Wen Ze looked back at his elder sister, his face full of grievance.

""Sister, I didn't help you get revenge!"

If Wen Ya hadn't helped Wen Ze just now, she wouldn't have been eliminated.

This is why Wen Ze feels so uncomfortable now.

Wen Ya walked forward with a gentle look and hugged her brother.


"My sister was just eliminated, it's okay.~"

【Damn, when I saw this touching scene between Yaya and Aze, I inexplicably wanted to cry!】

【At this moment, as a younger brother, I decided to be nicer to my sister....Fuck, forget it, my sister is a female Tyrannosaurus, let her do whatever she wants!】......

The news that Wen Ya and Wen Ze were eliminated made Na Luo and Ling Qiyue frown.

"Nai Xiaoluo, if only one of you can go out later, I'll cover you!"

Looking at Ling Qiyue's serious face, Nai Luo lowered her eyes and smiled.

As footsteps came, the two of them raised their hands and fired at the same time, knocking out the guards who came over.

"Let's go, get out!"

Ling Qiyue looked at Nai Xiaoluo with a bright smile on her face.

""Okay, sister will accompany you to break out!"

Ling Qiyue felt completely excited and relieved.

Both of them had looked at the map, and they knew the road.

Now there was not much time left.

Listening to the sound coming from the corner,

Naro unbuttoned the prison guard's jacket on his body.

Then he threw it out.

The guards outside immediately shot at the clothes.

Naro and Ling Qiyue also rushed out from inside at this time.

Naro faced to the right, his body flashed, raised his gun with both hands, and shot at the guards. Every shot missed.

At this time, the pressure of time and the disadvantage of numbers made Naro unconsciously show some of his skills.

Compared with Naro's hidden and subtle release, Ling Qiyue fully showed his skills, without hiding anything.

Raising his hands, crouching and leaning forward, every shot hit the head.

When both of them had emptied their bullets, they quickly switched magazines and ran towards the stairs.......

After firing the last magazine, the two only had the last passage left, and time was running out.

Netizens were even more nervous than the two.

Nailuo and Ling Qiyue looked at each other.

Nailuo put on his coat again and pulled his hat down.

Ling Qiyue took off her hat, revealing her high ponytail.

Nailuo, holding an empty gun, led Ling Qiyue towards the last passage.

When they reached the last corridor, which was heavily guarded by two teams, eight guns were pointed at them as soon as they came over.

"I caught a fugitive. Two female prison guards, keep an eye on her."

"Hey, don't touch me, or I'll beat you up!"

Ling Qiyue said fiercely to Nailuo behind her.

There was only one female prison guard among the eight people in front. She looked at Ling Qiyue and hurried forward with a fangirl look.

When the female prison guard came to hold Ling Qiyue's arm, Ling Qiyue immediately made a fierce look as if she was going to beat Nailuo up.

"You just shot me in the head with a gun, I'll remember you!"

The other seven looked at each other, feeling that this guy was really brave, daring to hit Ling Qiyue.

Nailuo lowered his hat and spread his hands in frustration.

"I didn't hit you, I just accidentally hit you with my gun."

Naro said frustratedly and walked towards the group of seven people to seek comfort.

"Hey, stop right there, don't move. It's no use hiding among them!"

Ling Qiyue's fierce voice made the guards look at Nailuo with pity.

"You still dare to hide? I am destined to be eliminated today. I will eliminate you no matter what!"

Looking at Ling Qiyue who was about to pounce again, Naluo pretended to be afraid and hid behind the two men.

Seeing that Naluo was already in place, Ling Qiyue smiled.

Then he turned around and took a wrong step, and took the female prison guard who was blocking him hostage, and also snatched her gun.

This sudden change scared the seven people.

But before they could finish being shocked, Naluo, who was hiding between the two people, took action. He quickly snatched the guns of the two people, and then raised his hand and fired continuously, killing all seven guards. The seven people were dumbfounded.

The female prison guard held hostage by Ling Qiyue was also dumbfounded.

Only the netizens on the Internet were frantically posting barrages.

【A smile in July is unpredictable!】

【From the moment Nai Xiaoluo took July away, I guessed the ending!】

【It must be said that the acting skills of these siblings are really good, and they fooled the guards!

Ling Qiyue looked at the female prison guard in her arms, smiled brightly, and then gently touched her neck with her little hand.

"You were knocked unconscious by me~"

"Don't resist anymore~"

The female prison guard turned her head and looked at Qiyue, nodding her head wildly, her eyes full of fangirling.

Qiyue raised her eyebrows and looked at the female prison guard who just cooperated with her and said

"It's over later. I'll take a photo with you alone~"

Upon hearing this, the female prison guard immediately made a groundhog sound excitedly.


"Qiyue, is this really possible?

Ling Qiyue said with a smile


The female prison guard's face turned even redder. At this moment, she had forgotten that she was knocked unconscious and couldn't speak.

The female prison guard looked at Nailuo again, then she looked at Ling Qiyue and whispered

"Qiyue, can I take a photo with you and Nai Xiaoluo? I am a fan of both of you. I like you two siblings the most!"

When Ling Qiyue heard this, her eyes curved.

Pampering her fans? Ling Qiyue really pampers her fans!

"Okay, wait a minute, my Nai Xiaoluo and I will take a photo with you~"

The female prison guard was so excited that she stood on tiptoe.

Qiyue’s fans who saw this scene felt so jealous!

Because they wanted it too!

Especially Ling Qiyue’s fans, they wanted a photo of her and Nai Xiaoluo.

Tianqiong City Suburban Manor.

Chen’s mother saw this scene and took out her mobile phone and called Chen Shuang directly.

Chen Shuang:"Hello, Mom, what do you want from me?"

Chen’s mother:"Shuang’er, Mom wants to take a photo with Qiyue and Xiaoluo!"

Chen Shuang:"......"


Ling Qiyue smiled and made a hushing gesture to the female prison guard, then let her go.

Naro was watching from the side.

There was not much time left.

Ling Qiyue looked at Naro, waved and ran downstairs.

After exiting the stairs, there was a red carpet, followed by an archway, and there was a pillar pass button outside the door.

The reason why it was not set outside the door was because it was dark outside and very cold! After going down the stairs and looking at the red carpet.

When the two arrived in front of the archway, Ling Qiyue smiled even more brightly.

"Nai Xiaoluo, we won!"

Ling Qiyue said and hugged Nai Luo excitedly, not caring at all whether it was a live broadcast or not.

【I wanted to cry when I saw the siblings Yaya and Aze in front, and I wanted to cry when I saw the siblings Shouqidao and Luo!】

【Both teams of sisters and brothers are great, and both brothers are very well behaved!】

【How can I repair it? Stop hugging me!】

【Congratulations to the brothers and sisters Qidao Luo for winning...Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【Oh my god!]

At this moment, netizens were completely blown away!

Because the Nai Xiaoluo who was hugging Ling Qiyue actually pointed a gun at her back!

Of course, this is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is that Ling Qiyue also pointed a gun at Nai Luo's back!

At this time, the broadcast sounded

"Wu Ling OUT!"

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