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“Avenge the boss!”

“Avenge Fei Ge!”

Not long after the melee started, Wang Hu and Liao Pengfei were suddenly killed, and everyone didn’t expect it. Even Ye Hailong was dumbfounded. When did he have such fierce people?

It’s good for Luo Gang to kill Liao Pengfei, with a certain winning percentage, but Wang Hu was also killed?

You must know that he and Wang Hu have been fighting for ten-twenty years, and Wang Hu is doing well, didn’t expect actually planted here!

And it still won’t get up again for a year!

But now is not the time to think about this, because Wang Hu and Liao Pengfei were suddenly killed, the people of Fierce Tiger Society were panicked at first, but under the roar of some people, they were suddenly excited, and they slammed into the Black Dragon hall with red eyes.

The people in the Black Dragon Hall also not to be outdone, and quickly counterattacked. Ye Hailong suppressed the ecstasy and allowed his subordinates to expand their advantage as soon as possible to defeat the Fierce Tiger Society, and then stabilize the results before Xin Yi’an reacted.

Must seize this for a while and fiercely will take a bite of Fierce Tiger Society. If you can swallow Fierce Tiger Society, it would be best. When the time comes, you will have the strength to compete with Xinyian.

But it can only be said that Ye Hailong thinks too much. Everything that happened is under the control of Luo Wang.

Fierce Tiger Society died of the boss and a big shot, which cleared the way for Xia Lei.

But the strength of Black Dragon Hall must also be weakened.

Therefore, just as the melee was still fighting, with 2 gunshots, the melee was stagnated for an instant, and then exclaimed one after another: “Guns, hide!”

“Blood wolf!”

“Master Long!”

“Fuck it!”

Xiao Wu was the first to react and subconsciously looked towards the boss, Ye Hailong, and saw that he was holding his arm in a painful look, his bright red blood was stained red, and he was obviously shot!

Looking at Luo Gang, he fell straight to the ground at this time, his eyes filled with round eyes were an expression of disbelief. There was a bright red bullet hole on his bright forehead, all red and white flowed out of it.

“peng peng peng! ”

Xiao Wu dropped his long knife, drew out 2 guns with both hands, fired a few shots at Fierce Tiger Society, and then let people cover the boss Ye Hailong to retreat.

“wu wu wu ……”

At this moment, there was a faint sound of a police siren in the distance, and the members of the society who were in shock suddenly panicked.

Some people even drilled directly into the aisle, preparing to run away first.

And Xia Lei also let out a loud roar, and retreated with Fierce Tiger Society.

“brothers withdraw!”

The people in the Black Dragon Hall on the other side also had no intention of fighting anymore, dragging their companion’s body to retreat quickly.

When a large group of police arrived, only a mess of sharp weapons and blood was left on the ground.


However, it was said that on the Xinyi’an side, Wu 4hai and the others waited in the sub-forum, and soon received a call from the subordinate who was observing the situation on Argyle Street.

As soon as he connected, Wu Sihai stood up in shock and blurted out: “What? Wang Hu and Liao Pengfei were killed on the spot?”

“I understood!”

Wu 4 Hai is worthy of being a world-wise person, knowing the truth of don’t let slip an opportunity, immediately finished hanging up the phone, and said to the powerful henchmen who stood up in shock, “Wang Hu and Liao Pengfei are dead, we can’t wait any longer. , It’s time for us to play!”


After Wu 4hai finished speaking, he didn’t wait for a few people to answer, and he took them out. He had to personally direct the battle. Only in this way could he be completely relieved.

Just as soon as he walked to the gate, there was a sudden “peng!” and a crisp sound of metal hitting the ground. Wu Sihai who was about to step out of the gate instantly petrified, and then immediately retreated behind the gate.

Wu 4 Hai grabbed a round card by the door and threw it out.



There was another gunshot, and the round cards still in the air were all split up and in pieces, Wu 4hai sucked in a breath of cold air, this marksmanship is amazing! Definitely a sharpshooter!

“Boss, there is a sniper blocking the door!”

Zhou Jiangliu was very uneasy inside, and the frequency of fan instigation in his hand doubled, he said with a facial expression grave.

Just as Zhou Jiangliu was talking, some of the all around helpers found a place to hide, and some wanted to rush over, but they were directly shot one, which directly scared the courage of others.

“A Kuan!”

Seeing that his capable subordinate was headshot at the door, He Wenzhong gritted his teeth, veins bursting, and he even dared not go out.

“Go, let’s go to the back door!”

After Wu 4hai finished speaking, he immediately led people to the back door, but just opened the back door and carefully protruded one foot, and he hadn’t stepped on the ground.

There was another “pèng!” sound of a bullet hitting the ground. The bullet hit the wall by the door and fell under Wu Sihai’s feet.

Looking at the yellow-orange-orange bullets, Wu 4hai can’t help swallowing and silently retracted his feet, panicking in his heart, but also feeling aggrieved.

There is a sniper blocking the door at the front door, but there are also at the back door!

“Which Taoist friend is it? Do I, Mr. Wu, have hatred with you?”

Wu 4 The sea was dark and cold, and he suddenly shouted, looking through the gap to search for the direction of the shot he had just noticed.

It’s a pity that Luo Wang’s people are not fools, and they didn’t respond to Wu 4hai’s temptation at all, which made Wu 4hai feel annoyed.

“Big shot, he doesn’t want us to go out!”

Zhou Jiangliu squinted his eyes and analyzed calmly.

“With the marksmanship of a sniper, I shouldn’t have hit the bullet on the ground just now, but they did this twice, but they didn’t kill us, proving that they have no enemies with us.”

“It seems that the conflict between the Fierce Tiger Society and the Black Dragon Church is strange. I said that King Tiger and the one-eyed person should not go to full-scale war on the unfathomable mystery. There is definitely someone behind them.”

Wu 4 The sea looked gloomy, and slightly nodded in agreement with Zhou Jiangliu’s analysis. He can become the leader of the region, and he is naturally also a deep struggle. How can he not notice that it is wrong?

“Forget it, let’s go back and give up this opportunity!”

Wu 4 Hai took a deep breath icily said, and then walked inside without looking back.

Although Gao Feng and He Wenzhong were very unwilling, they also knew that there was a sniper blocking the door, unless the sniper was killed, otherwise they would not want to go out.

Besides, since there are snipers blocking the door here, the black guys behind the scenes would never want them to mix with the Black Dragon Hall and the Fierce Tiger Society. When the enemy is in the dark, they risk participating in it, and the consequences are unpredictable. There is even a mortal danger.

They have not forgotten, but they said on the phone just now that the boss of Fierce Tiger Society and executive Liao Pengfei were killed. The behind-the-scenes is definitely the existence of regardless of the law and of natural morality. If their Xinyi’an destroys others Plan, the black hand behind the scenes is definitely likely to kill them too.

When it comes to your own safety, even if you are unwilling, you can only endure it.


Back in the lobby, Wu Sihai held his breath, took a sip of cold tea, and dropped the cup directly on the ground.


In Jianghu several decades, he was so frustrated for the first time in his life, and he was blocked by someone! Where is his face going?

“I want to see, who is so great generosity. We have three of us with a one-time scheme. Really, there is no one in Kowloon City?”

Wu 4 Hai said angrily, if he was found out, he would never give up!

Really he should be a shantang? Is it so easy to be bullied?

This night, the sirens of the Kowloon city sirens, and continuously police officers are patrolling all around, scaring all societies obediently and honestly to hide.

With such a big incident, the police absolutely have to show up their results to deal with them. These clubs do not want to suffer for others!

As for the members of the Fierce Tiger Society, after Xia Lei stood up, he was immediately gathered.

His prestige was already high, and his influence was very strong. After Wang Hu and Liao Pengfei died, he was respected by him. Although some wild ambition generations were unwilling to do so, they died as the old and new in Xia Lei. Under the great righteousness, everyone obediently and honestly listened to Xia Lei’s orders.

Xia Lei, who had been prepared for a long time, began to rectify the Fierce Tiger Society in an orderly manner.

As for the police?

With Xia Yu’s guarantee, he is not worried at all!

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