
Chapter 1629


The phone’s on.


Miki’s voice is coming.


Miki asked.

“Ready to go home. What’s wrong?”

“What’s the matter with the Chamber of Commerce?”


Mizuki questioned.

“Don’t you know?” Mickey Hitdly said, “Just now, the Chamber of Commerce of Mainia sent a short message, saying that the 15th of this month, next Tuesday, went to New Ann City, and I thought you knew something.”


“Dad, I don’t know about this.” The Chamber of Commerce belongs to the Governance of the Bank of Mainia and is a non-governmental organization, which will not inform him unless he is required to attend.

“All right.”

Not much.

Milky’s over the communication.

Everyone is confused.

Nor do you know that that should be something at the national level, otherwise it is inevitable that if so, there may be major events within the Chamber of Commerce.

“I’ll know in a few days.”



“A meeting on a temporary basis?”


“It seems that we are right to guess that tax cuts are just a beginning, a pad, a real big move that may have to do with the Chamber of Commerce in Mainia, and we don’t know what to do.”

Tax cuts.

Myanmar Chamber of Commerce.

In one day, it’s not possible to figure it out.

“This Chamber of Commerce model, can we learn?”



“It has too strong a monopoly, and if it is generally a monopoly, it’s all a monopoly of a warlord nature, almost involving all industries and different from our purpose.”


To contribute to the economic security of a country.

This is undoubtedly an economic crisis in other countries, where the wealth accumulated for decades may become artificial and the economy’s lifeline industry is heavily controlled by foreign capital.

It creates wealth.

Most of them were given to foreign countries.

Unlike Warsaw, however, the State has the lifeline of the national economy, and the wealth created by these super enterprises is left in the country, except for the loss of profits caused by imports.

The State has control over the lifeline industry.

The private sector is in charge of other industries.


Returned in the country.

There is an increasing number of industries that allow private enterprises to be involved.


Myanmar Chamber of Commerce is different.

– Monopolies.

– Mutual assistance.

– All industry.

This is a model of economic structure that transforms industries from free competition to access, monopolies, internal assistance, which is a backward one from a dynamic and institutional perspective.


Warsaw couldn’t learn.

Of course.

Nor did there be any good words.

Just choose different.

Myanmar Chamber of Commerce chose to monopolize competition.

It was also a compromise on the status quo, and if it were to be completely liberated, the integrated competitiveness of the Maine enterprise could be reduced, and therefore the Chamber of Commerce of Myanmar was correct, and Warsaw was fine.

There’s no absolute.

Only fit.

One day, two major events took place, allowing the core members of the Chamber of Commerce to talk, to listen everywhere, but not all the news, but to organize their journey in silence and to explore what is going on.

Nine and a half.

Azure Cliff Market.

Tang Qing is back.

But not Tang Kai’s garden, but his own home, Liu Gan’s replication, which was small, but was very comfortable, and now the balcony wall in Lin Jiaxue’s room was blown off.

Know a wall can’t stop it.

Fear of danger.


Both families decided to knock it off, looking more open.

Finish your meal.

Tang Qing is lying in bed.

Lin Jiaxue was looking at Azure Cliff Market in her room, going to internship tomorrow, not knowing anything, and Tang Qing gave her a detailed information on the TV station.




Very detailed.

That makes Lin Jiaxue a little bit of an offensive game.


I don’t think so.

Tang Kai’s coming too.

“Second uncle, what’s wrong?”

“Well, does the Chamber of Commerce have any big moves?”

“Seems to be.”


“Not quite clear, but only good news.” Tang Qing did not explain to Tang Kai that the Mexican banking group and the Chamber of Commerce had a big stake, not a few words to explain.

Sophie pretending to be stupid.


Tang Kai has been satisfied.

Good news.

Three words enough.

Tonight, you can sleep a little bit, and as to whether Tang Qing knows more, Tang Kai doesn’t care, there are things that others can tell Tang Qing that doesn’t mean Tang Qing can just tell him.


next day.

In the morning.

Lin Jiaxue was up early, strictly speaking, for the first time she went to work, although she was interned and paid only symbolic, but that was what she faced alone with the social attribute of “work”.

Pack it up.


down the stairs.

Tang Qing didn’t send it, just wave on the balcony, afraid to go down and see it.

Small sector door.

A “joy” parked on the road, beautiful outsiders, comfortable driving experience, making the road increasingly run, Azure Cliff Market as Tang Family’s hometown, with more salvage sales.


Lin Jiaxue ran over.


Azure Cliff Market TV moderator.

At the beginning, Tang Qing organized an annual conference at the Azure Cliff Market Sports Hotel, which she was the moderator, and she had several contacts, and had a good relationship, and Tang Qing asked Lin Jiaxue to follow her.

That’s it.

Song Yu is not a good man.

Very happy.

Tang family.

A sophisticated family, good relations, but, Tang Qing, a walking news material, has either robbed the headlines or been on the way to the headlines.

I don’t know if this summer holiday will stop.

“Jackie, come on up.”


Lin Jiaxue was sitting on the deputy driver.

“No bodyguards?” Join with a smile.


Lin Jiaxue pointed the back.


Zong, turn around.

Got to.

Tang family attached great importance to security, and she saw only one black rush in the back, believing that it would never be the only one, but where the other was, she didn’t see a circle.

“What are you looking for?”

“I don’t think there’s only one.”

“I don’t know.”

Lin Jiaxue shakes his head.

Tang Qing said that there were generally dark bodyguards, but it was good to hide, and it would not be easy to find out, nor would Lin Jiaxue know where she was, and she never saw them jumping in the dark.

“With you, I feel safe, go to work.”

One foot accelerates.

The car goes to the TV station.

On the

other side.


Derin Province.


capital Square is already very exciting.

This time.

Though it’s a pilot operation.

But there are many invitees, all of whom invest more on a scale than in the province of Derin. As a result, this experiment started ceremony, bringing together the vast majority of the small families of Remet.


little bit of money.

Almost never let this opportunity go.

For the future.

They were hopeful that the whole development was what they looked at, and that it was definitely the most privileged place of vacation than the rest of the world’s tourist fields, the beach light.

No one.

100 km to run the coast.

Good water quality.

Ground tropical.

Hundreds of large and small islands.

Just ask.

Who else?

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