Naro was completely stunned.

Ling Qiyue is Chen Shuang's biological sister, how is this possible?

In his previous life, he knew something about the Chen family.

Doesn't the Chen family have only one son and one daughter?

Chen Shuang also has a biological brother who has been in Kyoto.

Tianqiong City is the foundation of the Chen family, but the industries that the Chen family has expanded outward are all handled by Chen Shuang's eldest brother.

Naro looked at Chen Shuang with trembling eyes, wanting to know if she was joking.

Or is Ling Qiyue an illegitimate daughter?

Chen Shuang flicked Naro's forehead again and said unhappily

"July is my biological sister, what are you thinking about!"


Naro was still in shock. The look in his eyes just now was too obvious.

Chen Shuang looked at Naro and said to him

"Xiao Luo, just keep this to yourself, don't tell anyone else."

"In this company, no one except Xiaoqing knows Qiyue's true identity."

"And few people in the world know Qiyue's true identity."

Nailuo suppressed his thoughts and nodded. He knew what Chen Shuang meant when she said that few outsiders knew about it. Only families at the same level as the Chen family could know about it.

Now that I think about it, Ling Qiyue is so fierce not only because of Chen Shuang, but also because she is the little princess of the Chen family.

"Ling Qiyue is July's stage name"

"Her ID card was also changed to Ling Qiyue"

"This is why she will not be considered as a member of Chen's family."

"As for why July uses a stage name, I won’t tell you. If I tell you, July will definitely be mad at me."

"As for Qiyue's real name, just wait for her to tell you~"

Naro exhaled lightly, thinking back now, no one in the world knows Ling Qiyue's true identity, whether now or in the previous life.

She has never told her life story outside, but Naro can think of one thing, that is, although someone is very unscrupulous, she also has her own pride.

Perhaps it is because she wants to prove that she can still walk her own path without relying on her family.

In the previous life, Ling Qiyue chose to retire at the age of 30, which was also the day of his death.

As for why she chose to retire, Naro didn't know.

But at the age of 30, Ling Qiyue and Chen Shuang had not started a family, which was also the biggest reason for Naro's misunderstanding based on the information from the previous life.

Naro suppressed his emotions and looked at Chen Shuang and said

"I understand. I won't tell anyone about this."

Chen Shuang smiled and nodded. She didn't ask the previous question again.

"By the way, Xiao Luo, my mother is now your fan. She invited you to dinner before the Lunar New Year because she wanted to meet you."

"I invited you several times, but you didn't come. So when we were filming the variety show yesterday, she asked the director in my name and went to see you on the set."

After hearing this, Nai Luo shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Yesterday, he really didn't know why Chen's mother came to see him. He mistakenly thought...Thinking about it now, it's still very embarrassing.

Chen Shuang looked at Naluo's little appearance and laughed again.

"My mother wanted to invite you to dinner at home this time, but July stopped you from going."

"So, Xiaoluo, the day after the second episode ends, can I bring my mother to visit you?"

Nailuo looked at Chen Shuang and nodded with a smile.

Chen Shuang did not use the relationship of position or debt to talk, but used the questioning between friends.

This gave Nailuo respect and choice.

Nailuo naturally would not refuse.

"Mr. Chen, what does Auntie like to eat? I will go buy the ingredients when the time comes."

Chen Shuang replied with a smile

"Just make what you feed July. They both have similar tastes. The only difference is that my mom is not picky about food, but July is very picky."

"If she knew you agreed and would cook for her, I think my mom would be happy and would pester me again about what to wear and what to bring that day."

When she thought that her mother had really become a true fan of Naluo, Chen Shuang couldn't help laughing again.

Naluo thought about the picky person, and it didn't seem to be picky. He also laughed easily.

All the discomfort in his heart also dissipated in Chen Shuang's words.

"Oh, that's right.~"

"Xiao Luo, don't tell Qiyue about this, lest that girl try to trip you up again."

"You haven't seen her and her mother throwing tantrums at each other. It makes me feel overwhelmed every time I see them."

Nailuo thought about Chen's mother. He felt that she was very gentle and should not have a bad temper.......

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Chen. I'll take care of the arrangements when the time comes. Do you have any dietary restrictions?"

Looking at the thoughtful Nailuo, Chen Shuang shook his head and said


The two chatted for a while, and then Nailuo got up and left.

Before leaving, he went to Sister Qing's place, talked briefly for a while, and then he went back.

As for someone, there is no need to think that he must be sleeping at home at this time.

In the afternoon, Nailuo went to school for the first time in a long time.

He had not yet reported to school for the new semester. He stayed in school for a day and a half, and it was the weekend again.

The weekend was the second episode that Nailuo and his team rushed to shoot.

This time there were two guests, divided into four teams.

Nailuo and Wen Ze were in the same team, and Ling Qiyue and Wu Ling were in the same team.

The result was obvious that although Ling Qiyue and Wu Ling's team did not win, they did not receive any punishment.

Nailuo led Wen Ze from the first round to the end.

Just like that, the recording of the variety show ended.


That day, Wen Ya and the others took a plane and went to their own business.

As for Ling Qiyue, she returned to Tianshuiyuan with Naluo. The two of them would return to the crew the day after tomorrow.

There was still one day of rest.

In the evening,

Ling Qiyue kept staring at Naluo.

"Nai Xiaoluo, I always feel like you are hiding something from me!"

Nai Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at her

"What can I do?"

Ling Qiyue narrowed her eyes and jumped over again, holding Nailuo's cheek with her little paws raised and looking back and forth.

"Are you really okay? I feel like you've changed a lot in the past two days. Tell me, are you hiding any little secrets?"

Ling Qiyue said as she rubbed Naluo's cheek.

Naluo raised his hand and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"What little secrets can I have?"

"Really not?"

"Humph, if you dare to hide it from me, be careful of me......."

Ling Qiyue said and gestured with her little fist.

Nailuo looked at her with amusement.

"It's too late, you should go back to play games."

Hearing this, Ling Qiyue subconsciously reached for her phone.

Looking at Nailuo who was teasing her, Ling Qiyue snorted.

"Sister is not playing games, sister is not an internet addict, sister is just teaching them game strategies!"

Naro smiled and nodded

"Yes, yes, yes, you are teaching others, so go quickly."

Ling Qiyue blinked her eyes, and"quibbled" for herself for three minutes, and finally patted her little butt and left quickly.

At ten o'clock the next morning, the doorbell of Naluo's house rang.

Naluo got up and opened the door, and it was Chen Shuang and Chen's mother who were standing outside.

Naluo smiled and stepped aside to invite the two in.

As soon as the three came in, Naluo went to make tea.

At this time, the door was knocked again.

Hearing that sound, Naluo knew that someone came.

But why did she get up so early this time.

Ling Qiyue was in a very good mood and ran to knock on the door again.

She wanted to eat more at noon, and now she was very hungry.

But when the door opened and she saw that it was her mother who opened the door.

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Ling Qiyue was dumbfounded!

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