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“Rhodes, long time no see, how have you been?”

“Mr. Xia, it’s nice to meet you. I have had a very fulfilling time during this time.”


After a brief greeting, Xia Yu took Rhodes Saxon into the living room and sat down.

“The hard days have finally passed, and now the harvest season is ushered in. Would you like some champagne to celebrate?”

Xia Yu smiled and said to Rhodes Saxon.

The latter said with a smile: “If there is, it would be better.”

“Wait a moment.”

With that, Xia Yu walked to the closet and took a bottle of champagne from the grid and put it on the coffee table, and then brought two goblets again.

Rhodes Saxon opened the champagne skillfully and poured some wine on each of the two goblets that had just been put down.

2 people picked up the cup and touched it lightly.

Xia Yu smiled and blessed: “Rhodes, I wish you a bright political career.”

“Thank you, this is inseparable from your help! If you hadn’t recommended me, maybe I’m still hanging around on Wall Street.”

Rhodes Saxon grinned happily, thanking him from the bottom of his heart.

He graduated from Stanford University with a major in public policy projects and finance. After graduation, he entered Wall Street. He has worked in many banks and investment banks. He has gradually changed from a junior Economics teacher to a senior Economics teacher. In his spare time, he also worked as “Wall Street Journal”. Writing economic articles is definitely an elite talent.

But in United States, the financial sector has the most talents, not to mention the Wall Street of elite gathering, there are even more talented people.

Rhodes Saxon believes that his talents are not bad. Although the job he is engaged in is suitable for him, he does not show his true talents at all. After all, he is not a pure financial talent, but a political and economic elite.

Until Xia Yu found him and chatted with him in detail, he was introduced to Ronald Reagan, and then he became a member of Ronald Reagan’s campaign team.

As Ronald Reagan is about to move into the White House, he can also foreseeably become an official in the White House.

He has no experience in politics, but he stepped into the White House in one step. This starting point is not unreasonably high. His starting point is the end point that many people struggle hard to reach.

He also knows that all of this is inseparable from Xia Yu, so for Xia Yu, he is grateful from the heart.

“This is fate, isn’t it?”

“And if it weren’t for your real talent, I don’t think you can impress me, nor Ronald Reagan.”

Xia Yu said with a light smile, but secretly thought that he did not choose the wrong person.

Rhodes Saxon shook his head and said, “There are many talented people on Wall Street, but you have chosen me. In China’s words, you have an appreciation for me, and you have changed my life.”

Xia Yu laughed and raised his glass again and said, “I wish you a better and better future!”

“Bless your career prosperously! And wish us a long friendship!”



After putting down the cup again, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned on the soft sofa back and asked: “Rhodes, there are more than two months left. Our Mr. Reagan is about to become President, you You should have thought about your goal, right?”

Rhodes Saxon’s facial expression grave nodded said: “I have thought about it, but the choice of appointment is in the hands of Mr. Reagan. After the results of the election yesterday, I can feel that the hearts of everyone in the team are floating, so I’m not sure.”

“Although some members joined later, but with a strong background, these are all uncertain factors.”

Xia Yu understands Rhodes Saxon’s ideas.

He has known Ronald Reagan’s campaign team and it can be said that it has gone through three stages.

The first stage is the initial stage. Participating in the Republican presidential candidate campaign, the team is basically recruited by him using his contacts. Of course, it is also like Xia Yu, who invested at first and recommended people to enter. Of course, there is only Xia Yu. .

Because at first, only Xia Yu gave Ronald Reagan high expectations and gave a huge boost.

In the second stage, after defeating George Herbert Walker Bush and becoming the Republican President candidate, the campaign team changed dramatically.

The first was to form a team with George Herbert Walker Bush, and the latter’s campaign manager Jim Baker (James Edison Baker III) gradually replaced Ronald Reagan’s original campaign manager and became Number One butler of the campaign team.

Not only that, some elite consultants of George Herbert Walker Bush also joined in. In addition, after representing the will of the Republican Party, several big shots in the Republican Party also joined in, plus Rockefeller Foundation and Germany. The representatives of the will sent by the Texas consortium and others, the team can be described as a big change.

The last stage is the members who joined in the general election process in order to continuously increase their strength and contacts. The changes in this stage are not as great as in the second stage.

But no matter when he came in, he worked hard for Ronald Reagan. Some people rely on their ability to come from behind and are gradually entrusted with important tasks, and some veterans are gradually marginalized because of their inability.

Ronald Reagan has laid down the country, so he naturally wants to vassalize the ministers, but how to do it, there is a lot of knowledge in it. It involves personal abilities, personal connections, background, etc., which requires Ronald Reagan to comprehensively consider. And arrange.

Of course, there are some people who are responsible for the special tasks in the campaign team, and they are completely corresponding to the positions of the White House and the cabinet, and they are not worried about others taking it.

For example, James Brady, first served as the director of public affairs and research on the campaign team, and then became the spokesperson of the President’s election office. He did a very good job. He could become the director of the White House Press Office after two months, which means he has super exposure. Gao’s White House spokesperson.

Another example is William Joseph Casey, the former United States Deputy Secretary of State, who served as Manager in the initial campaign team and later gave the position to Jim Baker, but he was not marginalized. Instead, he recruited former federal agents as Rhone. De Reagan built a political intelligence network and did a very good job. There is no doubt that the position of the new CIA director will definitely fall on him.

But Rhodes Saxon was not so lucky, because he was not the only financial advisor on the campaign team, even if he was the first to join!

“Then Rhodes, where do you think you fit?”

Xia Yu asked.

Rhodes Saxon expressed his thoughts: “I think I can be qualified for the position of Assistant President and Director of the White House Council of Economic Advisers.”

After speaking, his eyes fixed on Xia Yu.

With Xia Yu brows slightly wrinkle, the heart of Rhodes Saxon also slightly lifted.

“Rhodes, I can definitely get you for the position of Assistant to the President, but the position of Director of the White Workers’ Economic Advisory Committee ranks among the top 6 in the White House. Generally speaking, he is the chief economic adviser and is able to interact with you in many fields. If the cabinet contacts directly, Ronald Reagan will certainly be very cautious.”

“And as far as I know, Ronald Reagan likes to hear the views of John Rutridge. He should be your biggest competitor?”

Although it was a question, Xia Yu’s tone had a trace of certainty.

This John Rutridge’s later generation is not only well-known. He is not only a Court Academecian degree, but also the main creator of the United States economic framework during the Reagan era. He is also a White House tax policy advisor in the Bush era. He has properly served for 2 terms. President’s senior think tank.

Sure enough, Rhodes Saxon nodded with a wry smile: “Yes, John Rutridge’s economic views are very bright. He and I are the same in many places, but there are some differences, and my resume is worse than him. a little.”

“Except for the directorship of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, which suits me, the following three positions are not suitable for me. Except for this department, it is difficult for other positions to show my political views in the economic field.”

Xia Yu slightly nodded expresses approval.

In addition to the post of director, the department of the White House Committee of Economic Advisers is composed of three academic economics experts. Rhodes Saxon is not an academic economics expert.

Another, Rhodes Saxon’s and John Rutridge’s views overlap. If they live under him, disagreeing opinions are easily rejected and the rays of light will be obscured. This is very important for his political path. unfavorable.

It is understandable that Rhodes Saxon is unwilling to be behind John Rutridge.

“Rhodes, I understand your concerns.”

“In this position, based on your previous performance, if you compete with John Rutridge, your success rate is estimated to be only 20%. Even if I talk to Ronald Reagan, your success rate is only half at most. “

Upon hearing this, Rhodes Saxon immediately said: “Half is not low anymore, if this fails, I have nothing to say.”

He came to Xia Yu for this. As a fundraising figure in the campaign team, Rhodes Saxon knew his true source of credit, and most of it was funded by Xia Yu.

Although this point, only he and Ronald Reagan know.

But this will definitely become a consideration.

However, he also knows that Xia Yu has made an indelible contribution to Ronald Reagan’s campaign. As long as Xia Yu is willing to speak, Ronald Reagan will definitely consider it carefully. This is where his advantage lies. So the result just came out yesterday. Today he ran over in a hurry.

Xia Yu faintly smiled and said calmly: “Rhodes, don’t worry, you are the person I recommend, and I will naturally push you.”

“But this is not insurance at the moment.”

“And the most important point, are you just to go up and sit for a few months and then get kicked out, or do you sit for a few years?”

“Or to change to a more secure position for a few more years?”

“You are only 4 15 years old, you have just entered the political arena, but you have entered the White House one step at a time. The most important thing for you is to stabilize your position and spend enough time to show your talents. This is the most important thing.”

Rhodes Saxon browses frowned, feeling unable to grasp what Xia Yu means, and asked: “Mr. Xia, which one do you think I am suitable for?”

PS: Political plot is too difficult to write, the head is big, ask for a vote

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