’t even wait for the host to ask any more questions before she finished her words.

After she finished, she directly opened the list of winners.

When she saw the names in it, she smiled.

【As soon as July smiled, I knew the result!】

【It’s definitely Nai Xiaoluo who has no chance of escaping!】

【I always feel that when it comes to Nai Xiaoluo, July smiles especially happily, and even his signature fierce eyes are much less fierce!】

"The winner of the Best Newcomer Award is—Nai Xiaoluo!"

Nai Luo looked at Ling Qiyue and smiled. Director Zhou and Wen Ya both stood up and applauded to congratulate him.

Wen Ze also stood up in the back row and shouted"Xiaoluo"!

Yue Ming and Wu Ling also stood up and shouted"Xiaoluo".

Nai Luo stood up and hugged Director Zhou again. Wen Ya raised her hand and patted Nai Luo's shoulder with a smile on her face.

She didn't hug him anymore. She was afraid that if she hugged him, one of her little sisters would be jealous on the stage.

Wen Ya looked towards the stage, and then saw that one of her little sisters was staring at them.

Wen Ya almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Nai Luo walked to the front of the stage, and the spotlight flashed again.

When he got in front of someone, the smile on that person's face was more beautiful than his.

"Nai Xiaoluo, here you go~"

Nai Luo took the trophy from Ling Qiyue.

But someone tilted his head to look at him again.

Nai Luo also tilted his head to look at her.

Ling Qiyue's nose twitched, and her starry eyes blinked mischievously.

"Sister is giving you an award, why don’t you hug me~"


Nailuo looked at someone with amusement, then he raised his hand and gave Ling Qiyue a light hug.

But just as he was about to let go, someone hugged him tightly.

There was another round of applause from below.

Netizens were excited.

The cult [Shou Qidao Luo] was even more excited and took screenshots.

Ling Qiyue let go of Nailuo and asked him to give his acceptance speech.

Nailuo smiled warmly at everyone.

"I didn't prepare a speech, so I'll keep it short."

"Thank you Director Zhou and Sister Yaya for taking care of me in the crew, and thank you to everyone who supports me."

Ling Qiyue narrowed her eyes and glanced at Nailuo.

Nailuo looked back at someone and smiled.

"Of course, I am most grateful to Jiachen Company, my agent Sister Qing, and everyone in the company."

Ling Qiyue looked at Nailuo and stopped talking, her eyes widened.

"The one I am most grateful to is my elder sister Ling Qiyue who taught me acting skills!"

After hearing that the one she was"most grateful to" was herself,

Ling Qiyue's eyes curved into a beautiful crescent shape again.

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