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The scheme of the Rothschild Family, Xia Yu is certainly impossible to know, at this time he is fully participating in the construction of the Chinese businessman consortium.

After more than a month, as Xia Yu had expected, Chinese companies from the United Kingdom rushed to join the Chinese businessman consortium, and Wu Family’s threshold was smashed.

In this case, progress is very fast, and a new consortium core company can be added almost every 2 to 3 days.

At this critical period, Wu Hongyi was very busy. It just so happened that Xia Yu had acquired Rolls-Royce Motor Company and had some free time, so she couldn’t hold back Wu Hongyi’s request. In addition, the Chinese businessman consortium also had its own share. , So Xia Yu gets involved.

With the addition of Xia Yu, the efficiency of the formation of the Chinese businessman consortium has been improved to a great level.

There are 2 flowers and one branch each.

After all, George Berkeley is an elite in the financial industry. What he is good at is financial investment. He is not good at the elite of automobile companies. So after taking over Rolls-Royce Motor Company, he asked its General Manager to reform according to the plan. He mainly focuses on supervision. .

However, he did not take time off either. He did not forget that Boss Xia Yu explained that he wanted to acquire the equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings as soon as possible.

It happened that when he was collecting information, he learned that the third line of the Hong Kong Keswick Family, Burton Keswick, was in London and invited him.

Bolton Keswick is 42 years old this year. He is the cousin of John Keswick, the head of the Keswick Family. He previously served as a department manager at Hongkong Land Holdings. After the death of the 3 John Keswick father and son, he quickly moved and divided up a lot of assets. The biggest asset is the 10.5% equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings.

After changing his neutral position and retreat, the cautious Bolton Keswick began to look for a retreat. The best retreat was nothing but United Kingdom.

This time when he came back, he learned that a family of fallen viscounts wanted to sell a piece of ancestral land in Maidstone County, south of London, including castles, forests, fields, etc., which he intended to buy as the foundation of his family in the future.

Unfortunately, the lion’s big mouth, the lion’s big mouth, asks for 40 million GBP, and must be paid in full in cash, and does not accept installment payments.

40 million GBP, which is more than 3 million in HKD.

To be honest, he was indeed very greedy after seeing the ancestral land, but the key was that he could not come up with 40 million GBP in cash.

But he really wants to buy this ancestral land too much, as long as he owns it, then his lineage will be able to gain a foothold in United Kingdom.

Although the Keswick Family has been in Hong Kong for the past 100 years, he is well aware that the symbolic significance of the land and castle to a family, especially the inheritance of the original aristocracy, is even more significant, which will help him quickly integrate into the United Kingdom Upper class.

Nowadays, there is a rare wastrel lord to sell, and he is not willing to slip away.

So after he stabilized the viscount, he made up his mind to return to Hong Kong to sell his assets and raise money back to United Kingdom to buy a family property.

I never thought that when I was about to leave, I received an invitation letter from the Bright Fund inexplicably, and George Berkeley, General Manager of the Bright Fund, invited him to see him.

In the country villa he bought, Bolton Keswick looked at the invitation letter in his hand and browsed tightly knit. He couldn’t figure out why the Bright Fund contacted him even if he wanted to break his head.

However, he didn’t think about it, but through his friends, he inquired about the details of the Bright Fund.

He was shocked by this inquiry, and instantly he paid 100% attention.

Although the strength of the Bright Fund is unknown, the current performance is very strong. It not only holds two large newspapers, “Financial Times” and “Daily Telegraph”, but also has a close relationship with the Duke Howard family. It is combined with 2 million GBP in cash. Acquired the Rolls-Royce Motor Company, and also heard that it has a close relationship with the Conservative Party.

This all shows the mystery and power of the Bright Fund.

Although it is rumored that there is capital from Hong Kong behind the Bright Fund, but based on his network, it is impossible to determine whether the news is true or false.

But it doesn’t matter, just having the strength to cooperate with the Duke Howard family and still taking the initiative reveals a lot of things.

He has already planned to return to China for development. Naturally, he doesn’t want to offend the Bright Fund, whose strength and background are unknown. He has a deep understanding of the troubles of the financial big shot. He still remembers how Jardine Matheson fell apart.

So despite thinking and thinking about it, he decided to go to the appointment.

At the Sheraton Park Tower Hotel in London, Burton Keswick led the waiter to the door of a luxurious private room, knocked on the door and saw a handsome middle-aged man, apart from this there was no one else.

“Mr. Bolton, this is George Berkeley, welcome your arrival, please sit down!”

“Hello Mr. George, I am deeply sorry that you have been waiting for so long!”

“No, you are not late!”

Burton Keswick exchanged greetings with George Berkeley a little distantly, and sat directly opposite him.

During the awkward chatting time of 2 people, they finished ordering and serving meals.

Feeling that Burton Keswick put down his vigilance a little, George Berkeley knew that the time had come, so he gently put down the knife and fork, gently dipped his mouth with a tissue, Burton Keswick eyes flashed and made the same action.

“Mr. Bolton, I think you must be curious now.”

“Yes, I was very surprised when I received your company’s invitation. I think we should have nothing to do with each other before. Can you help me out?”

“of course.”

“But before that, let me introduce our company to you.”

“It’s my pleasure, please!”

Bolton Keswick moved his heart, leaning forward slightly, looking at George Berkeley scorchingly.

George Berkeley smiled slightly and said: “The Bright Fund has not been established for a long time, but it has strong capital. Our business is mainly two. One is the acquisition of companies for management and transformation to enable them to increase value; the other is corporate mergers and acquisitions and advisory.”

“The investors behind the Bright Fund are all major consortiums and families. For special reasons, I won’t introduce them in detail.”

Hearing this, Bolton Keswick slightly nodded expressed his understanding. After all, he was born in the Great Family. Naturally, he knew that in order to hide the wealth, the major consortium and the Great Family would set up an investment company to separate the equity shares.

Now, in his mind, the names of each and everyone of the top United Kingdom families have been passed through, such as the Lin Family, Clan Campbell, Howard, Grosvenor, Cavendish, Xu Family, Stewart…

Just as Bolton Keswick conceived himself, George Berkeley continued.

“This time you are invited because we have received a business to acquire the equity shares of a company in your hands for a client.”

Hearing this, Bolton Keswick was awakened in an instant. He sat upright and his eyes became extremely sharp. He solemnly asked: “Mr. George, do I know who has commissioned your company? He wants to buy which one of my hands. The company’s equity shares?”

George Berkeley showed an apologetic expression and said: “It is our obligation to keep the customer’s information confidential, and I am sorry for that.”

“What we want to acquire is the equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings in your hands.”

After speaking, George Berkeley looked at Bolton Keswick with a calm smile.

“Hongkong Land Holdings?”

Bolton Keswick is frowned, what he didn’t expect was the most valuable asset in his hands.

But this is exactly what he wants. In order to raise money, he has already planned to sell the equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings. Now the Guangming Fund has come to the door, which is exactly what he wants. As long as the price is right, who can not sell it?

As for the impact on other members of the family, this is not within his consideration.

After the deaths of John Keswick father and son 3, and their wealth fell to them and they were struggling, it was doomed to have contradictions and disputes within them. Although they seem to be united by outsiders, it is just to see. I got up mainly for self-preservation.

Now that he plans to fly separately, he can’t control so much.

impossible For the benefit of the rest of the family, but let himself suffer. 10000 has been delayed for a long time, and the foundation of the viscount has been bought by others. Where can he go to find such a good opportunity?

It’s too easy to get wealth from heaven, so I don’t pay much attention to it in my heart, and it doesn’t hurt to sell it.

Bolton Keswick pondered for a moment, and refused to say: “Mr. George, I do have 10.5% equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings in my hands, but this is a family property, and I am impossible to sell it. I’m sorry.”

Bolton Keswick is not stupid. Although he is willing to sell, he also knows to raise the price and strive for more benefits. If George Berkeley says, he eagerly agrees. This is not to pass a knife to George Berkeley to cut him. ?

George Berkeley saw through such a clumsy price-raising technique at a glance. He smiled in his heart, but said calmly on his face: “Mr. Bolton, there are no non-sale items in the world. I heard that you are buying Viscount Bout in May. The idyllic forests, castles and idyllic forests of Durstone County are not for sale by the nobles, don’t you think they are sold now?”

Bolton Keswick brows tightly knit, looked at George Berkeley sharply, and said angrily: “Are you investigating me?”

George Berkeley smiled and shook his head: “No, this is just a coincidence. I tell you this, just to tell you that we can serve you in terms of acquiring the ancestral property of Viscount Bout.”

Bolton Keswick took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down, and stopped entangled in it. He knew that his tactic of raising the price had been broken, so he simply pointed out: “Mr. George, you are right. There are non-sale items, and the equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings in my hand can be sold as long as the price offered by your company is appropriate.”

After speaking, Bolton Keswick picked up the knife and fork and cut the steak each minding their own business.

“Mr. Porter, we have learned that the market value of Hongkong Land Holdings is now 58.9100000000 HKD. Based on the market value, 10.5% of your equity shares are worth 6.1800 million HKD.”

“Based on the current market value, we can buy all your equity shares at a premium of 10% at a price of 680 million HKD.”

George Berkeley quietly threw out his conditions.

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