Watching those fans walk away.

Nailuo now loves Ling Qiyue so much that he wants to abandon her and run away.

Ling Qiyue's heart is sweeter than eating honey, and her whole body is still twitching slightly.

But this time she is not pretending to cry, but can't hide the joy and sweetness in her heart.

"Woohoo...Then tell me how much you love me now~"

Hearing Ling Qiyue's acting skills coming up again, Naluo leaned close to her ear with a dark face and whispered

"Everyone has left, you've already done your part!"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Ling Qiyue poked her head out of Naluo's arms and glanced at her fans who were walking away.

At this moment, a fierce light flashed in her eyes again.

Why are you walking so fast? Don't you know to stop for a while? Ling Qiyue glanced at her fans angrily.

At this moment, she would never admit that they are her fans. She doesn't have such stupid fans!

Ling Qiyue puffed her mouth, but she was wearing a mask so that Naluo couldn't see.

When Naluo Xiaoluo held her hand and walked towards the sightseeing elevator again, Ling Qiyue's beautiful eyebrows danced with joy when she thought of his"confession" to her just now.

However, when the two arrived at the elevator, this time Naluo hugged Ling Qiyue by the waist and looked outside.

Ling Qiyue also hugged Naluo again.

Then the crying sound with a changed voice came again.

"Woo woo woo...Humph, you said you would buy it for me, but you lied to me again!"

Naluo took a deep breath and gently rubbed Ling Qiyue's head with tenderness squeezed out of his teeth.

"Be good, don't cry, we'll buy it next time, okay~"

Ling Qiyue shook her head in Nailuo's arms aggrievedly

"In two months, my belly will be big, and I don’t know if I will still have that dress by then! Humph~"

Naluo increased the strength of his hand and rubbed Ling Qiyue’s head fiercely.

"Then we can buy it after the Chinese New Year, okay? We have almost spent all the money today, so let's leave it at that for today, don't cry, I will definitely buy it for you after the Chinese New Year!"

Ling Qiyue's little milk fist caught Nailuo's back and punched him twice.

However, the conversation between the two was broadcast live again.

Because the one who just took the sightseeing elevator was the video broadcaster and two fans who came to support.

They took the elevator up according to the suggestions given by netizens.

And someone had already gone up there to look for it, and the timely report could be seen in the barrage. In the entire mall, only the sixth floor of maternal and child clothing was not looked for.

The six people Nailuo met before came up from the fifth floor and happened to meet up with the video broadcaster on this floor.

As for the stairs, someone went to search them now.

The conversation between Nailuo and Ling Qiyue was heard by the live broadcast room.

The video broadcaster even put the two of them in the camera of his mobile phone.

But looking at their coats and shoes, everyone thought they were a young couple, or a young couple whose girl was pregnant.

However, the Chen family~


Chen Shuang's phone fell.

Chen's mother was shocked when she saw it, and her hand couldn't hold it firmly.

"Shuang'er, July is pregnant?"

"In July she was actually pregnant!"

"It’s still Xiao Luo’s child!"

Chen Shuang:"......"

Chen Shuang's face was now darker than Na Luo's!

She had seen and heard what had just happened.

Outsiders could not see or hear the two people's disguise and voice change.

But Chen's mother and Chen Shuang recognized them at a glance.

Chen's mother stood up immediately.

"Shuang'er, quickly book a flight for me, I want to go to Yunhai!"

Chen Shuang was so upset and speechless that she pushed her mother back.

"Can't you see that they are acting?"

"They all used false voices and changed clothes because they didn't want to be recognized. Can you please stop causing trouble for me?"

After Chen Shuang finished speaking, her chest rose and fell a few times, and finally she pressed hard on her painful eyebrows.

Now she finally understood Fang Qing's pain!

After hearing this, Chen's mother looked at the live broadcast room on the tablet and snorted!

I don't know what she meant by this"snort"!


Nailuo pulled Ling Qiyue to the sightseeing elevator, and the two stood in the corner.

Ling Qiyue still hugged Nailuo and put her head on his chest.

Listening to Nailuo's heartbeat and feeling the warmth at the moment, Ling Qiyue wanted to record this lucky day in her little notebook.

After going downstairs, there were still many fans chasing after them. As for the door, there were people guarding to prevent the two from sneaking out.

The same thing happened when they reached the other exit on the first floor.

Seeing Nailuo frown, Ling Qiyue shook their holding hands.

""I'll see you later~"

Naro frowned and looked at Ling Qiyue with some uneasiness.

But without giving him a chance to think, Ling Qiyue went to touch Naro's phone.

When they were changing clothes, they already knew that it was the video host who leaked the information.

Ling Qiyue didn't blame the host for this.

She knew that her phone had been exposed, and she was too lazy to take off the phone case, so she went to touch Naro's phone.

When she got Naro's phone, she pretended to make a call, and then led Naro to the door.

"Well, I'll be home soon. I won't go shopping anymore. It seems like there are some celebrities in the mall today. When we went downstairs just now, we saw two people wearing black coats and hiding in a store on the third floor."

"I won't go to see it. I'm pregnant now. It would be bad if something unexpected happened. Yeah, we'll be out soon."

When the fans who were waiting outside heard Ling Qiyue's words, they immediately walked towards the two of them, wanting to ask if they were really on the third floor and in which store they were hiding. However, before they could get close, Ling Qiyue suddenly bent over and cried out in pain.

""Honey, my stomach hurts, it hurts so much, what's wrong with me, take me to the hospital quickly!"

Nai Luo didn't understand what Ling Qiyue meant at this moment.

He turned around and picked up Ling Qiyue. Although the shopping bag was a bit in the way, he couldn't ask so many questions now.

"I'll take you to the hospital now, don't be afraid, I'm there!"

""Hubby, hurry up, my stomach hurts!"

Ling Qiyue's painful voice and Naluo's anxious voice made the fans who wanted to ask questions quickly make way for them to go to the hospital.

Looking at the road that had been cleared by itself, Naluo lowered his head and kept comforting the"pregnant" Ling Qiyue.

When the two came out, they saw an empty car and slipped in directly.

Ling Qiyue, who slipped away smoothly in the car, was still hugging Naluo's neck and grinning.

Because when she called Naluo Xiaoluo"hubby".

Naluo's ears turned red!

Looking at Naluo Xiaoluo who turned his face away and didn't look at him.

Ling Qiyue came over naughtily again and called softly.~



Naro's pupils trembled, and he finally looked back and glared at her!

Ling Qiyue smiled even happier and hugged Naro tighter!

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