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When Canning Fok returned to Hong Kong, it was October 5th in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the sky over Hong Kong was filled with a festive atmosphere.

The consumer goods business in Hong Kong is very good today, and the passenger flow in markets, shopping malls and other places is much higher than usual.

Just because this day is the tenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Many long-term wanderers come back to gather with their families, and their parents will prepare the best food to celebrate the reunion!

So on this day, it is destined that Canning Fok cannot find Xia Yu, because Xia Yu did not go to the company at all and is busy preparing food and gifts.

Not only at home, but I also need to find friends to walk around.

For example, friends like Yue-Kong Pao, Henry Fok, etc. Xia Yu is impossible not to visit.

When I returned from Henry Fok’s house, it was about half and half 4:00 pm.

“Qianqian, are you ready? It’s almost time to set off!”

In Li Qian’s villa, Xia Yu opened the door and said to Li Qian, who was well dressed in front of the dressing table.

“A’Yu, wait a minute, I’ll finish drawing after a while.”

Li Qian said in a somewhat coquettish tone, and the hand movement holding the eyebrow pencil accelerated slightly.

It is rare to see Li Qian look like this, Xia Yu smiled softly: “Okay, I am waiting for you in the living room!”

After speaking, he smiled and shook his head, closed the door again, and walked towards the living room.

Although Li Qian usually dresses up, she is faster, but today she pays special attention to it.

Just because Xia Yu will take her back to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This is the first time Xia Yu took her back to see her parents. Li Qian was very nervous, for fear that Xia Yu’s parents would not like her, so she wanted to show her best.

Xia Yu also understands her mood, so facing Li Qian’s serious overtime situation, he can only smile helplessly.

Ten minutes later, the radiant Li Qian finally came out. Xia Yu smiled and admired her carefully before saying in Li Qian’s expectant eyes: “Where is this fairy? How is it so beautiful!”



Li Qian smiled, blinking vivid big eyes and asked.

“Of course it’s true, I’m so lucky, the fairy has come to me!”

Xia Yu held her shoulders, looked directly at her, and said solemnly.

Li Qian pursed his lips and chuckled, Xia Fei’s cheeks.

“Come to coax people again, but… so happy!”


The two people frolicked for a while before they went out and boarded the car to Xia Yu’s house.

It’s a pity that a section of the road is under maintenance and it is very congested. However, some people rushed home and accidentally drove and had a traffic accident. Xia Yu was depressed to find that there was a traffic accident!

He couldn’t move forward, and there was a long line of cars behind him, preventing him from reversing and driving back.

“Forget it, the police have passed by, it shouldn’t take long to pass!”

After Xia Yu finished speaking, she opened the car window for ventilation, and looked around all around casually. She was surprised to find that there was a 7-Eleven Convenience Store next to her. Through the glass window, Xia Yu saw that the store was crowded with people. Obviously business was very good.

Xia Yu faintly smiled, ready to withdraw his gaze.

At this moment, he saw a group of children walking noisily from the side, seeming to be arguing about something.

“Tommy Leung, everyone said that today is the holiday, you must have remembered it wrong, you have to admit it if you are wrong, and keep fighting with us, so annoying you!”

I saw the leader of a 6-year-old kid wearing suspender jeans and black Little Pi shoes suddenly stopped, turned and said to the little boy named Tommy Leung who followed at the end.

Several other children also stopped and echoed the little boy named Tommy Leung.

“Yes, Tommy Leung, my big brother came back from Singapore today, just to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. It must be today.”

“Yes, you have to admit it if you remember it wrong. We are helping you correct it. Why don’t you admit your mistakes!”


The little boy named Tommy Leung pursed his mouth, looked sad and aggrieved, and said stubbornly: “But it’s really tomorrow for the festival. My father said that it’s the festival, and he will definitely not lie to me!”

A group of children stopped arguing and also attracted Li Qian’s attention. She was puzzled and said to Xia Yu: “A’Yu, what are they arguing?”

Instead, Xia Yu thought of something. He took a closer look at the little boy named Tommy Leung, and said inexplicably, “If you look at it again, you should understood.”

Li Qian tapped his head lightly, and couldn’t walk in the traffic anyway, watching the children’s quarrel with a nostalgic mentality.

“Well, we won’t fight with you anymore, it’s boring to play with you, don’t follow us anymore!”

The little boy in the lead said impatiently.

After speaking, he took out a 100 yuan HKD from his pocket, raised his head and said proudly.

“I invite everyone to drink coke and eat moon cakes, Tommy Leung, don’t come with you, without your share!”

“Ok, Huizi is so generous!”

“Hui Zi is a big shot!”

Soon, a group of children rushed into the 7-Eleven Convenience Store under the leadership of a kid named Huizi. After a while, they handed a bottle of Coke and a moon cake, and then dazzled them by Tommy Leung.

Although the little boy named Tommy Leung stood aggrieved, he swallowed saliva and said disappointingly.

“Tommy Leung swallowed, hehe!”

“Oh Oh~”

“Tommy Leung, Teacher said that if you know your mistakes and correct them, you are a good child. As long as you admit your mistakes, we will play with you, and we will give you this mooncake and coke.”

The little boy named Huizi came over suddenly and said to Tommy Leung with a bottle of Coke and a moon cake.

“A’Yu, when he is only 6 years old, he knows how to use interests to force others to submit?”

Li Qian in the car said in surprise.

Things that are common in adults actually happened to a little boy, which really made her feel weird.

Xia Yu was also a little surprised.

“It should be learned from his parents. I learned this at a young age. It’s too precocious, but this kind of person grows up to be the best able to survive in society.”

Li Qian thought for a while, and slightly nodded in agreement.

“Hmph, I’m not rare, tomorrow my father will buy me moon cakes too!”

Although the little boy named Tommy Leung was eager in his eyes, his self-esteem was not low, so he turned his head and said, with a stubborn look.

“No, I won’t give it to you!”

“Let’s go, and we won’t play with him anymore!”

Then, a group of young boys ran away, leaving Tommy Leung standing there, with red eyes but a stubborn face.

“Why are they doing this? This little boy is so pitiful.”

Li Qian mumbled, complaining about Tommy Leung, a look of pity in his eyes.

“A’Yu, will you wait for me? I’ll go to the convenience store.”

Xia Yu was a little astonished, and curious about what Li Qian wanted to do, he nodded and said, “Well, don’t go far!”

Li Qian smiled, then quickly getting out, and walked to the little boy Tommy Leung who wanted to leave.

“Children, wait a minute!”

“Pretty elder sister, what can you do?”

Tommy Leung asked politely.

“Can you do elder sister a favor? Elder sister has pain in her feet and wants to buy a newspaper. Can you go to the newspaper stand over there and buy me a copy of “Jiuding Daily”?”

Li Qian lowered his head and asked gently.

Tommy Leung looked at the newspaper stand that was not far away, nodded heavily, and said happily: “Okay, I’ll buy it for you, elder sister.”

Li Qian touched Tommy Leung’s head, took out one HKD and handed it to Tommy Leung.

The little boy Tommy Leung ran to the newspaper stand immediately.

Then Xia Yu saw Li Qian entering the convenience store. After a while, he came out again before Tommy Leung came back, carrying a box of mooncakes in his hand.

Xia Yu’s mouth raised slightly, understood Li Qian wanted to do.

After a while, the little boy Tommy Leung ran back panting, holding a copy of “Jiuding Daily”, and handing the recovered change to Li Qian, saying: “Elder sister, I bought it for you. This is the one I found. small change.”

“Awesome, thank you!”

Li Qian took the newspaper and the change and said happily.

“You’re welcome, Teacher taught us to help others! This is what I should do!”

The little boy Tommy Leung exclaimed with a happy smile on his face.


“We Teacher also taught me to thank others for accepting help. Hey, this is the reward from the elder sister.”

Li Qian said that he took the little hand of the little boy Tommy Leung and hung the mooncake strap from the book on his hand.

The little boy Tommy Leung eyes opened wide, and he didn’t realize what was going on for a while.

After froze for 2 seconds, he hurriedly said: “Elder sister, this is too expensive, I can’t accept your moon cakes, I can’t ask for them!”

With that said, he still wanted to return the moon cake to Li Qian.

Li Qian not at all, touched the little boy’s head and said, “My child, you helped the elder sister run errands and paid for the labor. This is the reward the elder sister gives you. If I buy it myself, my feet may hurt even more. Going to the hospital to see a doctor will cost more money. You saved me money, and I want to thank you too!”

“Take it, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!”

After Li Qian finished speaking, he waved to him, then got into the car with a big open car door, and slowly rolled up the window.

“Beautiful elder sister, thank you! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”

The little boy Tommy Leung looked at the mooncake in his hand, clenched fists, his right hand raised up and waved to Li Qian, loudly shouted.

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