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Despite his irritation, Norman Swire had to force himself to hold it back.

Charles Rohill dare to say so, he must dare to do so, he does not want to bear the consequences of this.

With the strength of Swire Family, offend Rothschild Family, the end is not much better, even if Rothschild Family does not deliberately target them, it will block Swire Family’s upward path.

In the past two years, I have witnessed the destruction of Jardine Matheson and the embezzlement of Hutchison Whampoa. There are only two Hong Kong Four Major British Consortiums left, and Wheelock and Company is not doing well at present. The deterrence and influence of the British consortium are also not as good as before. Norman Swire Have to find a way for myself.

In Hong Kong, there are major Chinese consortiums that are rising day by day, and Jiuding Consortium, which is aggressive and powerful, is doomed to conflict between Swire Group and Chinese capital in the future. Norman Swire asks itself that there is not enough confidence to resist.

Not to mention there are unstable political factors.

If Hong Kong’s future is bleak and the way out for United Kingdom is blocked, Swire Group will really be in trouble.

It can be said that Charles Rohill gave him a way out and a dead end to choose.

If you agree, Swire Group will open a new way, and it will be able to avoid further conflicts with Jiuding Consortium. The disadvantage is that it loses face and has a series of negative effects.

If you don’t agree, at the same time offend Jiuding Consortium and Rothschild Family…

Forget it, Fellow Daoist is not dead Poor Daoist. Suddenly this unexpected situation happened and he had to sell the Kadoorie family.

With the intervention of the Rothschild Family, the Jiuding Consortium specifically targets the past that the Kadoorie family may not necessarily resist. Even if it passes, its strength will drop sharply.

The Kadoorie family, whose strength has declined sharply, can only be held in heart even if it is hostile to the Swire Group.

Allies, aren’t they sold at critical moments?

After the decision, I looked at Charles Rohill, who was a little indifferent. Norman Swire took a deep breath, squeezed a blunt smile, and said with difficulty: “Mr. Rohill, let’s talk about the specific details? “

Seeing Norman Swire’s decisive response, Charles Rohill was not surprised, smiling and nodded, saying: “No problem…”


Norman Swire subdued wittily, and the negotiation was naturally simple.

A day later, at the headquarters of Swire Group, Charles Rohill and Norman Swire signed and exchanged the agreement, symbolizing the formal completion of the acquisition. The 20% 7:8 equity shares of Hong Kong Telephone Company were transferred to Rohill father and Son Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

These equity shares, except for the 24.5% initially held by the Swire Group, the remaining 3% of points 3 were acquired from the Level 2 market. It was originally to be divided into half of the Kadoorie family, but Roland Kadoorie has made it clear not to. Naturally, it belongs to the Swire Group.

“Mr. Lowhill, the North Sea container and supply company will need to bother you more.”

Erasing the unwillingness in his heart, Norman Swire said to Charles Rohill with a smile on his face.

The two parties have signed a cooperation agreement. Swire Group first transfers the equity shares of Hong Kong Telephone Company, and Rothschild Father and Son Hong Kong Co., Ltd. is responsible for helping Swire Group acquire the North Sea Container and Supply Company.

Of course Norman Swire is not stupid. The agreement also states that if Luohill father and son Hong Kong Co., Ltd. cannot complete the acquisition, then Swire Group will not recover the equity shares of Hong Kong Telephone Company, but Charles Roche Your company needs to compensate 100 million HKD in liquidated damages.

As for the equity shares of Hong Kong Telephone Company, it is another matter. The money must be settled, but there is only one month of operation time.

The request is that Rothschild Father and Son Hong Kong Co., Ltd. will help Swire Group complete the acquisition of the North Sea Container and Supply Company within one month. If the deadline cannot be completed, the money needs to be settled, and the transaction can be re-traded after the acquisition is completed.

All in all, when working with Charles Rohill, Norman Swire is very cautious. Although he has bowed his head, he still bites his mouth when it is time to guard the bottom line.

Charles Rohill accepted it as soon as he saw it, and agreed to several reasonable and normal demands of Norman Swire.

“Mr. Swire, please rest assured. Our family is the most honest. Since we have promised you, we will definitely do it. You just need to be ready to take over the company.”

Charles Rohill said with a smile.

“Then I look forward to the good news from Mr. Rohill!” Norman Swire said with a smile.

Just when he thought the matter was over, he didn’t expect Charles Rohill to put away the agreement and made a new request.

“Mr. Swire, this cooperation has ended, I have one more thing I want to talk to you.”

Norman Swire’s smile froze for an instant, and a bad premonition rose in his heart. He smiled reluctantly and said, “Mr. Rohill, please.”

Charles Lowhill’s expression naturally, said with a smile: “Doesn’t the Swire Group hold 10% of CLP Power’s equity shares? We are interested in this equity shares and hope that Mr. Swire can cut love.”


Norman Swire froze for a while, then secretly relieved secretly, secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, it is not the core company of Swire Group. It shares that’s all. Even if it is lost, it will be a pity. Anyway, this company is owned by the Kadoorie family, not operated by Swire Group.

It’s just that Norman Swire felt sorry for Roland Kadoorie in his heart.

What Roland Kadoorie was worried about really happened. First, he lost the Shanghai Shanghai Hotel Group in Hong Kong, and now he was targeted by China Light & Power Corporation.

Rothschild Father and Son Hong Kong Co., Ltd. is just a pure financial institution. One of its core businesses is the reorganization of corporate mergers and acquisitions, so this time it is obviously acquired for Jiuding Consortium.

Anyway, the alliance with the Kadoorie family has been betrayed, and it is irreversible. Then simply do the bad things and destroy the Kadoorie family. The Kadoorie family will have no strength to retaliate.

It happened to save him another 200 million HKD in cash for the Kadoorie family.

He can also withdraw some funds, improve Swire Group’s ability to resist risks, and increase investment freedom.

“Mr. Lowhill, as long as the price is right, this equity shares can also be transferred.”

“Then let’s talk again…”

After intense negotiations, the equity shares of China Light and Power Company were finally transferred at a premium of 10%.

Apart from this, Charles Rohill also signed a secret agreement to temporarily entrust the Swire Group to hold it.

Norman Swire doesn’t know what Charles Rohill is doing, but he doesn’t want to know, as long as the money is available.


The next day, Charles Rohill called Xia Yu and invited him to come again to complete the delivery procedures.

Xia Yu immediately took his subordinates and signed a contract with Luohill Father and Son Hong Kong Co., Ltd., at a price of 42 HKD per share, he won 500 5 160,000 shares of Hong Kong Telephone Company, and invested a total of 200 million 3300 520,000. HKD.

At this point, plus the 20% point 3 equity shares held by Jiuding Securities Ltd. and the 5% point one equity shares held by Standard Chartered Bank, Jiuding Consortium has actually shares 50% point 3 and Hong Kong Telephone Company has Get it.

However, considering special circumstances, Xia Yu does not plan to privatize Hong Kong Telephone Company now. After all, it involves the Government of Hong Kong. At this juncture, the whole Hong Kong is watching. In the sensitive aspect of user privacy issues, The Government of Hong Kong is not necessarily willing to allow Xia Yu to privatize Hong Kong Telephone Company.

In addition, Hong Kong stock has a breakthrough of 1000 points. Although there will be a rise in the future, Xia Yu knows that there will be a stock market crash. At that time, privatization is the most cost-effective.

“Mr. Lowhill, thank you for your help!”

After letting his subordinates accept the contract, Xia Yu shook hands with Charles Rohill to thank him.

“Mr. Xia, this is what we should do. I am very happy to be able to help you and look forward to our future cooperation.” Charles Rohill said with a smile.

In just a few days, he earned 20 million HKD, and also won the favor of Xia Yu, and completed the family mission. How could he be unhappy?

even more how Next, I can make a fortune with China Light & Power Corporation. Xia Yu is definitely his God of Wealth and his biggest customer this year.

“Of course, I also look forward to future cooperation!” Xia Yu said with a smile.

After speaking, Xia Yu pondered for a moment and asked: “By the way, Mr. Rohill, take the liberty to ask, how did you get Swire Group to transfer equity shares?”

Charles Rohill did not hide it. He meant to show off his family’s strength, saying: “Swire Group was frustrated in the North Sea oil field. We were able to help them acquire a company in exchange.”

it is as expected!

Xia Yu knew that this is the advantage of the major consortium. There are countless internal resources or amazing connections. It is easy to take out other people’s extremely tempting things in exchange for what you want. Because of this, powerhouse can be strong.

Of course, this is also the reason why he uses Rothschild Family to use Rothschild Family’s resources to accelerate his own growth.

After a few chattering words again, Xia Yu bid farewell.

After returning, Xia Yu processed the Hong Kong Telephone Company’s equity shares again, giving Jiuding Industrial Group shares 30% 3, Jiuding Securities Ltd. shares 5%, Tiangong Electronics shares 5%, Jiuding Bank shares 5% point one, no Standard Chartered Bank, which exposed the relationship, also shares 5% point one.

After the division, the Jiuding Consortium has ten board seats and can control the Hong Kong Telephone Company, not to mention the Government of Hong Kong will definitely give him face and support his rule.

Subsequently, Xia Yu immediately sent someone to the stock exchange to update the equity shares information.

When the latest equity shares information of Hong Kong Telephone Company was disclosed, the whole Hong Kong was in an uproar.

They were still waiting to see the excitement. Who knew that Jiuding Consortium was silent, so they let Swire Group bow their heads and quickly completed the rule of Hong Kong Telephone Company.

The most shocked is Roland Kadoorie, who is making every effort to secretly purchase shares of China Light and Power Company. He can’t believe that Norman Swire would bow his head so easily.

Feeling bad, he immediately called Swire Group and Swire Family, but was told that Norman Swire had gone to London and was no longer in Hong Kong.

Realizing that he was being scammed, Roland Kadoorie scolded Norman Swire and immediately initiated a takeover offer to Swire Group, wanting to acquire 10% of the equity shares of China Power Corporation held by Swire Group.

As soon as the news was reported, the initially disappointed melon-eaters immediately realized that there were more exciting follow-ups, and they all turned their attention to the Jiuding Consortium.

Sure enough, Xia Yu did not disappoint the crowd.

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