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Looking at Xia Yu sitting opposite, Giuseppe Eskenazi had a look of shock in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that it was such a young Chinese who made him unable to cope and caused huge losses to his family.

An extremely unwilling emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

Seeing Giuseppe Eskenazi’s face constantly changing, Xia Yu smiled and said: “Mr. Giuseppe, you seem surprised?”

Xia Yu’s words brought Giuseppe Eskenazi’s attention back, and he said with a cold face: “I am very surprised. I know you are not trying to acquire my company. What do you want to do with this?”

Haven’t been stunned yet!

When he opened his mouth, he dug a hole for him calmly, weakening his initiative.

Xia Yu secretly said in one’s heart.

“Mr. Giuseppe, how do you look down on your company? In my opinion, your company has a high value and is a very good acquisition target.”

“You offer a price to sell me the equity shares held by your family.”

Xia Yu lightly said.

Giuseppe Eskenazi immediately refused: “This is impossible. Eskenazi Co., Ltd. is a non-sale product of our family. Our family shares exceed 50%. You don’t need to waste time. You are absolutely impossible to succeed! “

Xia Yu smiled and said: “There are no non-sale items in the world, everything has a value, Mr. Giuseppe, you might as well make a price!”

Seeing that Xia Yu had been holding on to this point, Giuseppe Eskenazi was panicked, and there was nowhere to vent his depression.

He still doesn’t believe that Xia Yu really wants to buy the family’s company. Now Xia Yu keeps saying that, it’s just because of what he said just now. He is fighting back in the same way.

Realizing that if you don’t change the topic, it might be endless, and it’s not good for him to dwell on it, so he skipped the topic and made the matter clear.

“Mr. Xia, that Huashengshi is your subordinate, right?”

Xia Yu’s face remained unchanged, and said slightly nodded lightly: “You can say so.”

Seeing Xia Yu鈥檚 attitude, Giuseppe Eskenazi鈥檚 heart raised an unknown fire. He took a deep breath to suppress anger, and asked questioningly: 鈥淥ur company鈥檚 acquisition of cultural relics is a formal business. Isn’t it possible for him to compete for a batch of cultural relics?”

Xia Yu eyes slightly narrowed, leaning forward slightly, said with a cold face, “Are you questioning me?”

Giuseppe Eskenazi’s words suffocated, and he didn’t know how to answer. Reason told him not to conflict with Xia Yu in order to solve the problem, but he didn’t think he was wrong.

Seeing that Giuseppe Eskenazi was silent, Xia Yu returned to calm, leaned back on the backrest, and said with a sneer: “Since your family鈥檚 company is listed, you must abide by the business rules and we will acquire you. The company鈥檚 shares are also in accordance with normal business procedures.”

“Mr. Giuseppe, Bright Fund now holds 34.7% of the equity shares of Eskenazi Co., Ltd. According to the provisions of the Public Company Law, we will have 6 board seats. As long as we acquire another 0.3% equity shares, we will have 7 A board seat.”

“In our opinion, there are certain drawbacks in the current development strategy of Eskenazi Co., Ltd. As a cooperation partner and common benefit, we will make due contributions and explore a brighter future for the company. Better development direction.”

Hearing this, Giuseppe Eskenazi’s face suddenly darkened.

Xia Yu This is a naked threat.

He just tore his face and pointed at his nose and said, “We have so many equity shares, and we must fight for the corresponding rights. In the future, I will fight with you to the end in the company.”

Although due to the issue of the equity shares ratio, as long as they don鈥檛 sell the equity shares, Xia Yu鈥檚 side will grab control of the company.

But thinking that Xia Yu will go against their family in everything in the future, the company is in chaos, and he cannot accept it.

If Xia Yu is determined, he would rather lose profits and drag the company back. Their family will definitely suffer heavy losses. Eskenazi Co., Ltd. may lose money and go bankrupt!

In the face of Xia Yu’s rogue behavior, Giuseppe Eskenner wanted to vomit blood, but he was helpless.

He is impossible to really verify that Xia Yu dare to do so!

He didn’t dare to bet, nor can their family bet!

In the verbal struggle with Xia Yu, he was defeated!

Hey… Forget it, just accept it!

After making a decision in his heart, Giuseppe Eskenazi forced himself to remain calm and said to Xia Yu: “Mr. Xia, we don’t need to say more about things that haven’t happened in the future.”

“The Chinese cultural relics market in United Kingdom has been hit hard. Eskenazy Co., Ltd. will abandon this business. Are you satisfied?”

“I hope you sell our equity shares to us. The conditions are up to you, but not too outrageous!”

Hearing this, Xia Yu showed a smile and looked towards Giuseppe Eskenazi with an instructable gaze, said with a smile: “That’s right, we can negotiate peacefully, why bother Not happy?”

In order not to get angry, Giuseppe Eskenazi chose to ignore Xia Yu’s words.

Looking at the other party with cold eyes, waiting for him to make a request, Xia Yu laughed and said, “That said, there are no non-sale items in the world. You have to buy back equity shares. As long as the price is right, we are of course willing to sell. “

“But I want the Chinese cultural relics collected by your family, oh, yes, all Chinese cultural relics!”

Giuseppe Eskenazi suddenly changed his face and reacted very strongly. He refused without hesitation: “Impossible, these equity shares in your hands are far less valuable than all the Chinese cultural relics in our family’s collection. I will never Agree, only part of it can be replaced!”

Xia Yu remain unmoved, lightly said: “Don’t be so nervous!”

“Except for those equity shares, I will use cash to make up the difference, but I need all the Chinese cultural relics!”

Giuseppe Eskenazi fell silent, his expression constantly changing, and when he wanted to argue, Xia Yu’s words sounded again.

“You said just now that the Chinese cultural relics market is destined to be in a downturn in the future, and I also told you clearly that as long as I am there, no one in the United Kingdom will want to speculate on the price of Chinese cultural relics. What I have is the capital to consume with you!”

“The Chinese cultural relics in your family’s collection were originally taken from my homeland by you robbers in the last century. Now they are nothing more than the original owner.”

“If I were you, I would definitely not keep a bunch of Chinese cultural relics that are destined to be unsold. I might as well switch to cash to develop other businesses. If you want to hype, you can hype Japanese cultural relics. You should be very clear that the little Japan People are much richer than Chinese!”

Every word of Xia Yu hits the bottom of Giuseppe Eskenazi’s heart. Although he doesn’t like Xia Yu’s words, he is rationally told that agreeing to Xia Yu’s request is the best choice.

After a long time, Giuseppe Eskenazi said: “How can you guarantee that you will not target our family company next time?”

As soon as he said this, Xia Yu looked towards him directly with an idiot’s gaze, lightly said with a smile: “Our company bought Sotheby’s Auction House not because there was too much money and there was no place to spend it! In fact, leaving aside the Chinese cultural relics, I think We can still cooperate very well!”

Giuseppe Eskenazi suddenly awoke in embarrassment. He admitted that he had just been confused and had a horny horn. He didn’t expect even such a simple logic.

To hide his embarrassment, he quickly said: “I have no right to agree to your request. I need to go back and discuss with the family.”

Xia Yu made a please gesture, said with a smile: “I believe your Uncle Victorio is a sensible person. I will let people go to Eskenazi Co., Ltd. again tomorrow afternoon, hoping to get what I want The answer you want.”

“It’s getting late, I have something to do, so I’ll be out of company first!”

After speaking, Xia Yu got up and left with his subordinates, leaving only Giuseppe Eskenazi to sit blankly.

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