Ling Qiyue was stunned


Sister, what did you just say?

"Didn't you hear everything~"

Ling Qiyue came to her senses completely, and then the fierceness in her eyes became even stronger, and her little fists clenched tightly.

"Choonai Xiaoluo actually thinks I'm a lesbian!"

"Ah, I want to beat him!"

Chen Shuang looked at July with funny way. When she heard it, she also caught Naolo and played a few times. However, for the rumors of the outside world, the sisters did not ask. In addition, Chen Shuang went to Ling July and was seen many times, so these rumors were not strange. But soon she was caught

"Xiao Luo now knows that you are my sister.

Ling Qiyue looked back at her elder sister, then frowned and asked her

"Did you tell him my real name?"

Chen Shuang smiled.

"No, tell him what you want to tell him yourself."

Ling Qiyue hummed softly, then puffed up her lips again.

""Mom, are you here to recognize Nai Xiaoluo as your son?"

Chen Shuang lowered her eyes and smiled, but didn't answer this time.

Ling Qiyue saw that she was anxious again, and she ran to the kitchen humming.

When she got to the kitchen, she saw her mother and Nai Xiaoluo talking and laughing, and they really looked like a mother and son.

Ling Qiyue came in and wanted to pull her mother out.

Mother Chen glanced at her little daughter, dodged her arm, and pretended not to see her.

"Xiaoluo, you are really good at knife skills."

Nailuo had seen it since Ling Qiyue came.

And his turning back also made Ling Qiyue's little claws retract.

When Chen Shuang came over, she saw Nailuo cooking, and her mother and younger sister were watching.

Chen Shuang shook her head helplessly.

When the lunch was ready, Ling Qiyue washed her claws and skillfully brought all the food out.

When she arrived at the table, Ling Qiyue sat directly in her seat.

But she regretted it after she sat down, because the seats near Nailuo and Xiaoluo were occupied by her mother and sister.

"Auntie, please try it."

Mother Chen couldn't wait any longer. After taking a bite and chewing it carefully, she couldn't help but nod and praise.

"Xiaoluo, your cooking is so delicious."

Ling Qiyue's lips curled up. Of course, her Nai Xiaoluo's cooking skills are superb.

Chen Shuang glanced at Qiyue from the corner of her eyes and smiled.

She tasted a bite and praised Nai Luo.

Nai Luo smiled and accompanied the three of them to eat.

The lunch took an hour. Chen's mother ate much more than usual today.

Even Chen Shuang ate a lot more.

Ling Qiyue was always picking up rice and vegetables.

When they saw Ling Qiyue eating even vegetables, Chen's mother and Chen Shuang were shocked.

Is this still the picky little princess in their family?

Chen's mother My mother suspected that the person in front of her was a fake.

Ling Qiyue didn't care about the looks of the two people, she just ate the dishes happily.

When lunch was over, Naluo went to make tea again.

When he handed it to Chen Shuang, Naluo called"Mr. Chen" again.

Chen Shuang pretended to be displeased and looked at him and asked him to call her sister.

Naluo smiled lightly and called"Sister Shuang'er", and Chen Shuang smiled with satisfaction.

Ling Qiyue's eyes widened again.

Because her Nai Xiaoluo never called her sister in private, and often called her by her name.

Seeing this different treatment, Ling Qiyue felt jealous again.

"Nai Xiaoluo, why don’t you call me sister!"

"I am your sister!"

Mother Chen and Chen Shuang glanced at July, then took a sip of tea from their cups.

Naro looked at the unscrupulous person and could only helplessly shout"July!"...Sister".

Ling Qiyue's mouth slowly lifted up after hearing this, but she soon corrected herself.

"Call me sister, don't mention my name!"

Naro looked at someone, exhaled lightly, and called out


Ling Qiyue:" ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)!"

Ling Qiyue's eyes sparkled, and then she squinted them in enjoyment.

""Yeah, be good~"

Naluo couldn't help but raise his hand and press his eyebrows.

Chen Shuang lowered her eyes and smiled.

Later, when Chen's mother talked to Naluo, Ling Qiyue watched vigilantly.

If there was any sign of something wrong, she would interrupt, or send Naluo away and say she wanted to eat fruit or something.

When Naluo came back, she saw that the mother and daughter, who had originally turned their backs to each other, turned around in an instant.

One was gentle and kind, and the other looked innocent and unscrupulous!

Chen's mother pulled Naluo to take a photo.

Naluo smiled and nodded.

When Chen Shuang took her mother's When the phone was used to take pictures.

Chen's mother and Naluo were standing together, but soon another head appeared in the camera.

Chen's mother looked at her little daughter and asked her to get out of the way with disgust.

Ling Qiyue hummed and leaned on the other side of Naluo, refusing to leave no matter what.

Chen Shuang smiled secretly and captured the expressions of the three people.

Chen's mother's disgust, Qiyue's scoundrel hum, and Naluo's helplessness.

Later, Ling Qiyue was grabbed by Chen Shuang's neck, and her little mouth puffed up as she looked at her mother and her own Naluo Xiaoluo taking a photo.

Chen's mother finished taking the photo, and then asked

"Xiao Luo, Mom...Auntie, can I send two photos to your fan group?"

Ling Qiyue almost jumped up and down just now, because she heard her mother wanted to say"mom" just now.

Chen Shuang explained to Naluo that her mother was his super mom fan and helped him manage the original and current largest fan group.

Looking at Chen's mother, Naluo nodded and smiled.

"Sure, Auntie."

After hearing this, Chen's mother smiled, picked up her phone and selected two handsome photos of Naluo and sent them to the fan group.

Xiaoluo's mother: [My son's handsome photo.jpgX2]

Naluo's fan group immediately exploded

【Mom, my husband is so handsome!】

【Mom is awesome!】

【Mom, your daughter-in-law is here to bring you tea. Please send me some handsome photos of my husband!】......

Chen's mother is the administrator of Naluo's fan group, and she is very generous!

Her status in the group is higher than that of the group owner!

Today she said in the group that she would go to see Naluo later. At first, some people didn't believe it and said,"Mom, let's stop making trouble."

But now that they see that Naluo's photo has really been sent out, and there is a time on the photo, they believe it.

After all, Chen's mother is Naluo's mother fan, and she says in the group every day that Xiaoluo is her good son!

Since then, Naluo's girlfriend fans have admired Chen's mother even more.

Chen's mother was happier when she saw the admiring words of the children in the group.

But after she laughed, she raised her hand to put away her phone, and used her other hand to push away someone who was leaning on her shoulder and puffing his mouth.

Ling Qiyue just poked her head to take a peek.

When she saw that many girlfriend fans were calling her Naluo Xiaoluo her husband, she felt very jealous.

Of course, she was also shocked to see that her mother had become an administrator.

Chen's mother adjusted her sleeves and looked at Ling Qiyue with a smile.

Ling Qiyue:"o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) Humph!"

Afterwards, Chen's mother asked to watch the variety show starring Nailuo, and several people sat on the sofa to watch it together.

After watching for a while, Nailuo looked at Ling Qiyue who took out her mobile phone from time to time to fiddle with it, and the little look of gritting her teeth. He thought she was secretly playing games again, so he shook his head and continued watching TV.

Ling Qiyue was almost mad.

She remembered Nailuo's fan group, and then she changed to her own small account to sneak in.

But when she encountered questions, she answered them all.

Just when she was about to enter, she was rejected by an administrator.

When she raised her eyes and looked at her mother fiercely.

Chen's mother just smiled gently.

Then put away her mobile phone.

It was Chen's mother who refused Ling Qiyue to join the group every time!

Ling Qiyue:"(`へ´≠)!"

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