After carefully looking at the map of the second floor,

Ling Qiyue lowered her prison guard hat a little, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose at this moment.

""Nai Xiaoluo, let's go!"

Ling Qiyue, wearing a black prison guard uniform, was full of vigor and energy, and looked even more heroic.

Of course, apart from her current identity as a great villain who committed a crime of beauty,

【Ah! Qiyue's outfit is so beautiful, and Nai Xiaoluo looks so handsome in it!】

【I have to say that Qiyue and Nai Xiaoluo are so good-looking. I took a screenshot.

After Nai Luo and Ling Qiyue came out, they happened to meet the four prison guards guarding the stairs.

The leader frowned at the two and asked

"Why are there only two of you? Where are the other two?"

The person who spoke was the one who said something about Ling Qiyue when she broke the ice.

His question made Ling Qiyue and Naluo tense at the same time.

There were four people escorting Naluo just now, and they saw it, but now only the two of them came out.

Originally thought that they could easily deceive by wearing this outfit, but they were still questioned.

From the beginning, Naluo wanted to tell Ling Qiyue that each team here has four people, and the two of them would most likely be questioned if they went out directly.

But when he heard the combat method of a certain unscrupulous movie queen, Naluo didn't say it anymore.

Facing the question, Ling Qiyue lowered his voice and replied

"They are behind and will be here soon."

""Oh, that's fine."

Listening to the words of the leading prison guard, Ling Qiyue secretly gave Nailuo a"yeah" gesture.

But just as the two of them took a step out, they were stopped again.

"You two, tell me the secret code."

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Nailuo and Ling Qiyue were confused. Are there any secret codes? The program team can think of this, so how can they know any secret codes?

But looking at the four people coming over, Ling Qiyue pulled Nailuo, narrowed her starry eyes, and said with her red lips slightly opened

"The king of heaven covers the tiger of earth, and the kitten catches the mouse~"


Prison guards:"......"

"What kind of signal is this? Both of you raise your heads."

The prison guards, who felt something was wrong, were about to touch the guns on their waists.

But soon, the four of them felt a gust of wind on their faces.

Then, their hands were shot.

The marks of the paintballs were left on their hands, and the toy bullets fell to the ground and bounced twice.

In such a short moment, the two people in front of them raised their heads.

And both of them held two guns in their hands.

They also saw the person who just said the kitten catches the mouse.

Under the raised head was a beautiful face.

It's just that at this moment, the face was wearing a thief's brilliant smile, but the bright starry eyes contained a hint of murderous light.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. Does Ling Qiyue still remember this male prison guard?

"Don't move, your hands have been broken by us, don't touch the gun."

Ling Qiyue played with the gun in his hand, and then winked at Nailuo.

Nailuo stepped forward and pointed at the back of the four people's necks....Massage chicken

"Hey, listen up, you four, you've been knocked unconscious, don't talk, and don't resist."

The four guards looked at each other, and the leader was about to speak when Ling Qiyue pointed a gun at him.

"You are unconscious now, do you understand how to cooperate? If you don't cooperate, I will shoot you to death....Forehead!"

Ling Qiyue almost said the other two words, but fortunately she stopped in time.

Nailuo glanced at Ling Qiyue and took out the magazines from the four people's guns.

There were only ten bullets in this gun. There were so many people on the third floor, and there was no telling how many more on the second floor. Two guns in hand were definitely not enough.

Ling Qiyue took the two magazines handed over by Nailuo, her eyes curved, and she put them in her pocket with a smile.

At this time, another team also followed.

Then the four prison guards watched the four companions being solved by the two siblings in the same way.

【Ling Qiyue raised his hand and shot someone, and Nai Xiaoluo waved his knife (massage) and knocked out the prison guard. He is really skillful!】

【July is going to blow this place up, so this is what it means, I get it, I get it!】

【Are the Luo siblings okay with the Seven Knives in Hand?】

【Doesn't anyone think that the two of them were very accurate in shooting?】

【Oh no, it’s so close, if it were me I could hit it too!】

【What's the big deal? I can guarantee that nothing will come out of the mouth of a beverage bottle two meters away. That's what we call accuracy!】

【Is the mouth of your beverage bottle upstairs the same size as the water tank?๑!】......

In this way, Naro and Ling Qiyue swept the entire fourth floor, not letting a single prison guard escape wherever they went.

After dealing with the last team of prison guards, Ling Qiyue was so proud of himself.

The two of them wasted a lot of time on the fourth floor.

It was at this time that a faint sound of footsteps came from the corner of the stairs.

Naro and Ling Qiyue became alert at the same time.

When they listened carefully, they could hear the voices of Wen Ya and others.

Ling Qiyue blinked, then pulled Naro over, and then bit his ear as if no one was around.


【Why do I feel like July is going to cause trouble again!】

【July, there's no one next to you, why are you whispering in my ear? I really want to know!】......

The reason why the four people came down so slowly was because they were waiting for Wen Ze.

Wen Ze finally cracked two numbers, and then he kept testing the password.

As a result, he was unlucky. He opened the cell door only after he had almost finished the test.

The netizens who watched his live broadcast were almost going crazy. Of course, there were also people who were eating melon seeds and betting on how long it would take for him to come out.

Now there are more than 50 minutes and nearly an hour left before the end of the clearance, and this is still the remaining time of the last round of the game converted into the escape time.

In short, if they are caught now, they will only have one chance left.

It will definitely be difficult to get through here in the remaining time.

If they force their way in and refuse to listen to the advice and are shot by the prison guards, it means absolute elimination.

The four people walked down carefully, but as soon as they came down, they saw four prison guards squatting in the corner. The four people were dumbfounded and subconsciously wanted to retreat quickly.

But after they retreated, they didn't hear anyone coming to catch them.

Waiting for Wu Ling to sneak down curiously and look over, and then the four prison guards pretended not to see her.

This made Wu Lington feel strange. When she looked not far away, she saw another team of four people squatting on the ground, still ignoring her.

Seeing this, Wu Ling immediately waved to the back.

"Come here, these people are stupid and can't see us!"

Prison guards:"......!!!"

However, just as Wu Ling and the other four had walked out, Ling Qiyue lowered his hat and rushed over from the other corner with a gun in hand.

He lowered his voice and shouted coldly:

"Don't move, raise your hands, and turn your backs!"

Wu Ling was startled by the sudden voice.

She was about to run, but a bullet hit the open space next to her.

""Everyone turn around! Be quiet!"

Wu Ling, Yue Ming and Wen Ze turned around in fear.

Only Wen Ya looked up at Ling Qiyue, and saw Nai Luo coming out from behind, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"All of you, get down and sing"Conquer!""

"If you don't sing, I will shoot you now and eliminate you!"

Under pressure, Wu Ling and the other two turned their backs and began to sing Conquer.

But when they sang, they found that Wen Ya didn't sing.

When they turned around, they saw that Wen Ya had walked towards the female prison guard.

When they saw that the female prison guard was the tough Ling Qiyue, Wu Ling and the other two were in trouble!

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