Nailuo looked at the two words on the clue, then raised his eyes to look at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue looked at him scrutinizingly and whispered

"Nai Xiaoluo, there is a traitor among the six of us"

"Tell me if you are the traitor this time!"


As soon as Ling Qiyue saw Nailuo raise his eyebrows, he pressed his arm with his little paw.

"You eliminated my sister last time!"

After saying this, Ling Qiyue's mouth bulged again in anger.

Nailuo's eyelids twitched and his eyes subconsciously avoided.

Last time he was an undercover agent who eliminated all five people, but in the end he was chased and beaten by the five people.

Now those who didn't watch Nailuo's live broadcast room on the Internet came here to watch, and they all suspected that Nailuo was an undercover agent again.

After all, he solved the problem too quickly.

But his fans who watched Nailuo's live broadcast room saw that Nailuo really cracked the code this time.

"I'm not an undercover agent."

Listening to Nailuo's words, Ling Qiyue raised her little paws to hold Nailuo's head and looked into his eyes carefully.

The netizens were silent again.

Nailuo was also silent.


"I'm telling you, if you're an undercover agent this time and you eliminate me, I'll be really angry, and it's hard to appease me."


After saying that, Ling Qiyue rubbed Naluo's cheeks with both hands in revenge.

Just as Naluo raised his hands to poke her little paws away, Ling Qiyue put them down first.

Instead, he took out two blueprints from his pocket.

"Nai Xiaoluo, I believe in you, so I showed it to you."

"This is the fourth floor blueprint and the message from the insider in the same envelope. This is the third floor blueprint, which is the reward clue for my sister's last game."

"Didn’t Wu Ling ask her sister what she got?"

"My sister saw a traitor, so of course she couldn't tell them."

""I'm showing you this because I trust you."

Ling Qiyue said, raising her chin in a somewhat arrogant manner.

Just as Naro was about to look, the sound of the patrolling prison guards coming back came from outside.

Naro and Ling Qiyue both became alert at the same time, and saw that the patrol on the third floor just missed them.

The two of them immediately moved their positions, and when the prison guards on the fourth floor came over, they successfully hid on the third floor.

Ling Qiyue had looked at the map and knew where to go, but they were not sure how many patrol teams there were on the third floor. After all, the map only gave the route, but no other detailed instructions.

The two Avoiding the guards on the third floor stairs, they took the opportunity to move inside to find a hiding place.

However, just as the two ran out, the sound of footsteps of a queue was heard from the other side.

Naro and Ling Qiyue both sped up and slipped towards the only safe corner.

However, just as they reached the corner, Naro's heart suddenly gave a warning.

The danger that came from his instinct made him stop.

Ling Qiyue was behind Naro, and when he stopped, she bumped into him directly from behind.

Ling Qiyue's feet were confused, and she quickly hugged Naro's waist to quickly stabilize herself.


【"Qiyue, let him go, he is still young, hold me instead!"

After Ling Qiyue stopped, she realized something was wrong without asking Nai Xiaoluo why he stopped.

Nai Luo was in front just now, so she didn't pay much attention. After arriving here, she also felt the sense of danger in the corner area.

Ling Qiyue did not let go, but followed Nai Luo's gaze to the corner.

There is a silk thread connecting the two ends of the wall at the corner that cannot be seen clearly without careful observation. If Nai Luo had not stopped just now, the two would definitely touch the silk thread.

As for what would happen after the touch, you don't have to think about it, it will definitely attract the prison guards.

However, this corner is not as simple as a silk thread. There are two faint red dots on both sides of the wall one meter apart that are covered up.

Looking at the upcoming patrol team.

Nai Luo raised his hand and patted Ling Qiyue's little paws that were still holding him.

Ling Qiyue blinked her eyes cutely, and let go reluctantly.

"I'll jump over and take a look."

Nailuo said, and he jumped and casually crossed the dangerous area. Everything was normal outside, and he made an OK gesture to her.

Ling Qiyue followed closely behind, and jumped over flexibly.

This dangerous area is simple to think of. It is designed to test their caution.

If you don't pay attention, then it's GG~

The two passed here, listening to the sound of the queue getting closer and closer, and hurriedly slipped forward.

Finding a shelter, the two bent down and hid from the patrol just now.

Nailuo also took the map of the third floor and looked at it carefully.

They are now in the middle of the third floor, and the corner leading to the second floor is on the right, and they must cross two corners.

Ling Qiyue also pointed to the map, and the two briefly discussed and agreed, and prepared to act.

When passing a After turning the corner to avoid the patrol, the two came to the last corner.

However, the guards here were obviously patrolling back and forth in three teams.

Naro and Ling Qiyue had been observing secretly.

When all three teams had avoided each other twice, they also calculated the blank period of fifteen seconds.

They only had fifteen seconds to go to the second floor, and they would be discovered if they missed it.

When the three teams avoided each other again, Naro and Ling Qiyue quickly ran towards the stairs.

However, as soon as they ran to the stairs, they heard the alarm ringing on the radio.

Then the prison guards on the second floor also returned to guard the stairs.

The three teams that had just avoided on the third floor also accelerated to return.

Naro and Ling Qiyue were obviously caught by the patrols from the second floor who returned and occupied the stairs.

A whistle sounded again.

Looking at the approaching prison guards, Ling Qiyue's little fists couldn't help but raise up.

""Nai Xiaoluo, I'll take you out."

But Ling Qiyue's words were heard by the prison guards who came to arrest them.

The three teams on the third floor who returned at this time also blocked the two's retreat.

The prison guards took out a handful of paintball toys from their waists and grabbed them!

"Don't move. If you dare to move, we will shoot. If you are hit, you will be completely eliminated."

The prison guard's threatening voice made Ling Qiyue clench her small fists even tighter.

Nailuo looked at being pointed at by more than a dozen toy guns. What could he do? Of course he surrendered. He couldn't expose his skills in the live broadcast and subdue them and force their way out.

At this time, the intercoms of the leaders of the prison guards who surrounded the two people also rang.

When they heard that two escaped prisoners were caught, they also reported that they had also caught two escaped prisoners.

Hearing this, Ling Qiyue was almost depressed to death.

Now she also knew that the ones who escaped and were caught were Yue Ming and Wu Ling.

It was because of their arrest that she and Nai Xiaoluo were also arrested.

At this time, two female prison guards came forward and held Ling Qiyue on the left and right, and Nailuo was also held by two men.

When she heard that the two were going to be locked up in a small dark room, Ling Qiyue became even more depressed.

The small dark room was on the fourth floor.

After the two were locked in two adjacent small dark rooms and the cell doors were locked, the prison guards also left.

Seeing that there was no one left,

Ling Qiyue knocked on the cell door.

"Nai Xiaoluo, can you hear me~"

Nai Luo replied softly

"I heard it."

Ling Qiyue's eyes were shining at this moment, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Nai Xiaoluo, sister has a mature and bold idea~"

Nai Luo:"......"

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