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After solving the Hong Kong Electric Light Company’s strategic decision-making problem, Xia Yu assured Han Tianze for the follow-up matters, and he had to ask him for instructions unless the major event was important.

That night, Xia Yu did not go home for dinner, but went to an appointment to have supper at a food stall in the downtown area of ​​Kowloon.

Originally based on his rank and status, he shouldn’t eat in such a place.

But after all, Xia Yu was born with poor mud legs. Although he is now in a high position, he hasn’t forgotten his roots. He can stand up, and he can naturally put it down easily.

However, those who dare to invite Xia Yu with the supper at the food stall are naturally not outsiders, but Xia Lei. Of course, Xia Yu is impossible to come.

In the night, a black car shuttled through the streets of Kowloon City and stayed on an old street.

Xia Yu took Li Wuming getting out, and the other 2 bodyguards stayed in the car.

Look up towards the big sign of the fluorescent lamp.

4 Seasonal food stalls!

It is here!

Sure enough, Xia Yu saw Xia Jun and Xia Lei sitting inside, and the two were chatting happily.

Seeing Xia Yu’s arrival, the two of them immediately stood up with smiles: “A’Yu, you are here.”

“You guys came so early, am I not late?”

Xia Yu said with a smile.

“No, we just arrived.”

“This store is new?” Looking at the empty row of tables, Xia Yu asked casually.

Xia Lei grinned and explained: “It hasn’t opened yet. It will open tomorrow. Open the door today to have a taste.”

Xia Yu raised her brows and heard a hint of other meaning, and asked, “You opened this store?”

Upon hearing Xia Yu’s question, Xia Jun also reacted and looked towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei laughed: “It can be regarded as mine. It is the industry of the club. The business of the night snack stall is good. In addition, there are too many brothers in the club. I don’t know how much to eat at night. It is cheaper than others. .”

The Xia Jun interface asked: “A’Lei, then the brothers in your community are eating baitiao here?”

“How is it possible! There is no rule without rules, even if I eat myself, I still pay, otherwise I will go bankrupt.”

Xia Lei shouted immediately.

Listening to Xia Yu smiled admiringly: “A’Lei, there must be rules, public or private, in order to make a major event!”

Xia Lei touched her flat head and laughed happily, completely without the appearance of the cold and domineering club big shot commonly seen by outsiders.

We must know that with the defeat of the Black Dragon Hall last year and taking charge of the Fierce Tiger Society, there are now only two giants in the underground district of Kowloon, one of the eighteenth districts of Hong Kong, namely Fierce Tiger Society and Xinyian. The remaining small influences are here. Cleaned up by Fierce Tiger Society in half a year.

Today, there are more than 1200 people under Xia Lei. Xin Ngong Ann knows who is behind Xia Lei, so with his hands and feet, Xin Ngong An, one of the three major influences in Hong Kong, was actually overwhelmed by the Fierce Tiger Society in the downtown area of ​​Kowloon.

In addition to the Kowloon urban area, the influence of Xia Lei has spread to the Yau Tsim Mong District and Kwun Tong districts of Kowloon, but it is still in the early stage of laying the foundation, but it is also considered to have set a banner anyway.

It can be said that Xia Lei is now a big shot with a face and a face in the underground of Hong Kong.

Soon, after Xia Yu entered, a younger brother pulled the door halfway down and put a “temporarily closed” sign at the door.

“Old Wu, let’s eat some abalones and flowers first.”

I found a table and sat down, Xia Lei moved towards loudly roared behind.

Soon there were some barbecue and cold beer on the table. Xia Lei picked up a bottle of beer and bit it open with her teeth, placed it in front of Xia Yu, and continued to drink.

“A’Lei, use the opener, don’t bite your teeth.”

Xia Yu brows slightly wrinkle reminded.

“Let me do it!”

Sitting Li Wuming suddenly said, he directly picked up a bottle of beer and slapped the mouth of the bottle. As soon as he pressed hard, a beer bottle cap fell from the palm of the slap and opened it directly, which made Xia Lei and Xia Jun stare.

Xia Yu is not surprising, Li Wuming talent is extraordinary, and the entire Hong Kong is a grandmaster character. I can’t understand the skills of force. In the later generation, Xia Yu has also seen some ordinary persons who have mastered a certain degree. You can open beer bottle caps empty-handed.

“Come on, let’s drink first!”



The cold beer flowed through the throat, the bubbles kept bursting in the mouth, Xia Jun unable to bear yelled comfortably.

“This sixtie tastes good!”

Xia Yu clipped a piece of sixtieth armour and put it in her mouth, tsk tsk mouth, commented.

Xia Lei also caught one and sucked the meat into her mouth, said with a smile: “Old Wu is the old Master I specially invited over. I have invited ten or five such old Masters at once.”

“I plan to open the four-season fresh food stalls into a chain store, and in the future, I will open them all over Hong Kong to make catering. I still know that taste is the fundamental truth.”

“But, the future food tycoon!”

Xia Jun joked.

“Brother Jun, don’t bury me.” Xia Lei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“A’Lei, you don’t need to undervalue oneself. Brother Jun said it is really possible to make food stalls the first in Hong Kong. Who dares to say that you are not a tycoon?”

Xia Yu said resolutely, and then reminded: “But to do this step, management is very important, you have to ask someone to help you run it.”

“I understand this, and you can make money without intervening randomly.”

“You gave me advice last year. I established several companies and now they are making money.”

Xia Lei nodded said.

Hearing what Xia Lei said, Xia Yu and Xia Jun became interested. Xia Yu put down his chopsticks and asked, “Which companies are there and how is the situation?”

“There are not many companies, there are only a dozen, but most of them are small companies. I won’t be embarrassed by showing them, and only 4 stand out.

“A film company specializes in making salty and wet films. Now it has made 3 films and made about 3,000,000.”

“One is a washing foot city chain company, there are 3 foot washing cities, business is not bad.”

“One is a real estate development company. It took a piece of land and is now under development and construction.”

“The last one is an export trading company, and the business is pretty good.”

“These 4 companies, except for the footwashing city, all 3 companies rely on A’Yu for your help, otherwise I won’t be able to do it.”

Speaking of this, Xia Lei showed a grateful look at Xia Yu, but everyone is a brother, and he also knows that Xia Yu doesn’t like him to see outsiders, so not at all said thank you.

Xia Yu said with a light smile: “Just develop it and keep working hard.”

“By the way, how is the overall business situation of Fierce Tiger Society?”

Xia Yu thought for a while and wanted to ask.

“The situation is very good. Although the brothers add up to more than 1200 people, but now all aspects add up, there is an income of more than 800 10000 a month. Although most of them are not visible, it is very easy to raise people.”

After Xia Lei finished speaking, Xia Jun calculated in his heart and said in surprise: “With this calculation, the annual income will exceed 100000000 million! Sure enough, your business makes money fast. The only drawback is that the risk is high and the money is not available.”

Xia Yu heard that this number was very calm. An organization of more than 1200 people earned only more than 800 and 10000 in a month, which is actually very small. He is very aware of the huge profits in this industry.

There is a saying that the channels for making money are written in the law. This is what Xia Lei does. It’s strange if you don’t make money.

Unless the most profitable piece is removed and not touched, doubling the income is a matter with no difficulty.

“How is the organizational structure?”

Compared to making money, Xia Yu cares more about whether Xia Lei listens to his words and builds rigorous strength.

Xia Lei nodded said: “Fortunately, after you told me last year, I specially studied the organizational structure of the Yamaguchi Group and Hongmen. It took a month to develop a complete and rigorous organizational framework. It has been implemented, and I feel that the strength control of the entire organization has reached Peak, and now no one can shake the sky.”

“That’s good!” Xia Yu hearing this, couldn’t help smiling and admiringly.

“Brother Jun, respect you. Congratulations on your promotion to the next level and the post of Chief of Police.”

Xia Jun and Xia Yu touched the wine bottle and took a big swig, and said with emotion: “A’Yu, it’s not thanks to you. Now in the entire Police Force, I am promoted the fastest.”

Xia Yu laughed: “This is nowhere. It’s just the chief of the police station. There are so many levels on the top. There is no need to waste so long below. We promise to be promoted to the trainee inspector at least this year.”

The chief of police station in a small area of ​​Hong Kong, placed in the later generation position is equivalent to the position of the director of a regional police station, how big can’t be considered.

Of course, if an ordinary surname of 100 people, without any background, wants to reach this level, it will take 8 years, or more than 9 years.

But Xia Jun is different!

He is supported by the super big shot Xia Yu. Who dares not sell Xia Yu’s face in the entire Police Force?

Even the Commissioner of Police Brian Slevin and Management Services Deputy Commissioner Roy Henry have to give Xia Yu face, of course Xia Jun has taken care of them.

Li Kwan-ha, one of the Chief Superintendent of Police, has already turned to Xia Yu, and naturally spares no effort to support Xia Jun.

Even if you have a background, Xia Jun has a lot of credit. The rapid promotion simply makes it impossible for others to challenge.

Xia Jun’s contribution is so much, but Xia Yu’s intervention.

After Xia Jun was promoted to Sergeant, he repeatedly made contributions. Thanks to the help of Luo Wang and Xia Lei, many clues were not found by the police. Instead, Luo Wang and Xia Lei found them and handed them directly to Xia Jun for Xia Jun to take People can catch them.

Or directly help Xia Jun to take credit, so Xia Jun’s credit is full, if it is not because he is too young, the upgrade has been fast enough, or the credit alone is enough to be promoted to a trainee inspector or even an inspector.

But Xia Yu is already operating now.

After the re-election of the United Kingdom, the personnel of Hong Kong will be adjusted. The current Commissioner of Police Brian Slevin’s term has expired and he is destined to retire to the United Kingdom for retirement.

Among the remaining two competitors, Li Sita originally leaned on Jardine Matheson. Although it was the top-ranked Operations Wing Deputy Commissioner, after Jardine Matheson fell, Brian Slevin sold Xia Yu favors to suppress him, making his There is a lot of loss of rights. Among the four Senior Assistant Commissioners under his command, three of them have been inactive, which is not as good as Management Services Deputy Commissioner Roy Henry.

Xia Yu is already operating, and Roy Henry is pushed to take over as Brian Slevin. Roy Henry himself is on his own, and Xia Yu pushes him up, just adding insurance.

From Xia Yu’s point of view, it is a certainty that Roy Henry will become a policeman. When the time comes, the police path of Xia Jun and Li Kwan-ha will be smooth.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the influence of Xia Yu in the political circle.

There is no need to mention the influence of Evergreen Fund. The more direct one is Ronald Leung. With the support of Xia Yu, Ronald Leung has entered the Legislative Council and became one of the 55 members.

And because he didn’t hide his background, Ronald Leung got rich in the Legislative Council because of Xia Yu.

Upon seeing this, a few congressmen were enthusiastic about Ronald Leung, and they took the initiative to lean on Xia Yu. After Xia Yu investigated, they found that there was value in training and accepted them with pleasure.

In this way, Xia Yu’s tentacles reached into the Hong Kong Legislative Council, and the influence is not weak.

Xia Yu’s influence on the road, the police and the political circle is continuously expanding.

PS: Ask for a ticket, thank you!

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