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Xia Yu has always been very decisive in doing things.

Although Galaxy Asset speculates on the advanced copper futures and aluminum futures of the New York Commodity Stock Exchange, it does not ignore the seemingly inaccessible Chicago stock exchange, the largest in the United States.

The prices of futures are linked to each other. Sometimes the prices of futures in a region will trigger global price fluctuations of such commodities, not to mention those in the same country.

The blow of the capital market ignores space and distance!

Therefore, Xia Yu immediately ordered Xue He to take some people to Chicago, stationed in the Chicago stock exchange, and accepted his remote command.

Apart from this, Xia Yu also secretly called George Berkeley in London to let him secretly follow the London metal stock exchange and be ready to do it at any time.

In Hong Kong, Wang Qi also received a call from Xia Yu and got an order to go to Tokyo and enter the Tokyo stock exchange.

It is worth mentioning that Xia Yu is also aware of Hunter Brother’s fate, and he is not a pure American, and he needs to defend himself.

So although he decided to let Galaxy Asset take the lead, he didn’t plan to let Galaxy Asset bear all the pressure.

Hunter Brother was too overwhelmed. He manipulated more than 60% of silver futures before he was warned by stock exchange one after another, and even sued by stock exchange after failure.

Facts have proved that arrogance also knows how to score.

Therefore, Xia Yu also activated a large number of offshore registered capital investment companies and opened futures trading accounts in the names of these companies.

Philip Brother Company, the rare metal futures trading department.

Albert Raphael came to the front-line operations department of advanced copper futures, and Harlan Dryden, manager of the advanced copper futures department, followed him.

Seeing that although the price of high-grade copper futures fluctuated sharply within 3 days, it did not rise, but fell by 0.35 cents, and his brow frowned.

Did Galaxy Asset shrink?

It’s been a long time since Galaxy Asset doesn’t eat much bait. If you shrink now, how can you complete the tasks assigned by the company? How to make a fortune?

“Harlan, what is going on? Has Galaxy Asset flinched?”

Albert Raphael solemnly asked.

Harlan Dryden looked calm, shook his head and said: “According to the exact news sent back from the stock exchange, Galaxy Asset’s futures account is still increasing, not at all, but the increase is much weaker than last week. !”

“Could it be that Galaxy Asset is not strong enough? Or is it mobilizing funds?”

Albert Raphael immediately shook his head and said: “Impossible is insufficient strength!”

Being able to be targeted by the First National Bank of Chicago, and even involved in the consortium struggle behind it, it is necessary for Shida Alan to task him specifically, so the strength of Galaxy Asset is absolutely impossible!

“It should be mobilizing funds. Our efforts must be controlled and balanced as much as possible to allow Galaxy Asset to continue to invest funds.”

Albert Raphael thought for a while and ordered Harlan Dryden.

Next, Harlan Dryden immediately led the execution, and Albert Raphael went to the aluminum futures department next door and issued the same order.

After the order was issued, the growth rate of short positions in advanced copper futures and aluminum futures dropped by a notch.

The distance between the shorts and the longs seemed to be gradually pulling apart again.

This situation caused the prices of advanced copper futures and aluminum futures to fluctuate sharply and began to rise, and many wait-and-see investors and hot money began to stir again.

There are 2 flowers and one branch each.

Galaxy Asset, Xia Yu walked around the operation room calmly, listening to Song Yang and the others’ reports.

“Boss, all 500 accounts have been activated.”

“Boss, Xue He is calling, and the Chicago Stock Exchange branch is in place.”

“Boss ……”


After everyone reported, Xia Yu’s face was slightly nodded, staring at the trading board, and commanded: “Very well, since everything is ready, let’s start!”

“A group of 1-10 accounts, each account opens 10 lots of advanced copper futures, and the position is 0.1 cents higher than the current price!”

“2 组250-260号账户,每个账户铝期货建仓10手,仓位比现价提高0.15美分!”

Following Xia Yu’s orders, the trader of Galaxy Asset immediately started to operate in an orderly manner.

At the beginning, Xia Yu didn’t intend to use too much force so as not to scare the unknown enemy away.

The secret enemy treats him as prey, so he doesn’t want to hunt him!

In the capital market, the status of hunters and prey is never absolute. After all, the capital market is so treacherous, and no one can predict what will happen next moment.

Unless it is a capital giant with extremely strong capital, it will have super confidence in itself and use powerful capital to forcefully dominate the direction of the market.

In this war that has started, there is no doubt that Xia Yu has confidence in herself!

He wants to fight back!

At present, Galaxy Asset has held more than 10000 7000 advanced copper futures and more than 10000 3500 aluminum futures, with a total value of over 600 million USD.

Now it is the first time to increase the price to open 100 lots. According to the current price, the order volume of nearly 5 million USD is not too small!

The high-end copper futures and aluminum futures each had 100 lots of multiple orders, and the market stagnated for a moment, but the market immediately responded and began to pay close attention to analyze the reasons.

Of course, futures giants like Philip Brother Company are not afraid. Albert Raphael and the others do not know who placed the long orders, but it is definitely good news for them.

Without hesitation, Harlan Dryden and Sean Andrew immediately ordered their traders to sell the short order.

At this moment, Xia Yu and Albert Raphael seemed to have a tacit understanding. One side placed a long position, and the other immediately opened a short position at a low position.

In addition, the volume of positions is gradually increasing, and the steps are getting bigger and bigger.

The prices of advanced copper futures and aluminum futures have also become more volatile, and smoke of gunpowder has gradually spread, attracting more and more capital attention.

At this point, if you don’t see it anymore, you don’t need to do futures. Many people know that there are already people fighting in the advanced copper futures and aluminum futures markets.

Of course, there is no shortage of gamblers who have high gambling or self-esteem with capital to join them, either standing long or short.

The futures market has always been more gambling and riskier than the stock market. Many financial practitioners have scorned the futures market, but many people still regard it as Holy Land. The futures market is a playground for gamblers!

“Continue to build positions, with 2 100 lots of high-grade copper futures copper and 150 lots of aluminum futures, and positions increased by 0.1 cent!

“Position increased by 0.05 cents, 50 lots of advanced copper futures!”

“Position increased by 0.15 cents, 80 lots of aluminum futures!”


Galaxy Asset Wall Street Branch, Xia Yu concentrate attention completely watched the market changes of advanced copper futures and aluminum futures. A string of data entered his mind. His expression was calm, his brain was running at high speed, and the actual situation was combined in an orderly manner. instruction.

When it seemed that the short offensive was about to rise, Xia Yu immediately ordered a large number of orders to be placed, and the short offensive was beaten down.

When the short offensive has not kept up and there seems to be some weakness, Xia Yu will wait a little bit, slow down the offensive, and reduce the amount of warehouse orders.

All in all, Xia Yu’s goal is to let the shorts follow up as much as possible, and fish out the shorts little by little.

It has only just begun, and the meat is not fat enough.

The gun has been loaded, as an old top hunter, he has enough patience!

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