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“Well, you go down first and try your best to publish the magazine. If the bookstore doesn’t work, just go to the newspaper stand and don’t care if you lose money!”

Ma Tengdong cleared up his mood, his face solemnly instructed to Wu Tengjun.


Wu Tengjun bowed immediately, and then slowly withdrew from the office.

When Mrs Wu Tengjun left, Ma Tengdong got up and walked around the office, browsing tightly knit, thinking about the countermeasures.

The crafty plots and machinations of Yiqiao Group are too lethal!

If this issue cannot be published, many readers will not be able to see it, but they cannot stop publishing.

If this is the case for the next few issues, then wait until it is ready to be released. When the latest issue is released, many readers will not see the previous plot, which has a great impact.

If it has been released before the release, some readers have read it, and it will also affect the distribution and publicity of the entire company.

No matter how you choose, it will affect your popularity!

Fortunately, there are still ten chain stores around Comic’s Guest House in Japan. If readers can’t buy manga, they should find Comic’s Guest House there.

But after all, the ten shops are too few. They are mainly distributed in big cities. There are no other relatively small cities. Readers can’t buy them.

Even if there are Comic’s Guest House shops in some big cities, readers may not know.

“It seems that you must have a distribution channel you can control. It can only be Comic’s Guest House. I wanted to double it before, but now it seems that it is not enough. You have to run forward. It is almost the same to expand 40 more at one time.”

“But in this case, the cost is too great, and it must be supported by Boss.”

“Moreover, even if the Boss agrees, 40 stores can’t open in a short period of time. They can only solve long-term problems. After all, they will not be able to solve the current problems!”

Ma Tengdong muttered to himself, his brows still frowned, and he did not think of a solution.

For a long time, he stretched his brows slightly and thought, “The key is to let the major bookstores stand on our side. Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group can coerce the major bookstores not to sell our magazines, then we have to make them unable to refuse. , There is enough confidence and sufficient reason to resist the Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group.”

“If you can become a shareholder of those bookstores, then the current problems will be solved, and this is the fastest and most effective way!”

After thinking of a way, Ma Tengdong feels a little better, but after thinking about it, he shook his head with a wry smile: “I can only ask the boss for help and see what the boss has to say, or if there is a better way.”

……It will be replaced in the next hour. I haven’t written it yet. Just refresh it when the time comes. For 600 yuan full attendance, this is the only way to do it. It will cause inconvenience to everyone. Please forgive me!

Refresh it later, you will not re-subscribe once you have subscribed, so don’t worry about wasting money!

Moreover, the Aiga family pay more attention to the fact that the market survey found that the four mangas of “Comic Guests” are of extremely high quality, which has affected the reputation of their manga magazine. After all, the contrast is obvious. Even Ichiro Aiga and the others are at this point. Have to admit.

How can the Aiga family, which is a manga industry Overlord, ignore it?

The best way is to take advantage of the “Comic Guests” is still weak and buy it.

It’s a pity that Jiuding Anime & Manga Co. did not announce the sales of “Comic Guests”, so the Aiga family did not know that “Comic Guests” had more than 1000000 sales in markets other than Japan.

Ma Tengdong directly rejected it because the price was too low.

Of course, the real reason is that “Comic Guests” belongs to the core component of Xia Yu’s cultural strategy and is basically impossible to sell.

“If they don’t sell, then just fight. It just so happens that I have made a manga with a style similar to “Pokémon”. After blocking them, as long as there is a period of time, they can take away the market that originally belonged to them.”

Hakusensha President Aiga Lingtaro coldly said.

“Then suppress it and grab the market. It just so happens that I also let someone study a manga with a similar style based on “Dragon Ball”, and it’s time to come out.”

Aiga Yasuhei was slightly nodded, and directly said that he was not only the President of Shogakukan, but also the President of Hitotsubashi Group and the patriarch of Aiga family.

After setting the tone, Aiga Kanghei first came forward to contact the old rivals of the Otowa Group. After making a strong statement, the Otowa Group immediately agreed to suppress “Comic Guests” together.

Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group are the only two super Overlords in Japan’s publishing market. Although manga has contributed more than 2% of its profits, its publication volume only accounts for less than 2/20 of them. They are in humanities, social sciences and other fields. The publication volume is also very large, and it has a strong say in major bookstores. It can be said that they are the parents of major bookstores.

“Comic Guests” is just a manga magazine, spread to major bookstores, in fact, sales will not account for much of the turnover, but the Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group have more goods.

Therefore, in order not to offend Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group, both agreed to no longer sell “Comic Guests”.


Jiuding Anime & Manga Co. Japan Branch Office is sitting on the ground in Yoda District, Tokyo, Japan.

“President, it’s not good, something happened!”

Jiuding Anime & Manga Co. Japan Branch Office released Head of Department Wu Tengjun was too hurried, came to Ma Tengdong solemnly and said.

Ma Tengdong frowned suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, he patiently came to solemnly asked: “What’s wrong?”

“President, a new issue of the magazine will be released the day after tomorrow, but so far, no dealer has placed an order with us!”

“Then I searched for 5 distributors in a row, but did not see the President of each distributor. Others shied away from the above decision and temporarily stopped ordering our magazine. The specific reason is still under investigation!”

Wu Tengjun lowered his head too deeply and said heavily, panicking in his heart, for fear of ushering in Ma Tengdong’s thunder’s fury.

After all, as the Head of the Distribution Department, he has an unshirkable responsibility for any problems with the distribution work for whatever reason.

However, the imaginary thunder’s fury not at all vented to him. He raised his head slightly and saw President Ma Tengdong browsing tightly frowns at this moment and fell into thought.

“They must have done it! bastard!”

Ma Tengdong was furious, a black hand appeared in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more certain he became.

One bridge group came to him one after another, that is, overestimate one’s capabilities and wanted to acquire Jiuding Anime & Manga Co., of course Ma Tengdong refused, and he could not be the master.

Especially when facing the original immediate superior, Shueisha’s President Aiga Ichiro, Ma Tengdong not at all gave him a good face.

At the beginning of Shueisha, there were many members of the Aiga family holding important positions. What is the virtue of the Aiga family?

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