
Chapter 740

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Before dawn.

Tang Qing voluntarily rolled up the sheets and turned back to his room. It was still early in the morning. Otherwise, if the following pedestrians and the early aunts in the park read jokes, it would be a joke.

This action of taking the sheet also awakened Lin Jiaxue.

The spirit head recovers instantly.

can not fall asleep.

浜庢槸璧锋潵娲椾 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓

鍞愮埗鍞愭瘝涔熷緢灏戝湪鎴垮瓙钖冩棭椁愶纴锲犳锛岃 岄 涔熸湁 涔熸湁 Tang Qing 镄勪 銆傝鍗曡 銆傝鍗曡 Tang Qing嗘垬澹 锛屽 锛屽 琚紶阃佸埌缂呯椂闾 锛岃鎴 h actually 锛岃鎴 浠礂娲楁栌鏅 + + +


Tang Qing 涔熸槸镞犲锛屼綔鎴樿皟搴 腑蹇冩斁涓滆タ鏄鏀 腑蹇冩斁涓滆タ鏄鏀 腑蹇冩斁涓滆タ鏄鏀 镄勩 镄勩

. . .

After breakfast.

Tang Qing 鍜屾滠浣 鍜屾滠浣

Emerald 粊浠栦 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 潵浜嗭纴 潵浜嗭纴 掍笉鏄湁镞╄捣镄勪 鎯纴 鎯纴 鎯纴 鎯纴 鎯纴 鎯纴 湢涓嶆 湢涓嶆 湢涓嶆 湢涓嶆壒鍒槸涓 繎澶╂槑锛屾劅 夋渶闄岀敓锛孴 夋渶闄岀敓锛孴 ang Qing 鏉ュ埌镄勬椂 chain 欙纴浠栦 姝 姝 e湪钖冩棭椁愩€

Emerald 粊杩滆 鍦 鐪嬭浜 ang ang Qing 銆

鎸ヨ垶镌 鍙屾 鍙屾 鍙屾

鐢熸€昑ang Qing 鐪嬩笉 佷 佷 佷

鈥滃皬鍞愶纴浠婂ぉ chain変粈涔埚畨鎺掞纻鈥濆垰涓€鍧愪笅锛屾煷浠佸 ammonia 闂 锛岃璇撮潚宀╁ 锛岃璇撮潚宀╁ 锛岃璇撮潚宀╁镄勬椂 欙纴钁楀悕鏅偣閮 欙纴钁楀悕鏅偣閮 鍒 咕 咕 幓鐪嬭 幓鐪嬭 幓鐪嬭 幓鐪嬭 幓鐪嬭 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 锛屾寜镦 棬閮

Key 孴 Qing 镄勭瓟妗堜篃钖堜 浠栫殑镒忔 浠栫殑镒忔€濄€

鈥滀綘浣滀 鍏徃 鍏徃 笢锛岃礋璐 笢锛岃礋璐 帴寰呬竴涓嬭挷镐讳粬浠纴鍑犱綅娌 帴寰呬竴涓嬭挷镐讳粬浠纴鍑犱綅娌 帴寰呬竴涓嬭挷镐讳粬浠纴鍑犱綅娌 湁阃涜 湁阃涜 湁阃涜 闱掑 闱掑 闱掑 闱掑 闱掑 闱掑彲浠ヨ窡镌 鍒樻 鍒樻 诲幓锛岃呖浜庢垜锛屼粖澶╀篃 诲幓锛岃呖浜庢垜锛屼粖澶╀篃 変簨鎯咃纴鎴戣鍜屼 変簨鎯咃纴鎴戣鍜屼 変簨鎯咃纴鎴戣鍜屼 ︼铡 ︼铡 ︼铡鏅 鏅 笂灏 笂鍙 笂鍙 笂鍙 锛屾槑澶╃槠澶╀篃娌 锛屾槑澶╃槠澶╀篃娌 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂

鐜 湪澶╃溂宸茬粡娌熼 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 ソ浜嗭纴鍜屽垬澶╃帇钖埚敱锛屼粬寰楀厛铡讳綋 镣 镣 镣

Tang Qing

褰撶劧暗瑕瑕 and €

涓嶈 涓 涓 浼 浼 灏辫兘鎼炲畾銆 effect

涓 铡熷洜鏄笉鎯 幓 to join in the fun 銆

鈥滃皬鍞愶纴浣犳帓缁冭浣 鈥滃皬鍞愶纴浣犳帓缁冭浣 铡诲仛浠 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涔堬纴鎴戣缮鍑嗗鎷夊ス铡 涜 涜 涜 涜 粈涔 粈涔 粈涔埚ソ鐜╃殑锛岃涓崭綘浠兘鍦ㄨ伞埚ソ鐜╃殑锛岃涓崭綘浠兘鍦ㄨ屽府屽哥殑浜虹畻浜嗐€傗€濊┕濂氱洿鎺uggested 銆

鈥沧垜涓嶅缑瑕佷 锷犳 锷犳 镄勪 镄勪 鍟婏纻鈥漈 ang qing


瑭 鈥樿洰妯﹂ 鈥樿洰妯﹂ 欑殑鎶婃滠浣 欑殑鎶婃滠浣 欑殑鎶婃滠浣 鎷変 鎷変 杩囧幓锛岄儜鏋楃殑濡诲瓙涔熺珛鍗 杩囧幓锛岄儜鏋楃殑濡诲瓙涔熺珛鍗 杩囧幓锛岄儜鏋楃殑濡诲瓙涔熺珛鍗 杩囧幓锛岄儜鏋楃殑濡诲瓙涔熺珛鍗 杩囧幓锛岄儜鏋楃殑濡诲瓙涔熺珛鍗 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽Daughter 涔熻窡椋庯纴鎷変綇鏋椾 ﹄竴鐩 ﹄竴鐩 瑧锛岃槠鐒跺ス涓岖煡阆 瑧锛岃槠鐒跺ス涓岖煡阆 瑧锛岃槠鐒跺ス涓岖煡阆 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸 涔堬纴鍙槸

Tang Qing 鐪嬬潃镆翠粊鍜岄儜鏋椼€

涓や汉绔嫔嵆阃掕 stretched shoulders


娌”Pregnant 娉曪纴Tang Qing 鍙ソ镣 ご阆掳 ご阆掳 鈥滃ソ钖э纴濂 鈥滃ソ钖э纴濂 鈥滃ソ钖э纴濂 曚 曚 曚 曚 浣犱 浣犱 浜嗭纴浠婂ぉ浣 浜嗭纴浠婂ぉ浣 浜嗭纴浠婂ぉ浣 熺粰浣犱 熺粰浣犱 熺粰浣犱滑锛岀湅鏉ユ垜镄勯€嗗ぉ鍞卞姛鍙︼兘鍦ㄦ槑澶╂櫄涓婂悜鎴戝浣抽灞旷ず浜嗐€傗€


瀵筎ang Qing 锛屽ス鏄湡镄勫綋 歽 ounger brother 鏉ョ湅锛岄櫎浜嗗か瀹剁殑鍒╃泭锲犵礌锛岃缮 chain 夊 夊寮€镄勯偅涓€鏋纴Tang Qing 闾ithout the slightest hesitation 镄勪竴鏋纴璁╄┕濂 搴曡鍙 搴曡鍙 T T Tang Qing 銆

鈥滆 Umbrella 涓﹄笉浼 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 ぉ鐜嬬殑鍦 ぉ鐜嬬殑鍦 ぉ鐜嬬殑鍦 鑳 鑳 姏杩樻槸寰埚ソ镄勶纴灏忓攼 姏杩樻槸寰埚ソ镄勶纴灏忓攼 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉€銆


鈥沧垜瑕佹槸宁〉亸浜嗘€庝箞璇庝箞璇€傗ang漈 漈 Qing 椤哄彛鍙嶉┏銆

Tang Qing 蹇界劧镒熻璇濋杞悜浜嗗镐︻殑鏂瑰悜銆

閮戞滠涔愪 锛 锛 渉 渉 渉 锛屼綘杩欐槸鍑嗗镰 锛屼綘杩欐槸鍑嗗镰 锛屼綘杩欐槸鍑嗗镰 绨瀛愮牬鎽斾 绨瀛愮牬鎽斾 绨瀛愮牬鎽斾 钖楋纻鈥 钖楋纻鈥

鈥滀綘 嶆槸镰 嶆槸镰 绨瀛愶纴鎴戣 绨瀛愶纴鎴戣 绨瀛愶纴鎴戣 缃愬瓙濂 潃 € € 漈 漈 漈 漈 漈 漈 Qing 漈


鈥滆 Umbrella

鈥淗ahaha 銆 umbrella €傗€

鍜孴ang Qing 璇 瘽锛屼粬浠劅 瘽锛屼粬浠劅 夊ソ杞 夊ソ杞 鐜╃瑧锛孴 鐜╃瑧锛孴 Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing 曚 曚 曚 曚 曚 曚

涓€镞佺殑鍖呭紑瀹囧拰缈熷镞佺殑鍖呭紑瀹囧拰缈熷镞佺殑鍖呭紑瀹囧拰缈熷ehe 镄勭湅镌€鍑犱汉闂叉坛娣★纴链変简鏄ㄦ櫄镆翠粊镄勮瘽锛屼袱浜哄浜嶵ang Qing chain 変 鏂 鏂 殑璁よ瘑锛岃槠鐒 T Qing Qing Qing Tang Qing浠€

Key 孴 Qing Qing 镄勮〃鐜 潗瀹炰 潗瀹炰 浠 浠 簨鎯咃纴闾 簨鎯咃纴闾 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 曚粬浠 曚粬浠 曚粬浠 曚粬浠 曚粬浠 曚粬浠寮 鐜╃瑧寮 鐜╃瑧寮 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 鐜╃瑧锛屽拰镞佽 畲鍏ㄤ笉鏄竴涓︼矾鏁 畲鍏ㄤ笉鏄竴涓︼矾鏁


簬搴曟皵鏉ユ簮浜庡摢 簬搴曟皵鏉ユ簮浜庡摢 屻 屻 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 袱浜 兂镰 兂镰


The emerald gang is upset by Tang Qing.

. . .

finish breakfast.

鏋椾 綋鐒 綋鐒 綋鐒 綋鐒 綋鐒 槸鐣欎

鍙墿涓婽ang Qing 镫嚜涓€浜哄幓闱掑博宁綋綋綋綋


Tang Qing

Not bad.

鍦 楠 楠 楠 楠 楠 楠 柦鏂 柦鏂 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 宁 璧勫纰鍑 緢澶э纴灞炰簬褰诲 炰簬褰诲 搴曞簳镄勯 瀛愬 瀛愬 瀛愬 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 绋嬶纴骞 鏀撅纴銆

镞佽 鏄潚宀╁ 鏄潚宀╁ 鏄潚宀╁ 镄勪綋镙 纴涓 纴涓 纴涓 纴涓 鑸綔涓 殑璁粌鐢ㄥ湴銆 殑璁粌鐢ㄥ湴銆 殑璁粌鐢ㄥ湴銆 殑璁粌鐢ㄥ湴銆


The table tennis table on the open space and some public basketball courts are not fenced, attracting some people to come and exercise, and it is quite lively. There are also vendors selling drinks and fruits around the roadside.

In general.

Quite good.

For this face project.

Tang Qing thinks it is quite good.

This thing, see how people understand.

In order to improve the image of the city, it is acceptable to waste a little money, and Tang Qing has always had a relatively understanding attitude about this kind of project. After all, there will be no work for migrant workers.

I don’t know how many companies and families are involved in the upstream and downstream.

For example, Qingyan City invested 100 million to build a building.

Where did the money go?

The profits that really fall into the hands of those entrepreneurs are three 40 million.

The other six 70 million were taken away by workers, including construction workers, workers in various construction materials companies such as cement, sand and gravel, and their supporting upstream and downstream workers.

Workers have money, they will consume, buy things for their children to go to school, buy a car, build a house, and then expand to more industries, such as manufacturing and catering companies, and then pay those workers.

What does this 30 million profit Boss do?

Investment, consumption, no matter what consumption, in the end, the money will flow into the society and flow into the hands of the wide Lord. Even if the bank is deposited, the bank will lend it out for the enterprise to expand production and pay wages.

Infinite loop.

In the end, I really can’t say whether the money was earned by the business owner or whether it was earned by the Lord Lord.

As long as it is not a tofu project.

Tang Qing has always been a semi-supporting attitude, because the beneficiaries are not just one of the officials, nor a certain businessman. In the end, most people will benefit.

Stadium entrance.

A large and small vehicle parked.

There is a Tang Dynasty Group, there is a world of eyes, there is also a performing arts group.


It is the name of the performance group.

Come to the door.

He Yixin, who had been waiting for a long time, came over quickly: “Chairman, early.”

She is the general manager of this annual meeting. These days, she is also busy, arranged, rehearsed, and communicated everywhere, but she is very happy, because the more busy, the more able to exercise.

“He always worked hard, let’s go, let’s go in and see.”

Listening to the sound of music that is constantly ringing, it is very likely that someone will perform on stage, and Tang Qing is in a hurry.



He Yuxin leads the way.

Walk through the passage.

The whole picture of the stadium is in sight.

All around densely packed thousands of auditoriums, Tang Qing has not seen any banners before, but inside, various banners can be seen everywhere, welcome, to identify the seats, to celebrate the company’s growth, there are many.

The balloon is also.

It’s the place to occupy the field.

And on the lawn in the center of the stadium.

A big stage was built.

All kinds of lights and equipment are full of venues, and there are people who are back and forth densely packed. Tang Qing knows that some are art troupes, and some are people of their own companies. They are also very good at distinguishing because they have not changed their clothes. Tooling that is worn.

“Chairman, I want to take you to the host, and familiarize yourself with the process.” He Yixin pointed to a shed in the distance.


Tang Qing looked at the past, lightly smiled.

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