Snowflakes were falling lightly outside the window.

Nailuo stood in front of the window and looked at the snowy scene.

He came back from the crew yesterday because the Chinese New Year was coming soon.

Today is the twenty-seventh day of the lunar year.

During this period, Nailuo filmed two more episodes of variety shows, and Director Ai also caught him to make up many shots in the crew.

Chen Shuang's investment forced Director Ai, who originally wanted to catch up with the progress, to listen to the advice of the investor and give the whole crew a holiday.

It was precisely because everything went smoothly in the crew, so Director Ai was naturally happy to let everyone go back and have a good Chinese New Year.

Some crews would only take a few days off when the Chinese New Year was approaching, but Nailuo's crew took a ten-day holiday.

Nailuo returned with Ling Qiyue and Xiaoke yesterday.

Today is the year-end meeting of Jiachen Company, and Nailuo will also attend.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Nailuo went to open the door with some surprise.

But when he looked at Ling Qiyue, who was dressed neatly and had obvious dark circles under her eyes, he knew without guessing that she must have played games all night last night. No wonder she got up so early

"Nai Xiaoluo, I'm so hungry, is there anything to eat


Naro finished his meal, but he didn't make her breakfast. After all, someone would sleep until around noon.

"Sit for a while, I'll make it for you."

Ling Qiyue was in a very good mood at the moment, and she completely forgot about the fatigue of staying up all night.

Naluo went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and Ling Qiyue leaned against the door and watched.

When two poached eggs and ham slices were fried, Naluo put the bread slices for her, and Ling Qiyue couldn't wait to come in and took them with her little paws and ate them"ah ah ah". It was a very simple breakfast, but Ling Qiyue still found it delicious, after all, it was made for her by Naluo Xiaoluo. After eating two servings, Ling Qiyue still felt that it was not enough.

Naluo shook his head and smiled helplessly and made another one for her.

Ling Qiyue, who ate comfortably this time, wiped her mouth with a tissue. Just as she was about to speak, Naluo's cell phone rang.

Naluo answered the call and responded and ended the call

"The car arranged by Sister Qing is here. Do you want to leave now or go over later?"

Ling Qiyue thought for a while, and then her cell phone rang. It was Xiaoke who came to pick her up.

"Nai Xiaoluo, you go first, I will follow you later, don't let Sister Qing know that I am hiding here."

Nai Luo:"......"

Naluo wanted to say,"You are sure Sister Qing doesn't know," but he didn't say it in the end.

However, Ling Qiyue still noticed his eyes.


Ling Qiyue raised her head proudly, shaking her beautiful white index finger, looking at Nai Luo with the eyes she used to look at Xiao Bai.

"Do you mean to say that Sister Qing knows that Sister is hiding?...Oh, my sister lives here, right?"

"It's vacation now, she's on vacation too, everyone is on vacation, so why is she still asking me what I'm doing? Even if she knows that I was here some time ago, as long as I cover it up well in the future and then sneak back, she won't be able to find me!"

"Even a cunning rabbit has three burrows. Ling Qiyue has many burrows. There are so many rooms in a hotel. If I ask her to find them, I will tire her to death!"

After saying this, Ling Qiyue proudly raised her waist with an expression that showed that she was very powerful.

Nailuo looked at her speechlessly.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm leaving first. If you leave later, just close the door. I'm leaving."

Ling Qiyue waved her little paw.

"Then you go first, sister will come after you leave~"

Fang Qing is the only one who can make Ling Qiyue not go with Nailuo.

But this is only temporary.......


Nailuo rode the male assistant's car and slowly and steadily arrived at the company.

After all, it was still snowing outside, so the male assistant drove very carefully.

When Nailuo arrived upstairs, many of Jiachen's artists had come. Of course, some of them did not come back because of the crew.

Nailuo greeted them and went to Sister Qing's office.

Sister Qing looked at Nailuo and motioned him to sit down, then she glanced at her phone and started counting the time.

In less than ten minutes,

Sister Qing's office was opened directly from the outside.


"Sister Qing, good morning~"

Fang Qing sneered and rolled her eyes at Ling Qiyue who came in.

"Sister Qing, what are you looking at me like that? I rarely get up so early to attend the company's year-end meeting, and this is how you welcome me. If you don't like it, I'll leave~"

Ling Qiyue hummed and turned to leave. Xiao Ke beside her didn't know what to do.

But Ling Qiyue walked to the door and found that Sister Qing didn't stop her.

This made Ling Qiyue feel as uncomfortable as a fierce little fist that suddenly hit cotton.

Ling Qiyue turned around and squinted her eyes and said again

"Sister Qing, if you don't stop me, I will really leave~"

Since Ling Qiyue came in, Sister Qing just sneered and didn't say anything.

Seeing Ling Qiyue asking her again, she finally opened her mouth.

"The door is right there, just go in if you want!"

"Besides, who are you, Ling Qiyue? How can a small agent like me, Fang Qing, keep you, Ling Qiyue, the winner of three major film awards?"

"If you want to leave, go ahead~"

Sister Qing said, raising her hand to make a please gesture.

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Seeing Sister Qing who didn't play by the rules, Ling Qiyue's mouth bulged unconsciously.

"Can't you stop me? You always stopped me before~"

Looking at Ling Qiyue's expression, Fang Qing continued to sneer.


"That was in the past. Now I have an artist as obedient as Xiao Luo under my command. It makes no difference whether you are there or not!"

"Anyway, what I said went in one ear and out the other. How many times have you heard me?"

"I was so blind to take you with me!"

When she said this, Ling Qiyue turned around again with a sullen look on her face, and pointed her little butt at Sister Qing.

When Sister Qing saw this, she clenched her fists and continued

"But God is kind to me, Fang Qing. Now Xiao Luo is here. I just asked him to do something, and he did it better than I thought."

"Xiao Luo is not as famous as you, Ling Qiyue, now, but I, Fang Qing, believe that as long as Xiao Luo continues to work hard under me, his position in the future will definitely not be low!"

Naro really wanted to say, Sister Qing, if you want to provoke me, can you please not bring him along? He didn't want to be held responsible by this unscrupulous movie queen and boss lady again.

Fang Qing talked for a long time and thought Ling Qiyue would refute.

But what she and Nairo didn't see was that Ling Qiyue's little face, which had just turned around, was smiling at this moment.

Ling Qiyue deeply agreed with what Sister Qing said just now, and almost couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

She was referring to Sister Qing's words praising Nai Xiaoluo, not words that insulted her. However,

Xiaoke, who was standing next to Ling Qiyue, was dumbfounded again, because she saw all of Qiyue's expressions.

Ling Qiyue also discovered that Xiaoke was looking at her in a petrified state.

Xiaoke trembled all over, because Qiyue had just given her a fierce look.

Xiaoke was very scared now, and she was afraid that Qiyue would silence her with a big move!

Fortunately, the door outside was opened again at this time.

When she saw that it was Chen Shuang,

Ling Qiyue immediately put away her expression and replaced it with an extremely aggrieved expression, saying,"The villain complains first."

"Sister Qing bullied me, she bullied me!"

Ling Qiyue said aggrievedly and pointed at Sister Qing with her little paw.

Fang Qing sneered again.

Chen Shuang looked at the two of them and shook his head with amusement.

Then he raised his hand and pinched Qiyue's cheek

"Why is there only thunder but no rain~"

Ling Qiyue was stunned for a moment, then puffed her lips and said

"Then wait a moment, I will think about it and cry soon!"


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