At noon, Jiachen held a year-end dinner.

All the people who came to the company today participated.

Unlike some companies that would hold a party or something like that.

Chen Shuang just wanted them to go home early if they could rest and spend the New Year with their families and have a reunion dinner. They were busy all year, either on the crew or rushing to make announcements.

Why waste their time on rehearsing programs?

But dinners and red envelopes are still indispensable. Of course, if you want to go back, you can just leave.

The dinner was held in the cafeteria in the hall where Jiachen usually eats.

The chefs who cooked were all chefs hired by Chen Shuang at a high salary. Nailuo used to come to the cafeteria to eat every noon when he was in the company. Nailuo was called to the main table by Chen Shuang.

Music was playing in the hall, and the people who gathered were talking and laughing with each other. Of course, there were also people who wanted to sing, and Chen Shuang would naturally not stop them.

When the banquet began, those who had enough fun returned to their seats.

After everyone drank a glass of wine together, the atmosphere in the venue became lively.

Nailuo sat next to Sister Qing, and on the other side was Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue was still drinking hot drinks during the dinner, but she kept trying to find out from Naluo what he and Chen Shuang had talked about.

Naluo just smiled and didn't answer.

Ling Qiyue puffed her lips in frustration, snorted and continued to finish the meat.

Naluo, Sister Qing and Chen Shuang all drank during the dinner. Seeing that he was disrespectful to her, Ling Qiyue took the initiative to ask him to drink with a hot drink.

She wanted to get him drunk and then ask him some questions.

In the end, Ling Qiyue, who was called by name by Chen Shuang, became obedient again.

The year-end dinner lasted from near noon until three in the afternoon.

Chen Shuang had already arranged for a driver to take everyone back safely.

Naluo said hello and left.

Seeing Nai Xiaoluo leave, Ling Qiyue also took her bag and prepared to leave.

But as soon as she took a step, Chen Shuang grabbed the back of her neck.

"Where are you going?"

Ling Qiyue looked back at Chen Shuang and said with a smile.

"I'm going back to sleep, I'm so sleepy now~"

Chen Shuang narrowed her eyes and smiled and said

"Are you sleepy? Then come home with me and sleep when you get home~"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

"I want to go back to heaven first......"

Ling Qiyue took a quick look and found that Sister Qing was not there, and she immediately became alert.

"I'll go back to Tianshuiyuan first. I left my stuff there. It's just right for me to sleep there and go home tomorrow~"

After Ling Qiyue finished speaking, Chen Shuang just continued to stare at her.

Ling Qiyue's little mouth puffed up again.

"I really left something behind, I will really go home tomorrow!"

"Come home with me, and I will tell you what Xiao Luo and I said~" When

Ling Qiyue heard this, she blinked twice cutely, then she stopped running and struggling, and then turned around and hugged Chen Shuang and smiled.

"Let's go home, let's go home now!"

Chen Shuang looked at Qi Yue with amusement, and then she walked out with her arms around her....

Ling Qiyue, who was brought back to her residence by Chen Shuang, hugged her and asked her

"Tell me quickly, what little secret did you and Nai Xiaoluo tell each other~"

Chen Shuang looked at Ling Qiyue who was hugging her arms and acting coquettishly, and pinched her little face with amusement.

"Aren’t you sleepy? Go to sleep first. I’ll tell you when you wake up~"

Ling Qiyue was really sleepy at this moment, but she wanted to know what the two of them talked about.

After all, curiosity kills the cat!

"Go to bed first. Look how serious your dark circles are!"

"Liar, didn’t you say you would tell me when I got home?"

"I'll tell you when you wake up!"

Ling Qiyue snorted angrily after hearing this, and finally lay directly on the bed, and then pointed her little butt at her.

Chen Shuang came over with a smile and lightly spanked her little butt.


Ling Qiyue snorted from under the quilt!

Chen Shuang shook her head and smiled.

"I just want to thank Xiao Luo. After all, you often go there for free meals and bother others so many times. How can I not thank you~"

Ling Qiyue poked her little head out from under the quilt and said with a pouty mouth

"How could I bother Nai Xiaoluo? I brought him a lot of food and fruits."

Chen Shuang looked at Qiyue's little appearance, raised her eyebrows, and then continued

"Oh, by the way, when I asked you two if you had done anything, Xiao Luo...Nervous~"

Upon hearing this, Ling Qiyue suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up, asking with shining eyes

"Nai Xiaoluo is nervous?!"

Chen Shuang narrowed her eyes and looked at Ling Qiyue.

"Why do I find you seem very excited?~"

"Qiyue, are you hiding something from me~"

Ling Qiyue's eyes flickered and dodged for a moment.

"How could I be excited!"

"You are seeing things!"

"I'm so sleepy now, how can I be excited!"

After saying that, Ling Qiyue curled herself up in the quilt again.

"Oh~ really?"

"July, what are you hiding from?~"

"You shouldn't be......"

"I didn't, I wasn't, but Xiaoluo is still young, I treat him as my brother!"

Looking at Ling Qiyue covered in the quilt, Chen Shuang couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, you're not okay, are you?~"

"Don’t you want to hear what else I said to Xiao Luo?"

"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen anymore, I'm very sleepy now, I want to sleep."

Chen Shuang:"Are you sure you don't want to listen anymore?"

Ling Qiyue:"I'm sleeping, I don't want to listen anymore!"

Seeing Ling Qiyue shaking the quilt and refusing to answer the call, Chen Shuang shook her head and smiled and followed her out.

As soon as Ling Qiyue touched the bed, she fell asleep in less than five minutes....

The next morning, just after daybreak,

Naro packed his luggage, put on a mask and walked out of the apartment. He took the online taxi and headed for the airport.

Naro booked a flight for the morning, but it snowed for most of the day yesterday and the roads were slippery. He left early for fear of being late.

When he arrived at the airport, the time was not much different from what he estimated. After getting the ticket, Naro stayed for only ten minutes before checking in and boarding the plane.

He had taken flights with Ling Qiyue many times, and now he also chose the first class cabin.

When the plane began to take off, looking out the window, Naro's thoughts were pulled back to the past.

He has become accustomed to spending the New Year alone. As for his parents, whom he has never met, they have appeared on the screen for so long.......

Naro put on the hood of his coat and fell asleep. He didn't think about it anymore.

He was used to being alone anyway!...

When Ling Qiyue opened her eyes again, it was already dawn the next day.

She glanced at the time and it was already past nine in the morning. Ling Qiyue threw back the quilt, stretched, and went to wash up.

When she finished washing up, changed her clothes, and went outside, she saw Chen Shuang had just answered the phone.

"Good morning~"

Ling Qiyue greeted and prepared to go out

"What are you doing now?"

Ling Qiyue scratched her long hair and replied

"I'm going to Tianshui Garden. Didn't I tell you yesterday that I left something there?"

Chen Shuang raised his eyebrows and looked at her and said

"Do you want to go find Xiao Luo?~"

"No, I didn't, I really left something there."

Looking at Ling Qiyue with a serious expression, Chen Shuang said slowly

"Yesterday I invited Xiao Luo to come to my house for the New Year, after all, he is alone now."

Hearing this, Ling Qiyue's beautiful eyes immediately curved up.

"Oh, then I'll drive to pick up Nai Xiaoluo later~"

Looking at Ling Qiyue who looked happy, Chen Shuang sighed and continued

"No need, Xiao Luo has returned to Yunhai.

Chen Shuang's words instantly froze the happiness on Ling Qiyue's face, and then her beautiful face was covered with a fierce expression.

"Nai Xiaoluo is alone now, why do you want him to go back?"

"Sister, why didn't you tell me yesterday? If you had told me, I would have caught him!"

Chen Shuang looked at Ling Qiyue and asked

"You didn’t listen yesterday~"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

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