Nailuo asked Ling Qiyue to change her position.

But later he let go, and Ling Qiyue hugged him even tighter.

Seeing that Nailuo really didn't like this position, Ling Qiyue hummed softly, then pulled her legs back.

Nailuo then hugged her like a princess again.

"Since you like to hug your sister like this so much, your sister will satisfy you~"

Listening to the low whisper of a certain unscrupulous girl in his ear, Naro really wanted to throw her out at some point.

Now there are only three couples left on the stage.

The boy who did not break up the relationship gritted his teeth, and his body trembled uncontrollably, and his face had already turned red.

The girl who was hugged was full of love but also with heartache.

The girl hugged the boy tightly and whispered something in his ear.

In the end, the boy gritted his teeth and persisted for another minute. In the end, because of exhaustion, his legs bent down and the whole person fell down.

But even so, he still protected the girl in his arms intact and did not let her fall at all.

For the boy's protection, the girl did not feel regret or loss because of losing the game. On the contrary, she was happy.

The girl helped the boy off the stage, and then gently massaged the boy's still trembling arms.

The two looked at each other, and then blushed and looked away, but soon they looked at each other with red faces again , and finally smiled and hugged each other.

Ling Qiyue had been watching since the two were eliminated.

Seeing their youthful secret crush on each other, and now their shy love that knows each other's feelings, her eyes softened.

Feeling Naro's embrace, Ling Qiyue squinted her eyes, with a smile on the corners of her mouth behind the mask, and just leaned on Naro's neck and hugged him tightly.

She liked hugging Naro, and she liked the feeling of being hugged like this even more.

The remaining middle-aged couple has persisted until now despite being looked down upon.

The man's face also turned red, but the man still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The woman, with the feeling of love in her previous life, leaned on her husband's arms.

The man looked at the woman, and the couple walked hand in hand all the way, looking into each other's eyes, and the man and the woman smiled at the same time.

The woman knew that her husband could not hold on, but this was enough.

She once again enjoyed the romance of her youth, and the woman moved her hands.

The man looked at his wife with eyes full of doting, gritted his teeth and squeezed out the strength, and hugged her a little closer.

""Husband, you are the best!"

The woman said with joy, and then, regardless of other people's eyes, she gave a sweet kiss to her lover who had protected her from wind and rain and accompanied her until now.

The man's twisted face, which he had squeezed out with strength, relaxed again under the kiss.

The audience in the audience looked at the loving middle-aged couple and gave applause and cheers generously.

The applause and cheers in the audience made Naluo and Ling Qiyue look at the middle-aged couple at the same time.

Looking at the scene of them hugging and kissing, Ling Qiyue's eyes widened, but her eyes showed deep envy and blessings.

After seeing this, Naluo wanted to put Ling Qiyue down, Give them the prize.

The woman's face became even redder. The man was still hugging and kissing his wife. Finally, his knees were bent and he swayed with his steps. A man who passed by sat down on the ground. But the woman was still well taken care of by him. The couple looked at each other with smiles.

The man raised his hand and waved to the people below.

The host also announced the result of the game with a smile.

It was Ling Qiyue and Naluo who won in the end.

Ling Qiyue was naturally happy to win the game. She clenched her fists excitedly and raised them to the air.

But before she could be happy for long, she saw Naluo frowning.

"We won, what happened to you?"

Nailuo looked at the young men running towards him from a distance. When they ran over, they pointed at him. He realized something was wrong.

"Hurry up, those fans must have discovered you."

Listening to Nailuo's whispered words, Ling Qiyue's eyes widened again.

They were now on the stage, so they could naturally see the movements in the mall.

Following Nailuo's gaze, Ling Qiyue naturally also discovered the people rushing here

"I'll get the shopping bags, let's go quickly."

Nailuo put Ling Qiyue down after saying that.

Then he jumped off the platform and walked towards the gold shop staff. When he got there, Nailuo picked up all the shopping bags for the two of them.

When he looked back, he found that Ling Qiyue had not followed him at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over my prize!"

Nailuo's eyebrows twitched uneasily as the slightly fierce voice sounded.

The host asked Ling Qiyue to give a speech of thanks for winning the award.

Ling Qiyue didn't have the time to spare and just wanted to take her prize as soon as possible.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast saw the intentions of the two people.

【Oh no, July and Nai Xiaoluo want to run away!】

【Host, hurry up and shout Ling Qiyue to the stage. It is definitely Ling Qiyue!

The host of the video looked at the floating barrage. He didn't think that the people on the stage were Ling Qiyue and Naluo from the beginning.

But seeing more and more people saying that they were the two of them, he now began to believe it.

The host looked at the stage and shouted"Ling Qiyue" in the crowd!

Then Ling Qiyue on the stage subconsciously wanted to turn her head after hearing it, but she stopped stubbornly halfway through. At this time, her fans and Naluo's fans who came from outside also shouted Ling Qiyue and Naluo's names while running because of the shout.

The host naturally heard it, and the merchants in the gold shop had already come up with gifts.

He was confused by the shout from outside and looked around, and finally looked at Ling Qiyue again.

Naluo frowned even higher.

He jumped onto the stage and ran with Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue, who had not yet received the prize, was immediately unhappy.

"I haven't received my prize yet!"

Naro couldn't ask so many questions.

As soon as the two of them rushed off the stage, the fans outside rushed over.

"They are there!"

The video host was really confused at this moment. This was a real encounter.

Under the urging of netizens, the host held up his mobile phone and chased after him all the way.

Naluo held Ling Qiyue's little hand and paid attention to the surroundings while running.

But he didn't expect that a large number of fans would pour in from the other side.

At the venue of the gold shop in the hall before, everyone was confused.

They were still thinking about their activities just now. Ling Qiyue and Naluo actually came to participate.

But now both of them have run away.

More and more people followed.

Even the onlookers followed curiously to watch.

Now the whole mall was in a sensation.

However, after a while, a figure wrapped tightly in a gust of wind and fire reappeared here.

The gold shop merchant still held the two couple pendants that had not been given away.

But the next second, a vigorous and beautiful figure appeared in front of him.

And the pair of packaged prizes in his hand were gone.

The gold shop merchant was about to shout.

But soon he held the words in his mouth.

Because the girl who snatched the prize turned back and glared at him fiercely

"this is mine!"

"It’s not stolen!"

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