Director Ai was shocked.

The assistant director quietly moved away from him and pooh-poohed him again.


"You'll see how you deal with this little ancestor."

He wanted to watch the show, because he couldn't get rid of the blame.

Even if he could, he was standing far away, and Qiyue, the little ancestor, saw it.

Director Ai, let's see how you play!

The assistant director stood aside and watched the show in a very comfortable mood. Director

Ai had a bitter face, and his hand, which he stretched out to point in the direction of Ling Qiyue, was shaking.

He looked at Kuang Tianhua and the others bitterly.

"Am I dazzled? I always feel like the person opposite me is being mean to me."

He Manshu took a photo with one of her fans, shook her head and smiled.

"Get rid of the feeling, it's July who is being mean to you!"

Kuang Tianhua and Ruan Mingye were very easygoing with the fans. When they were recognized, they didn't say anything, but took care of the fans' emotions and told them not to get upset.

As for Director Ai, both of them sighed, as if to take the blame on themselves.

Director Ai's face became even more bitter.

"Will Qiyue beat me up then?"

He Manshu and the other two just smiled and didn't answer. The fans on the side all laughed when they heard it.


"Wow, July, Nai Xiaoluo!"

""Nai Xiaoluo, I'm your wife, come and look at me!"

A female fan of Naluo shouted, which immediately made Ling Qiyue's eyes fierce.

But she quickly suppressed her little emotion that was about to go crazy, and pulled Naluo to the spot and turned his back to the female fan.

Being surrounded by people, if they wanted to go out, they might cause a bigger commotion. There were many children here.

This was why Ling Qiyue and Naluo stood there honestly and did not choose to run away.

Seeing that they were all recognized, Ling Qiyue raised her little hand

"Everyone, calm down. Today is the Lantern Festival, let's celebrate together. There are children here, so we won't run away. Didn't you see Director Ai and Actor Kuang are over there? We are together, so everyone, calm down."

As Ling Qiyue spoke, the scene was instantly calmed down.

Ling Qiyue knew that she couldn't play anymore.

Looking at the path made by the crowd, Ling Qiyue took Nai Luo and Xiao Ke and walked towards Director Ai.

Looking at Ling Qiyue, whose eyes exuded a kind look, Director Ai wanted to hide.

But he had been locked by Ling Qiyue and couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Even if he could hide today, he couldn't hide forever tomorrow. If that happened, the movie wouldn't be shot.

The assistant director stood up at this moment. He ate the snacks in his hand with big mouthfuls and waited to watch the show.

He had already begun to imagine Ling Qiyue giving Director Ai a left hook and a crotch kick.......

Assistant Director: Oh, oh, oh!

When she got to Director Ai's side, Ling Qiyue saw how well behaved the fans of Kuang Tianhua and the others were.

She also hid behind Nailuo and said to everyone

""Come on, don't mess around. I'll let Director Ai take your phones. Let's take a picture together, okay? You can send it to each other later."

Everyone was excited to hear that they could take pictures.

Ling Qiyue immediately made a hush gesture, for fear of attracting more people.

There were many people gathered here, but most of them were still watching the lanterns inside.

Director Ai was called out, so he naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

Ling Qiyue and Nailuo both took off their masks and revealed their faces, and the fans became even more excited.

Some took out their phones to take pictures.

However, when Ling Qiyue said that everyone should take pictures together, they all saved the front position.

Director Ai took a fan's phone and started taking pictures.

There were too many people, so it took five times to finish the photo.

Seeing that the photo was taken, everyone was still reluctant to leave.

Ling Qiyue cleared her throat.

"Well, I haven't had dinner yet, and you all want to know about our new movie, right?"

"Director Ai happened to be here, so he said,"I'll eat something over here. You won't let me go hungry, will you? I haven't eaten all day." When the fans heard that the goddess Qiyue hadn't eaten all day, they all told her to eat quickly. Ling Qiyue pretended to pull Naluo to the stall behind to eat. After the two sat down, Xiaoke followed. Ling Qiyue asked Xiaoke for the car keys. Then, carrying the snacks she had bought, Ling Qiyue pulled Naluo and ran away. Xiaoke:


Xiao Ke was still sitting there in a daze.

The fans who found Ling Qiyue running away wanted to chase her, but they could only see two figures running away quickly.......

Some fans chased after two steps and then stopped.

After all, last time in the mall, Yun Hai's fans searched until dark and still couldn't catch the two.

How could they catch up here?

Director Ai watched Ling Qiyue and Nai Luo run away, what else could he do but to help them get back together.

After dealing with everyone, Director Ai and his friends were about to leave, only to find Xiao Ke following behind with a face full of grievance.

Xiao Ke:"I was abandoned by Qiyue. She ran away with her family Nai Xiaoluo and left me behind.(╥﹏╥)o!"



Nailuo and Ling Qiyue were relieved when they got back to the car.

Ling Qiyue hummed and said that she would go back to settle the score with Director Ai.

In order to prevent anyone from chasing them, Nailuo drove out.

Ling Qiyue looked at the distance and asked Nailuo to drive in that direction.

Nailuo didn't understand why, but he still drove in that direction.

When the car left the city and drove along a secluded road, there were few passing vehicles.

"Nai Xiaoluo, drive up there, where you can see the moon more clearly."

When the car stopped at a high ground, Ling Qiyue opened the package and handed a box to Nai Luo.

Nai Luo took it, and the two sat in the car and watched Yue'er eat glutinous rice balls.

Ling Qiyue scooped a white and plump glutinous rice ball and put it to Nai Luo's mouth.

"Nai Xiaoluo, sister will feed you~"

""I will spend every important festival with you and will never leave you~"

Naluo's eyes softened again, and looking at Ling Qiyue with a smile on her face, he opened his mouth and ate the glutinous rice balls.

Ling Qiyue smiled even more happily.

Later, she also grabbed Naluo's hand and ate the glutinous rice balls he scooped up.

After eating, she lowered her head and kept chewing.

Because it was very sweet and warm, it was sweet to her heart and warm to her little face.

After eating the glutinous rice balls, she ate the remaining snacks.

Finally, Ling Qiyue took her mobile phone, put her left hand around Naluo's neck and pulled him to her side.

"Nai Xiaoluo, smile~"

Nai Luo's mouth corners slightly raised, Ling Qiyue's mouth corners raised high.

Looking at the photo, Ling Qiyue's eyes curved again.

She found that her Nai Xiaoluo was really handsome, and that face was too much to her liking.......

After the two of them returned,

Ling Qiyue looked at Xiaoke's resentful eyes, then stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

"At worst, you can be the main C tonight, and I'll play support to assist you!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ke's resentful look disappeared, but then she added

"Don't be mean to me!"

Ling Qiyue patted her plump chest and promised

"I won't be mean to you!"

However, ten minutes later~

Ling Qiyue:"Xiao Ke, the guy up there has low health, hurry up and kill him!" Xiao Ke:"Ah! Qiyue, hurry up and heal me, I'm dying!"

Ling Qiyue:"Fuck, Xiao Ke, are you a pig!"

Just when the two were having fun, the Internet exploded again.

【Hahaha, the last time was in July, look at the pair of black leather boots she is wearing today!】

【These two comparison pictures confirm that last time he participated in a couple competition with his face masked, and this time he took Nai Xiaoluo to visit the lanterns on the Lantern Festival!】

【Hahaha, they thought that no one would recognize them if they wore masks, right?】

【You guys should go and take a look at the picture released by another person. Are the two people hugging each other from the back Ling Qiyue and Nai Xiaoluo?】

【Damn it, Ling Qiyue, what are you doing? Xiaoluo is still young! 】

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