Just when Nai Luo was about to give up,

Wen Ya finally came on stage.

She had an angry look in her eyes, and her right hand was clenched as if holding a wine bottle.

Then she hurried over and thrust the empty wine bottle at Ling Qiyue's head.

Ling Qiyue screamed"Ah" reluctantly, and then left the stage.

She almost wanted to subconsciously intercept, and tie Ya Ya's uniform to the side, and then she continued to tease Nai Xiaoluo.

But this is a live broadcast, she is a qualified and dedicated actor, although she is unwilling, she can only endure it.

Looking at Nai Xiaoluo, Ling Qiyue's mind became active again, she thought that what just happened was very good, she was thinking that maybe she could take on such a role in the future, and then hum......

Wen Ya"beat to death" the big gangster Qiyue, and then her eyes were bloodshot with anger, and she was still waving the non-existent wine bottle at the empty ground.

At this time, Nailuo stepped forward in panic and fear to dissuade Wen Ya.

The two of them were recreating the plot in the movie.

But later, when Nailuo's version of Wen Xue helped Wen Ya's version of Tianci wipe the hair wet by the rain and the blood on his hands and clothes, Nailuo was a little reluctant.

But he still made a light wipe.

Ling Qiyue was watching very seriously at this time. Now she wanted to eat something, and then she would bite it hard.

Seeing that Nailuo was about to hug Wen Ya, she clenched her little fists again when she thought of the scene of biting her shoulder later.

Wu Ling and others stared with big eyes and held their breath and dared not say a word.

Wen Ze didn't even dare to breathe, just looking at Nailuo and his sister.

Seeing that Nailuo was about to hug Wen Ya, Ling Qiyue's right foot unconsciously moved forward a little.

However, just when she was about to hug, Nailuo was out of the play.

Wen Ya followed the play for a second and looked at Nailuo with a smile

""Nai Xiaoluo, you lost!"

A slightly happy voice came from the royal sister, and everyone looked at the source of the voice.

Ling Qiyue hummed and shook her head as if she felt sorry for Nai Luo.

""Nai Xiaoluo, you are out of character, you lose this round~"

Wen Ya's shoulders shook again after seeing this, trying hard to hide his smile.

Nai Luo shrugged and admitted generously that he lost.

But Wu Ling and Wen Ya both praised his performance.

Netizens on the Internet also compared the scenes in Wen Ya's play with this version.

As a result, everyone was surprised to find that the gangster played by Ling Qiyue was much better than the gangster in the play, and more pleasing to the eye.

They were quite impressed with the gangster played by Ling Qiyue!


When they got to the bottom, Ling Qiyue was going to compete with Nailuo.

Wen Ya saw Qiyue who was always looking at her, so she helped her realize the competition.

"Nai Xiaoluo, we don't need to act, just imitate our usual selves~"

Nai Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at this unscrupulous actress. Just now, he really wanted to push her away.

Now looking at her shining eyes, Nai Luo knew that it was impossible for him to admit defeat automatically.

Since she wanted to compete, he would fulfill her wish.

Nai Luo"transformed" in a second, his eyes were fierce, and he imitated Wu Ling more accurately.

Wu Ling was stunned.

"Nai Xiaoluo, give me..."Sister, get out!"

Ling Qiyue's eyes blinked cutely, and she raised a very beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth when she looked at Nai Xiaoluo who was imitating her.

Then she also turned into Luo in a second.

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows speechlessly, and then really turned around and left.

Seeing Ling Qiyue was about to leave, Nai Xiaoluo immediately shouted

"Nai Xiaoluo, if your sister tells you to go, just go."

"Come over here and chat with your sister for five cents.~"

""Sister, there's money in your pocket!"

Naro patted his trouser pocket and took out a coin to show it off to Ling Qiyue.

He imitated what Ling Qiyue said in front of the cell door. As for the coins, they were two coins he took out from the drawer of the cell. He originally wanted to use them to attract warnings when checking the floors below, but now he used them on Ling Qiyue.

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue also imitated Naro's face with black lines on her face.

Ling Qiyue would not be attacked without fighting back. She turned her eyes slightly, turned around gorgeously, and shouted with a cold face

"Ling Qiyue!"

Naro did not retreat but advanced

"You dare to be mean to me, Nai Xiaoluo, you actually dare to be mean to your sister!"

"Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

After saying this, Nailuo also glared at her fiercely and raised his big breast fist.

Ling Qiyue:"......"

【Haha, I’m dying of laughter, Nai Qiyue and Ling Xiaoluo!】

【The fierce little milk fist has evolved!】

【Don't say it, Nai Xiaoluo's imitation of Qiyue is really good!

Ling Qiyue looked at Nai Xiaoluo, is she usually like this? She didn't think she was fierce at all!


"What do you want to eat for lunch? I'll make it!"

Ling Qiyue pretended to have a headache and exhaled, then looked at Nai Xiaoluo.

Nai Luo:"......"

The corner of Naluo's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at Ling Qiyue, he sat down on a chair beside him, waved his hand, and said casually.

"You can do whatever you want. Sister wants to eat meat!"

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows, shrugged and nodded.

"OK, got it, then you sit there and wait."

Ling Qiyue turned around and pretended to cut vegetables on the table.

After she finished a dish in five seconds, she saw that Nai Xiaoluo didn't come to take it. Her mouth puffed up slightly. After all, she was the one who took the dishes in the past.

""Sister, serve the dishes~"

Ling Qiyue called out deliberately.

Nailuo's hands trembled.

The only time he called Ling Qiyue sister was when she was drunk that night.

Ling Qiyue was deliberately making fun of him.

Isn't it just playing her? Okay, wait!

Nailuo imitated Ling Qiyue, stood up directly, turned around in a hurry, and ran over.


Looking at Nai Xiaoluo, Ling Qiyue's eyes sparkled again.

Then she sat down next to Nai Xiaoluo.

"Sister, how about you try this?~"

"Sister, I......"

Ling Qiyue kept calling Nai Luo"sister" as if she was giving a hint to Nai Luo.

Yue Ming and the others were stunned. They all had a question mark in their minds. Are these two people like this in private? Why would they cook and eat together?

Is this acting or real?

Not only them, but even netizens are speculating. After all, Nai Xiaoluo can really cook, and it is said that the food is delicious.

When Sister Qing, who was watching the live broadcast, saw this, she sneered out loud


"You naughty girl, you actually hid in Tianshui Garden. Let's see if I can catch you next time."

On the other side, at the Chen Family Manor, Chen's mother was also watching the live broadcast.

She really wanted to call Chen Shuang to ask if Qiyue really went to Xiaoluo's place for a meal.

If it was true, she wanted to go too!

Naluo was almost driven crazy by Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue was completely imitating his tone and movements, constantly adding many non-existent things to him. What

Naluo couldn't stand the most was that Ling Qiyue dared to imitate him and act coquettishly in front of her!

Naluo gritted his teeth and pretended to take out his mobile phone to play games.

Seeing Naluo's action, Ling Qiyue panicked.

She was really afraid that Nai Xiaoluo would blow out her small account [I will punch your dog head].

Ling Qiyue hurriedly grabbed Naluo's hand and shouted

"Sister, I was wrong!"


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