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For a while, Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok fell into silence, but the shocking glances of the two people looked towards Xia Yu, revealing the huge shock in their hearts.

Xia Yu calmly took a sip of the teacup.

After Henry Fok came back to his senses, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he touched his palms and said: “haha, A’Yu, you are as aggressive as ever.”

“Yes, I just bought 2.7% of the equity shares. It’s good for you. I bought 1/3 of all the equity shares at once. People are more ashamed than others!”

Yue-Kong Pao was also amazed.

Xia Yu laughed modestly and said: “Luck.”

Upon seeing this, Yue-Kong Pao 2 shook their heads and smiled bitterly, no longer worrying about this.

Xia Yu always did this, obviously because of her strength, but she always said it was luck, which hit them even harder, and often made two people depressed.

After drinking tea, the mood of the two people also calmed down.

Now that they have such favorable conditions, the two of them are active and wondering how to act.

“A’Yu, in this way, Keswick Family only has 20.6% equity shares left. The equity shares of the three of us alone have reached 3%. Now we can take control of Hongkong Land Holdings.”

Yue-Kong Pao narrowed his eyes and said in a positive tone.

Xia Yu shook his head slightly and said, “Old Pao, you are right. Now Hongkong Land Holdings can be said to belong to Chinese capital. All Chinese shareholders add up to shares 68.4%. As long as we unite, we can completely compel privatization. Keswick Family can be driven to the edge of power.”

“But this is not what we want. The hidden value of Hongkong Land Holdings is great, and its assets are far from the supermarket value. Now the opportunity lies here. Of course, we are trying to get as many equity shares as possible.”

“Leave aside, the Keswick Family, Swire Group and Kadoorie Family together still hold 3% of the equity shares. Now the opportunity is rare. We are striving to win all of these.”

“As for the equity shares held by Cheng Yu-tung, Lee Shau-kee and the others, we also try to win as much as possible. If we clean up one more shareholder, Hongkong Land Holdings will lose one share of the cake.”

In their original plan, after Hongkong Land Holdings was privatized, the assets were to be liquidated and then split according to the proportion of shares.

Henry Fok nodded echoed: “Old Pao, A’Yu makes sense. You also know how valuable Hongkong Land Holdings is. If there are only three of us, why let others benefit!”

Yue-Kong Pao said with a smile: “I’m just talking about it. How could I forget what was discussed before.”

“Now that the A’Yu shares matter has not been exposed, we still have a certain amount of favorable time. This should not be wasted.”

“There are still a lot of shareholders left. Time is running out. Let’s allocate goals?”


“no problem.”

Xia Yu and Henry Fok agreed.

“A’Yu, you are stronger and have more liquidity. Which ones do you want to pick?”

Yue-Kong Pao not at all chose immediately. Instead, they gave the initiative to Xia Yu. After all, although they had paid in the battle to devour Hongkong Land Holdings, they mostly followed Xia Yu and got There are already a lot of benefits, and he can no longer be greedy.

Henry Fok slightly nodded has no opinion.

Xia Yu thought for a while and said, “In this case, I will pick Keswick Family, Swire Group and Kadoorie Family. I have 3% of the equity shares of these 29.1 companies. I have 25.5% of the equity shares left. Go eat. .”

These three British shareholders’ equity shares are the most difficult to acquire, but Xia Yu doesn’t care, after all, for him, the target is the same for everyone.

On the contrary, it is Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok who have a deep friendship with various Chinese big shots, and it is even less difficult to acquire the equity shares in their hands.

If the two of them were to acquire the equity shares in the hands of Swire Group, Keswick Family and Kadoorie Family, it would be more difficult.

Although there was a smaller cake left for the two of them to share, Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok did not dislike them, but were very grateful. Of course, the two of them could see that Xia Yu jumped out of the hard bones and ate them on their own. They left the easy-to-eat meat.

This makes Yue-Kong Pao feel sorry: “A’Yu, you don’t need to take care of us…”

“Hey Old Pao, you can’t say that. What do you mean by me taking care of you? But I have picked out more. Don’t think I have too much appetite.”

“Let’s make the decision. If there are any difficulties or emergencies later, we will discuss the details.”

Xia Yu directly interrupted Yue-Kong Pao’s words, said with a smile, and immediately decided.

Yue-Kong Pao smiled bitterly, and once again returned to his heroic state, he said aloud: “Okay, then we are not polite.”

Then, Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok, in front of Xia Yu, divided the goals according to their connections and strengths.

Yue-Kong Pao acquired the equity shares of Li Ka-shing, Stanley Ho, Hong Kong Ho Family and Hu Family, totaling 4%.

Henry Fok acquired the equity shares of Cheng Yu-tung, Lee Shau-kee and Kwok Tak-seng for a total of 3%.

No way, Yue-Kong Pao has a closer relationship with Li Ka-shing and Hu Family, and Stanley Ho has a feud with Henry Fok. Stanley Ho’s equity shares will never be sold to Henry Fok, and Hong Kong Ho Family Its equity shares are also difficult to acquire by Henry Fok.

Relying on Haisha’s business, Henry Fok has a lot of friendship with Cheng Yu-tung, Lee Shau-kee and Kwok Tak-seng. It is still possible to acquire the equity shares of their three people.

It can be said that Yue-Kong Pao takes care of Henry Fok very much.

As for the remaining 2.5% of equity shares, they are still in the hands of retail investors or investment institutions, and everyone has their own skills.

In fact, after the hunting battle last year, although Hongkong Land Holdings is still a listed company, equity shares have been concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, rarely in the hands of retail investors or investment institutions.

Although it has been nearly 9 months since the hunting of Hongkong Land Holdings last year, the equity shares were released one after another in the middle, but some time ago they were secretly purchased from the market by Xia Yu and other three people, and the circulating shares were almost cleared. Up.

The reason why the remaining 2.5% of equity shares has not been acquired is also because the retail investors holding these shares are more determined. They are stupefied and refuse to sell the shares, betting that the Hongkong Land Holdings stock price will continue to rise.

To deal with this kind of retail investors, combined with the situation of Hongkong Land Holdings, there is no way to harvest them at the dealership. The only available method is to provide them with a price that is satisfactory.

Of course, there is another more ruthless way, that is, Hongkong Land Holdings applies for delisting, compulsory repurchase of shares in their hands, and voids if not sold.

Anyway, it adds up to 2.5% of equity shares, which has no effect on the overall situation, and it is destined to fail.

The general direction was set and the division of labor was clarified. Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok did not stay too much, and the two immediately took action.

Xia Yu thought for a moment and decided to start with the Kadoorie family first.

After all, the remaining Dick Keswick and Phil Keswick of the Keswick Family are diehards; and the Swire Group is not bad money, and the strength is also peak. These two companies are more difficult to deal with.

On the contrary, it is the Kadoorie family, whose main influence is in the Kowloon Area, which will give him more face.

Xia Yu just asked Wang Qi to do it. He didn’t expect a news from the stock exchange to make him messy.

The equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings have undergone a major change. The former shareholder Kadoorie family investment company withdrew and transferred 3.1% of its equity shares to Luoshir father and son Hong Kong Ltd.

Another dark horse appeared!

In the office, Xia Yu looked at the information on the paper, frowning gradually.

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