Chen Shuang looked at Naluo and immediately decided to do this.

"The filming is settled."

Chen Shuang took a sip of tea and continued with a smile.

"Many universities should be looking for you these days."

Nailuo nodded. Indeed, there were some, and in his previous life, too, but he didn't reply. Later, he directly applied to Yunhai Medical University.

"Have you decided what you want to apply for?"

Naro replied calmly.


He has been keeping vigil for his grandfather these days.

Medicine was his choice in his previous life, but he is unwilling to choose it in this life.

He has thought about applying for a military academy, but that would hinder some of the things he wants to do.

Civil engineering is not something he likes.

There is no need to mention doing scientific research, which would hinder what he wants to do. Besides, he has something on his mind and cannot be compared with those who devote themselves to scientific research.

"You don't know what you want to choose?"

Chen Shuang's words interrupted Nailuo's thoughts, and he nodded without hiding it.

"Maybe I should study IT and finance."

Nailuo's answer made Chen Shuang nod.

"These two are really good."

Just as she finished speaking, her phone rang.

Chen Shuang took a look, stood up and said

"Think about it again, I'll go take a call."

Nailuo nodded, and when Chen Shuang entered the bedroom, he glanced at the hidden surveillance camera.

Chen Shuang entered the bedroom, looked at Fang Qing, raised his eyebrows and asked

"Why did you call me in?"

Looking at Ling Qiyue who was pouting, she smiled and stepped forward to pinch her cheek.

Sister Qing ignored Ling Qiyue and said to Chen Shuang

"Didn't he just not know what to apply for? Why not sign him to me and I will train him."

Sister Qing's words made Chen Shuang and Ling Qiyue look at her at the same time.

Sister Qing cleared her throat and

"Didn't you say you wanted to sign him at the beginning? Aren't you going to let him shoot tomorrow? I thought you wanted to sign him as an artist because of his looks."

"Who would have thought that you would end up talking about college entrance examination choices?"

"Isn't he undecided now?"

"Let him try it for a year. If it doesn't work, he can just change his major."

"If he can do it, then our investment won't be a loss."

"After all, his appearance is much better than those popular young actors, and his temperament is beyond words."

Sister Qing's words also made Chen Shuang's eyes light up. After all, she originally wanted Naro to study medicine or finance, so that she could recruit potential talents for her own company in the future.

But after chatting with Naro just now, she also saw that he really hadn't made up his mind and didn't know what major to choose.

At first, she saw that Naro's appearance was very outstanding, so she wanted him to help her summer clothes to shoot endorsements, otherwise it would be a waste of this handsome face.

But as for applying for the exam, she still wanted to respect his wishes.

She was attracted by Naro's character and potential, and wanted to cultivate talents for her own group.

Now Naro obviously hasn't made up his mind yet, and when Fang Qing mentioned this, she also felt that it would be better to let him give it a try.

"If he agrees, then you will take care of her?"

Chen Shuang said, and then she looked at Fang Qing.

Fang Qing was the gold medal agent of Jiachen Company, and she had been taking care of Ling Qiyue since her official debut.

Ling Qiyue did not disappoint her, and her acting skills were outstanding. She was born in this industry.

Fang Qing glanced at the dumbfounded Ling Qiyue, lifted her bangs with her right hand and threw them over.

"I bring!"

"Anyway, Qiyue only makes me angry every day, and I have long wanted to bring in a new person!"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Ling Qiyue puffed her lips even higher, and angrily said


Fang Qing also got angry, with her hands on her hips, staring at Ling Qiyue

"Why am I such a scumbag!"

"If I were someone who easily gets bored with the old and loves the new, I would have brought someone new long ago. Besides, my sexual orientation is normal!"

"Isn't this just finding you a junior brother?"

Fang Qing didn't even ask if Chen Shuang, the big boss, was present, and immediately retorted.

Hearing"junior brother", Ling Qiyue stopped talking again, and instead looked fiercely at Nailuo in the surveillance video.

"The entertainment industry is a big melting pot, aren't you afraid that he will learn bad things?"

Chen Shuang smiled at Qi Yue and poked a dimple in her puffy mouth with her fingers.

""Okay, you two, if you want to know what kind of person he is, it's very simple~"

Chen Shuang said and walked out, leaving Fang Qing and Ling Qiyue staring fiercely.

But soon the two of them were shocked and their eyes widened.

After Chen Shuang went out, she did not sit back on the sofa, but half sat on the back of the sofa.

The red skirt was lifted slightly, revealing the slender legs inside.

Naluo frowned and looked away directly.

Chen Shuang opened her red lips slightly, and smiled seductively with her eyebrows and eyes.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about choosing"

"Why don't I choose for you?"

"Stay with me for five years, be my secret lover"

"In this way, all the money will be written off, and I will give you...One million pocket money"

"How is it?"

Chen Shuang hooked her finger at Naluo after she finished speaking.

Naluo's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he stood up and said coldly

"I will return the money to you"

"This is the card you gave me last time."

Looking at the bank card that Nailuo threw on the table, Chen Shuang smiled playfully.

"What? Are you dissatisfied with the money? Or are you dissatisfied with me?~"

"I, Chen Shuang, have never had anything to do with a man."

"If you think the salary is too little, I will give you more money. How about two million a year?~"

"only you......"

Before Chen Shuang finished speaking, Naro had already walked out.

"Five million, Naro, don't be ungrateful!"

"Either accompany me now, or pay me back now!"

Chen Shuang's words stopped Nailuo in his tracks, and he replied with a cold face.

"I will pay you back!"

Naluo said and turned to leave again.

But just as he opened the door, Chen Shuang burst into laughter.

""Okay, come back. I was just joking with you."

Naro knew she was joking, after all, the surveillance camera was still there.

He was not afraid that Chen Shuang would really force him. After all, if he really agreed, the people inside would have run out long ago. In fact, he was still a little moved just now. After all, Chen Shuang's appearance and figure were impeccable, and she was also a wealthy woman.

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved. If he had met her in the previous life, he might have really agreed, but it was better not to do so in this life.

In the previous life, Chen Shuang was still guarding Ling Qiyue when she was 31 years old. How could a person who liked women like men?

Just now she said that she had never had anything with men. Isn't this a direct admission that she liked Ling Qiyue?

This is nothing more than a small test. As for who is watching the surveillance camera, there is no need to guess. It must be Ling Qiyue who was slapped by him.

But Naro saw through it but didn't say it. He turned around with a cold face.

Chen Shuang looked at Naro with amusement. At this time, she was the first to sit on the sofa, and her beautiful legs that were originally exposed were also hidden under the red skirt.

"Okay, I won't tease you this time. Come and sit down."

"In fact, it was just a small test for you."

Naro exhaled lightly, and sat back in his seat with a cool and handsome face.

Fang Qing in the room looked at the screen and nodded.

"Not afraid of temptation from beauty, it's OK~"

Ling Qiyue puffed her lips and hummed

"I think he's acting."

Fang Qing pushed her black-framed glasses and turned to look at Ling Qiyue and said

"You said he was acting, then his acting is pretty good, he acted so realistically that he could fool me, so I have to sign him even more."


Ling Qiyue was stunned after hearing this.

Then she raised her fists.

"What if he wasn't acting like that?"

Fang Qing said with praise.

"I can resist the temptation of a beautiful woman like Shuang'er."

"Then his quality is definitely very good. I will save a lot of worries if I sign him in the future."

"After all, there is no one prettier than Shuang'er in the entire entertainment industry."

Looking at Ling Qiyue's fierce expression towards her, Fang Qing smiled and said

"You don't count, aren't you one of us?......"

"Apart from you, who in the entire entertainment industry is prettier than Shuang'er?"

Ling Qiyue smiled and agreed with satisfaction.

"Of course not!"

Fang Qing then added

"But you are not as pretty as Shuang'er but you are not as rich as Shuang'er~"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

"I have money, I am also a small rich woman!"

Fang Qing:"How about you use your small amount of money to support me, small rich woman~"

Ling Qiyue:"......"

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