Arriving at the company, Nailuo went directly to Sister Qing's office.

There were two people waiting for him there, a man and a woman.

Both of them were about 40 years old, the man was very strong and the woman was very beautiful.

After Nailuo came in, the two kept looking at him.

After the introduction, Nailuo also knew that these two people were his next professional teachers.

Fang Qing talked to Nailuo and discussed with Chen Shuang, and did not let him go the idol route, but develop in the entertainment industry. In the following days, Nailuo studied hard every day under the guidance of professional teachers.

For these, Nailuo also thought that they were very similar to his disguise tasks in his previous life, so he absorbed them very quickly.

However, for some subtle sensory and physical performances, he also watched silent films under the guidance of the teacher.

Silent films use body, expression and eyes combined with the environment to achieve the purpose of performance.

Only rely on oneself to express all his emotions.

After that, he also watched some acting clips of old actors, including Ling Qiyue's video.

Every time he studied, he was completely immersed in it.

And his progress and rapid absorption also made the training teacher unconsciously smile with satisfaction.

The reason why he studied so hard was, of course, not to enter the circle as soon as possible, but to conceal himself more perfectly when facing those enemies in the future.

On the first day of Naro's study, the advertisement he shot with Ling Qiyue was released.

Ling Qiyue was on the hot search again.

Naro also entered the public's field of vision, but most people's focus was still on Ling Qiyue.

The final product of the advertisement still used the scene when the two were accidentally hit by the waves for the first time.

Ling Qiyue's advertisement also made Chen's newly created brand a hit, and sales soared.

This is the advertising effect brought by the top streamer Ling Qiyue.

Along with the broadcast of the endorsement advertisement, various photos that were not included in the advertisement were also posted on the brand's official website.

The front row below are all messages from Ling Qiyue's fans.

——【My family’s July: My goddess is as beautiful as a painting, and I have bought her clothes!】

——【July's tail: Ah! July, I am your little tail, wearing the same clothes as you!】

——【My name is Ling August: I just want to know what the little brother who shot the commercial with July is called, he looks so handsome!】

——【Hu Hansan returns: I don't know about the reply above, he should be a newcomer to Jiachen. Before July, the endorsements were either taken by himself or with artists from his own company. He has never taken photos with artists from other companies.】

——【July: The boy is so handsome, I wonder if he is a model, his figure is good】

——【A wolf in the jungle: You bastard, who asked you to block the waves? I can't even see the wet temptation of the July goddess.[○・`Д´・ ○]!】

——【Wind Chaser: Same as upstairs!】......

The most popular ones were Ling Qiyue's die-hard fans, and none of them criticized Ling Qiyue.

After all, those who criticized Ling Qiyue in the past were all criticized by others until they lost their accounts.

For some bad comments, Ling Qiyue's fans also uniformly swiped the screen: [Be careful of the fierce little milk fist warning! ]

This is the origin of the joke in Ling Qiyue's previous a cappella video where she raised her little fist and glared at the black card fiercely.

But there were also some dark comments, or some people who were jealous of this new brand and deliberately slandered and sang the opposite tune.

They didn't dare to criticize Ling Qiyue, so they started to criticize the quality of the clothes and Naluo.

However, Ling Qiyue's fans directly criticized those.

The brand's official website also responded strongly.

After all, they are under Chen's, and the quality of the clothes must be no problem. Of course, they will not tolerate those who stir up trouble. It's just that Naluo doesn't know about these, and even if he knows, it has nothing to do with him, not to mention that he has never paid attention to these things.

Ling Qiyue is on vacation, a rare day off, so she won't ask about other things.

What's more, after the filming ended, she disappeared with her assistant Xiao Ke, who was not fully recovered yet.


Half a month passed like this.

In the afternoon, when Naro was still studying,

Ling Qiyue, who had disappeared for half a month, came back.

As soon as she came back, she was caught by Sister Qing and scolded for a long time.

"Turn off your phone again. Where did you go this time? And you, Xiaoke, you also learned to turn off your phone, right?"

Listening to Sister Qing's scolding, Xiaoke didn't dare to speak. He lowered his head and moved timidly behind Ling Qiyue's butt.

Ling Qiyue hummed and looked at Sister Qing with a thief's reason.

"I'm on vacation, that's what you agreed on. Anyway, I didn't do anything wrong, why are you so mad at me!"

Sister Qing's chest rose and fell.

After seeing this, Ling Qiyue felt more reasonable, crossed her arms, and glared at Sister Qing fiercely.

"Anyway, I'm not working. I won't work even if you ask me to come back. The vacation isn't over yet, so it won't help no matter who comes!"

"If you dare to mention work, I will leave now and continue to disappear. I will come back when the vacation is over."

"And give me the small money I earned from my last role."

Fang Qing looked at Ling Qiyue and sighed. Finally, she leaned back in her chair and looked at her with a sneer in her eyes.

That's right, the way to make Ling Qiyue come back obediently is to threaten her with her small money. The money was supposed to be paid to Ling Qiyue, but Fang Qing still couldn't find her after calling her for half a month. She left her a message directly, saying that if she didn't come back, her small money was kidnapped by her.

As soon as she heard that her small money was kidnapped, Ling Qiyue obediently showed up.

"It's not me who deducted your money, it's Mr. Chen. If you have the guts, go find Chen Shuang!"

"Why are you here to bully me?"

When Ling Qiyue heard that it was Chen Shuang who detained her money, her eyes widened. She didn't believe it at all.

"Impossible, it must be you who ordered it, otherwise......"

"Haha, how about this? President Chen said that Naro also owes her money, so now is the perfect time to deduct your money."

"If you have the ability, go and teach Naro, and let him make money as soon as possible, so that you will have a place to put your money!"


Ling Qiyue's mouth immediately puffed up after hearing this.

"You said you are not asking me to work, but you are just asking me to be a free teacher!"

"I won't do it!"

Ling Qiyue was so angry that she almost pinched Sister Qing.

Sister Qing slowly sat up straight.

"You want to hit me? Come on!"

"It just so happens that I recently set my eyes on a sports car, but I’m worried that I don’t have the money to buy it!"



Ling Qiyue was so angry at Fang Qing that she wanted to pinch her with her little paws, but she grabbed the air and madly scratched it several times, and finally turned her little fists into fists and punched it a few times before letting go.

Seeing that Ling Qiyue had vented enough, Sister Qing stopped provoking her and hooked her finger at her.


Ling Qiyue snorted, turned her back, pointed her butt at her, and ignored her.


"Little Qiyue~"

Sister Qing's soft voice made Qiyue hum again


"It's no use calling me little ancestor, and there's no way I can get a job!"

Fang Qing was choked up and her lips twitched, and her originally softened tone became high again.

"Ling Qiyue, I’m giving you face, right?"

"Don’t forget that you are also a small boss of Jiachen, and you still have shares here!"

"Nailuo is your junior brother now. If you bring him out earlier, your money will increase faster!"

Sure enough, after Sister Qing said this, Ling Qiyue's little butt moved towards the door again, and she also looked at Fang Qing in shock and said


"I forgot that I am still Jiachen's boss!"

Fang Qing:"......!!!"

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