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New York Kennedy International Airport, founded in 1942, was originally named New York International Airport, but due to the assassination of the United States President in 1963, the airport was renamed John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport as a memorial.

As one of the world’s major aviation hubs, New York John F. Kennedy International Airport is busy with aircraft operations. When waiting at Xia Yu, passenger planes can be seen flying into the sky from time to time.

Xia Yu remained patient and waited quietly.

At this moment, a group of people came out of the airport. Although the young girl surrounded by them was wearing sunglasses, Xia Yu still recognized her in an instant.

He stepped forward and greeted him with his bodyguards, and embraced the young girl who also recognized Xia Yu.

“Elena, long time no see!”

“Xia Yu, it’s nice to see you again!”

Yes, it was Elena who came here.

Xia Yu called George Berkeley before and asked him to arrange a person to come to New York to pick up the mission and bring the mission information back.

This news was understood by Elena, and Elena who missed Xia Yu volunteered to come to New York. How dare George Berkeley say no?

Then George Berkeley told Xia Yu, and then Xia Yu came to pick up the plane.

Hugging tightly for half a minute, after all, I felt that it was too conspicuous at the huge airport, even more how there were so many bodyguards, Elena struggled slightly reluctantly, and Xia Yu let Elena go.

Xia Yu smiled, and the expression said naturally: “Elena, let’s get in the car first, and go to my place to put things.”

“Well, listen to you.” Elena replied softly.

Then the entire group boarded the car in batches, and the convoy set off for the manor of New York Xia Yu.

Jin Jiajun and the others who were still in the manor saw Xia Yu bringing Elena in, and they realized that they and the others seemed to understood something they shouldn’t know. Although the Board-Chairman didn’t say it, they made up their minds to forget. This matter.

After the group had dinner in the evening, all the subordinates in the group were sent to the airport.

In the United States where guns are flooded, even in the city, the night is full of danger.

Although Xia Yu wanted to take Elena to go roam around, but considering the actual situation, she had to regret to postpone the time to tomorrow day.

Fortunately, the two people have a hobby in common, and they have endless topics, and they are not boring.

After Elena played the piano, Xia Yu couldn’t help applauding and applauding: “Elena, your piano skill is getting better and better, and you play really nicely.”

Elena smiled like a peach blossoming: “Hehe, I will practice this piano music every day when I get home. It would be fine if it is winter now, and now there is no snowflake against the backdrop, playing this “Snow Dream”, or Some artistic conception is missing.”


Talking and laughing, Xia Yu and Elena sat side by side on the sofa in the living room, Elena took the initiative to talk to Xia Yu about work.

“Xia Yu, I heard from Manager George, it’s about futures market work, isn’t it?”

Xia Yu, who was not planning to talk about work tonight, was taken aback for a moment, and then when he saw Elena’s serious expression, his heart warmed and nodded said, “Yes.”

“Elena, wait a moment, I’ll get something.”

After speaking, Xia Yu got up and went to the closet, opened the door, took out the blue box that I gave Jin Jiajun and the others this afternoon, returned to the sofa, opened the blue box, and placed it in front of Elena.

“Let’s take a look first, but for specific things, after you bring the information back, I will ask George to arrange for someone to do it. Although this is simple but very cumbersome, just let the people below do it.”

Xia Yu said casually, he didn’t want Elena to come forward to buy spot copper contracts and aluminum contracts. This kind of hard work and nothing to learn, let Elena suffer. How could Xia Yu bear it?

Feeling Xia Yu’s concern for herself, Elena pressed her lips lightly. After reading it, nodded said, “Okay.”

“Xia Yu, how could the Bank of Barings suddenly short sell copper and aluminum futures?”

Xia Yu shook his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said calmly: “At present, only Baring Bank knows the motive, but since it chose to oppose me, it must pay the price.”

Xia Yu spoke domineering words in a calm tone, and Elena couldn’t help but shine.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but think of the fate of the previous life Bank of Bahrain. It was because of a major problem in the futures market that caused the Bank of Bahrain to go bankrupt when its assets reached 2 100 7 1 billion GBP.

This life, it’s a long time before the bankruptcy of Barings Bank, but since Barings Bank jumped out to oppose him, Xia Yu will definitely not let him go, and Barings Bank will have to lose its skin if it survives.

Thinking back now, it seems that because of Duke Howard, he developed smoothly in the United Kingdom. He really didn’t encounter any major setbacks, and of course he couldn’t stand up.

This is indeed a good opportunity at the moment. The Bank of Bahrain is the first to start, and it is a normal financial struggle in itself. Even if the Bank of Bahrain is overturned, no one can blame him, but it can greatly enhance his influence and status in the United Kingdom. .

“Elena, after you go back, you will tell George and ask him to short sell the Bank of Bahrain.”

Speaking of this, Xia Yu paused and added again: “Of course, you also ask Sir Father Carter by the way. If he or Lloyd Bank are interested, you might as well cooperate together. Maybe you can buy Bahrain Bank. Get it.”

After all, Bank of Bahrain is the designated cooperative bank of England King Room. It is fine for Xia Yu to make a profit from short selling, but the variables of the acquisition are too great. If Lloyds Bank or the Howard family intervenes, the probability of success But it was big, and the pressure on him was also small.

Although this will give up a lot of benefits, Xia Yu doesn’t care. If you don’t cooperate, you won’t get any benefits, and you won’t even have the chance to get points.

“Okay, I will tell my father immediately when I go back, I think he should be interested, Xia Yu, you don’t know, he told me more than once that you are very difficult to deal with, when did you go to London, he still I want to thank you with others. If he knows that you want to cooperate with him to acquire the Bank of Bahrain, he will definitely consider it carefully.”

Elena said with a smile.

Xia Yu raised her brows and asked with interest: “Elena, what do you father thank me for?”

Just finished talking, flash of intuition in his mind, remembered a pit dug for Rothschild Family before.

Sure enough, Elena’s words immediately verified his conjecture.

I just listened to Elena and said with a smile: “Didn’t you say that the sovereign debt of the United States is very risky? My father said that after detailed investigation and analysis within Lloyds Bank, the conclusion was reached. The probability of a sovereign debt crisis is more than 100/90. Everyone was taken aback at the time. After that, it took a lot of effort to transfer these lending businesses. I heard him tell me a few days ago. Now Lloyds Bank is right. 70% of the loan business of the United States has been transferred 5.”

“If it weren’t for your reminder, when the crisis really broke out, then Lloyds Bank would definitely lose heavily.”

Xia Yu faintly smiled and asked: “Elena, do you know which banks the sovereign debt business of Lloyds Bank is transferred to?”

Elena immediately nodded and said: “Of course I know that father listened to your opinion. These sovereign debt businesses have basically been transferred to Barclays Bank. Now Barclays Bank is the largest creditor in Latin America and other countries.”

Hearing this, Xia Yu couldn’t help laughing, secretly said in one’s heart, Duke Carter Howard was powerful enough, and he made a great assist.

In previous life, many banks in the United Kingdom have suffered more or less losses in the sovereign debt of the United States. Barclays Bank’s losses are not a few, but Lloyds Bank’s losses are even greater, almost making Lloyds Bank’s Fall out of the ranks of the first echelon.

But this life, Barclays Bank took over the sovereign debt business of Lloyds Bank. As soon as the Latin American sovereign debt crisis broke out, Barclays Bank would never have time to run away, and the Rothschild Family would be miserable.

Thinking of the tragic events that will likely occur in the Rothschild Family in the future, as well as the look of Jacob Rosill’s heartache, Xia Yu is secretly refreshed.

Duke Carter Howard is so powerful, if he doesn’t express it, it seems something is wrong.

But where do you start?

“Yes! This is definitely a win-win!”

Xia Yu thought for a moment, eyes shined, and thought of a good idea.

PS: The update is late, I am still at work tonight, depressed

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