Back at the hotel, everyone was seated, waiting for Ling Qiyue and the other two.

Ling Qiyue and Nailuo both sat at Director Ai's main table.

Seeing that Ling Qiyue was in a good mood, Director Ai asked her what was wrong, whether she was so happy because she found some money.

Ling Qiyue blinked her lovely eyes.

"I really found money~"

Naro lowered his head and said nothing.

He now understood why he didn't run into paparazzi.

He was not famous before, but later it was probably due to some unscrupulous actress.

But it was good this way.

After dinner,

Naro saw Ling Qiyue and Xiaoke's eyes were shining with gold and they couldn't wait to go back to spend money.

Ling Qiyue looked at Naro and shouted to him again after he got out of the elevator.

"Nai Xiaoluo, sister is very gentle!"

Nai Luo lowered his eyes and smiled

"Well, you are the most gentle."

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue's eyes curved into a beautiful crescent shape again when the elevator closed.

Xiao Ke turned her back and hummed that her mistress was only gentle to Nai Xiaoluo, but very fierce to her.

"Xiao Ke, go back and open the treasure chest!"

Xiao Ke, who was just humming, suddenly became gloomy and excitedly hugged Qiyue's arms.


After a few more days of filming, Nailuo didn't have many scenes left.

I asked Director Ai for leave, and Nailuo...She boarded the return flight with Ling Qiyue and Xiaoke.

After all, the variety show was about to start recording again, and this time they would finish two episodes before going back.

Anyway, Ling Qiyue was the happiest.

When she asked Director Ai for leave, she once again specifically asked him to delay the filming of Naluo's final scene.

Of course, Ling Qiyue didn't tell Naluo about this. Anyway

, if Naluo asks, she will have a reason.

She can pull Ruan Mingye to let Naluo continue to stay in the crew. After all, there is so much to learn from following the old actors.

Even Ling Qiyue can learn some new skills by being with them in the crew now.

Anyway, she is doing this for the good of her Naluo and Xiaoluo!

Lay a solid foundation and benefit a lot in the future


The plane started to land at 8pm.

When they left the airport, Ling Qiyue just pulled Nailuo away, but soon her little radar automatically jumped up.

Sister Qing came to pick them up.

Seeing Sister Qing, Ling Qiyue pulled Nailuo and was about to run.

But soon another voice stopped her again.


Seeing Chen Shuang coming, Ling Qiyue hid behind Nailuo again, and the eyes exposed by the package looked at the two of them warily.

Chen Shuang waved to her helplessly.

"Come back with me, Xiaoluo and Xiaoqing will take you back later."

Nai Luo nodded, but just as he took a step, Ling Qiyue's little claws still grabbed the corner of his clothes and didn't let go.

Fang Qing took out a"ruler" she specially customized from her sleeve with a kind face, and looked at Ling Qiyue.

Seeing this, Ling Qiyue was furious.

She took the suitcase from Xiaoke fiercely.

"You bad woman, come here, I will really beat you up!"

Fang Qing smiled, she really came.

Ling Qiyue pulled the suitcase forward fiercely to fight.

Nailuo patted his forehead. He saw Ling Qiyue was about to kick the handle of the suitcase and then make a few gestures with Sister Qing.

What's worse, she seemed to want to spank Sister Qing's butt.

This little vengeful book will never forget that she was spanked.

Chen Shuang looked at the two with a headache.

"You two, stop it."

Following Chen Shuang's words, Fang Qing put away the ruler and pushed her black-framed glasses, but she was still staring at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue snorted, kicked the suitcase to Xiao Ke, and then turned her back and pointed her little butt at her.

Nailuo sighed that Chen Shuang was indeed able to calm these two people.

Chen Shuang waved at Ling Qiyue.

""Qiyue, get in the car."

Ling Qiyue hummed softly, glanced at Nailuo, waved her little paws and walked towards Chen Shuang's car.

Nailuo also walked towards Sister Qing's car.

Xiao Ke was picked up by another car.

On the way, Fang Qing asked Nailuo to sign the contract for the new play.

After chatting, Nailuo also knew that Sister Qing came to get the contract for him to sign, and by the way, she deliberately took her custom-made ruler to show Ling Qiyue.


The next morning,

Nailuo got ready and got in the male assistant's car, and then went to the meeting place.

Unlike the usual weekend shooting, this time the shooting was on Wednesday.

When they arrived at the meeting place,

Yue Ming and his friends had already arrived.

Nailuo went up to greet them.

Wen Ze came closer.

After a while, Ling Qiyue arrived last.

As soon as she got out of the car, Ling Qiyue raised her little head and waved at the others.

When everyone was gathered, three more cars drove in from a distance.

Seeing that there were guests, Yue Ming and Wu Ling became excited again.

Soon, three people got out of the car one after another.

They were all popular young artists.

Qin Siyu got out first, followed by Tao Mengjin and Yang Yuheng.

Yue Ming was very happy when he saw the two young and beautiful girls, and Wu Ling also laughed when he saw Yang Yuheng.

The three of them happened to be working together to shoot a youth drama. The second male lead in the drama could not come because of schedule reasons, and now they are almost regretting it.

Yang Yuheng and Wen Ze had worked together before, and they were quite familiar with each other, but he still stuck close to Naro. In his heart, Naro was his true best friend!

After the three of them arrived, they greeted Ling Qiyue and several other seniors.

The two little fans couldn't contain their excitement when they saw Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue.

Naro was the youngest in both age and information, so he also called three teachers.

The three looked at Naro and responded enthusiastically.

Ling Qiyue looked at the two little girls who were about the same age as herself, and the demeanor of a senior immediately came out, and she hurriedly separated Naro from the others.

Wen Ya laughed on the side~

After a brief introduction, another bus drove out from inside.

And the work on the scene���The staff also let several people get on the bus.

As for where to go, no one knew

【Damn, why are the production crew so crappy? They scheduled the live broadcast for Wednesday. Luckily I have a day off today!】

【I'm taking a break today too!】

【Spring is here. My right hand was overworked yesterday, so I’ll take a rest today!】

【Damn! The guy above, you can continue to mess up your left hand!】

【Oh, I finally waited for the new episode! I don’t know what we will play today, but I didn’t expect that the guests this time would be these three little ones. 】

Naluo and the others didn’t know the same thing.

Anyway, winter has passed, and the warm sun of early spring makes people feel comfortable.


Ling Qiyue fell asleep on Wen Ya’s shoulder in the car.

Originally, she wanted to sit with Nai Xiaoluo.

But after she came in, both sides of Naluo were occupied by Wen Ze and Yue Ming, and there was also a guest, Yang Yuheng.

She could only sit in the second to last row with Wen Ya, and then there was nothing else.

Wen Ya raised her shoulders a little higher to let Ling Qiyue sleep more comfortably.

The two little fans stopped talking and turned back to look at Wen Ya and Qiyue.

【Oh shit, I just came in and saw Goddess July sleeping with my Goddess Yaya!】

【How can I repair it? I want to sleep too!】

【Qiyue Yaya is my favorite!

Just when Ling Qiyue was sleeping soundly, the naughty fox appeared on the car TV again.

"Welcome members~"

"Before heading to the destination, everyone will be divided into three teams!"

"The captains of the three teams are Ling Qiyue, Wen Ya and Wu Ling!"

"You three choose the remaining two team members!"

Ling Qiyue suddenly opened her eyes, and then she looked at Wen Ya and then Nai Xiaoluo with shining eyes.

Wu Ling was sitting in front of the two of them.

She turned around and said

"Rock-paper-scissors, whoever wins gets to choose!"

Ling Qiyue and Wen Ya nodded at the same time.


Ling Qiyue:"✊!" elegant:"✋!"


Ling July:"......!!!"

Ling Qiyue looked at her little fist, and then looked at Nai Xiaoluo with grievance.

Nai Luo:"......"

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