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Golden Crow falls west, Jade Rabbit rises east.

It’s just that according to the Meteorological Observatory’s report, a typhoon will pass through Hong Kong in the early hours of tomorrow morning. I don’t know where there will be a dark cloud covering the entire Hong Kong, making the night of tonight extraordinarily hazy, and the air is filled with a kind of depression, it seems that there will be a thunderbolt. At this point, occasional gusts of cold wind blew, causing pedestrians on the road to subconsciously speed up their pace to walk home.

Argyle Street is a relatively prosperous street in the downtown area of ​​Kowloon. It has a relatively long construction period. Next to Street 2, there are densely distributed many old residential areas and small shops.

This street is the site of the Black Dragon Hall. The people in the Black Dragon Hall collect protection fees and operate various underground entertainment venues.

Around 9 pm, due to weather problems, there were fewer pedestrians on the road, so the business of the shops on the second side was relatively deserted, and many shops closed their doors.

at this time!

“da da da ……”

A rush of footsteps sounded on the open road, and some shopkeepers who had not yet closed their doors came out to take a look. They were so scared that they shrank into the house, and then quickly pulled down the shop door.

There are not a few people with similar reactions, because they all know that something is about to happen, and the community is about to merge! It’s better to close the door so that you don’t suffer unreasonable disaster.

I saw the road all around, and more and more people walked out of black clothed suits, each holding sharp tools, and in a few moments they gathered into a stream of black people. Under the light, all kinds of sharp tools were still shining brightly.

The leader is Liao Pengfei, but at this moment, his eyes are red, and he looks cold and chooses people.

At this time, there was a circle of white cloth wrapped around his head. Not only him, but also the nearly 2 people behind him, all of them were wrapped in white cloth, looking like an army. It was obvious that some important person had died.

Argyle Street is the site of the Black Dragon Hall, and there are people from the Black Dragon Hall watching the scene everywhere. Liao Pengfei, a group of nearly 2 people, rushed into their site without concealment, making it clear that they were going to fight.

Therefore, the people in the Black Dragon Hall immediately reported to their superiors, and soon, more and more people in the Black Dragon Hall gathered here.

Of course Liao Pengfei knew the situation, but he didn’t care anymore. Instead, he wanted them to come. How could he avenge the younger brother if he didn’t come?

Liao Pengfei coldly shouted when he came outside an entertainment venue in the Black Dragon Hall.

鈥 粰鎴戠牳锛佲

Suddenly, a group of younger brothers rushed in with a sharp weapon in their hands. Screams and exclamations came from inside, but Liao Pengfei, who was standing at the door, didn’t care.

His younger brother is dead and must be buried with someone!

In the general forum of Fierce Tiger Society, Wang Hu, who was playing mahjong, was shocked when he heard the report from his subordinates. gaze like a blade looked towards the report’s subordinate.

“What? Is this true?”

“Big shot, really, Brother Fei brought all the brothers below him to the Black Dragon building site. I heard that his younger brother was chopped ten times and died in the hands of the Black Dragon blood wolf Luo Gang. “

“Feige cares about his younger brother the most. Now that his younger brother is dead, he swears to Luo Gang to die!”

The subordinate’s face was reported heavily.

Luo Gang, the blood wolf, is one of the double-flower red sticks of Black Dragon Hall. He is the hardcore confidant of Black Dragon Hall boss Ye Hailong, and is also the executive of Black Dragon Hall.

Now Liao Pengfei wants him to resist, and Black Dragon Hall absolutely refuses. Now that Liao Pengfei has passed without authorization, then a fire is inevitable!

“Take all the brethren, and call Xia Lei to also take the men and horses to support the big bird flying.”

Although Wang Hu was angry that Liao Pengfei made him completely unprepared, he also understood Liao Pengfei’s actions.

But no matter what, conflict is inevitable, and now I can only brace oneself.

Soon, not long after Liao Pengfei left, all the hands of the entire Fierce Tiger Society quickly gathered.


The entrance of the Black Dragon hall.

The hall master Ye Hailong, known as Master Long in Jianghu, was hugging left and right in the living room at this time, enjoying the wait of two women.

In the living room, there are several executives, each holding a woman or two, and a living room becomes a place of chaos, but everyone is used to it.

The upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked. The boss, known as the “Silver Dragon”, is difficult for the Black Dragon Hall. The red light market in the entire Kowloon city is occupied by the Black Dragon Hall. 5-Layer, this is their master. One of the industry.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps came from outside, and a subordinate saw the image of the silver chaos. Although he began to stir, he knew that it was not the time. He immediately reported: “Big shot, it’s not good, Fierce Tiger Society’s Big Bird Fei came to sweep our place with No. 2 100, and they are now on Argyle Street. They are wrapped in white cloth on their heads, seeming to want revenge.”

“There is also news that the members of the Fierce Tiger Society and Thunder Tiger are also gathering. It should be to trouble us.”


“Hey, it hurts…”

“To shut up!”

Sitting on the right side of Ye Hailong, a bald-faced bald head heard the sound, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, his hands subconsciously grasped the car lights on the chest of the two women in his arms, making the two women unable to bear cry out. But Luo Gang’s anger was greeted, scared them to turn pale with fright, trembling to endure the pain, and dare not make any more noises.

“Luo Gang, something happened to your site. You killed Big Niaofei’s family? Ask him to get you trouble with a white cloth?”

The middle-aged man who was opposite Luo Gang asked, he is Ye Hailong’s other capable confidant, Iron Fist Xiao Wu, a Thai Chinese who has practiced Muay Thai since he was a child, and has practiced Muay Thai very well.

“I just killed a short-eyed bashing on the street yesterday. I don’t know if it is a relative of Big Bird Fei.”

Luo Gang coldly snorted said, thinking of yesterday’s events, his heart surged with anger.

Although he has a bald head, he still feels that his head is covered with a layer of green light. His fame was destroyed in the hands of a basher and a bastard. How did this make him mess with the road?

It would be nice if you didn’t chop up the rush to feed the dog. Even if he knew that the dead person was related to Liao Pengfei, he would still kill it, and even kill it harder!

“Okay, don’t talk about so many useless things, now hurry up and bring a good guy, and gather people to prepare!”

Ye Hailong, who was wearing a blindfold at the top, said solemnly, pushing away the two women in his arms, opened the drawer beside him, took out two guns and stuffed them into his waist.

When Luo Gang and Xiao Wu saw this, they opened the drawer beside the table, took out 2 guns and a dagger, and put them on each other, then moved towards and walked outside, leaving a few insecure women with scared legs Li collapsed to the ground.


After all, the Kowloon urban area is fish and dragons mixed in together, and the influences are circling, a little bit of wind and grass can attract many people’s attention, even more how is The Wharf District 3 Major Overlord 2 and Fierce Tiger Society and Black Dragon Hall are about to merge.

This is the major event of earth shattering!

As the most Major Overlord in Kowloon City, Xin Ngong An, naturally understood the news immediately.

The leader of Xin Ngee An in Kowloon City is Wu 4 Hai, and there are 3 seats, namely Gao Feng, Zhou Jiangliu and He Wenzhong.

When Wu Sihai received a report from his subordinates, it happened that Wu Sihai and the three major subordinates were discussing to cooperate with the headquarters in the smuggling incident.

Only when he learned that the Black Dragon Church and Fierce Tiger Society were about to merge, Wu 4hai immediately stopped the discussion and dealt with the current situation first.

“What do you think?”

Wu 4 Hai eyes slightly narrowed, the tiger eye swept across the faces of 3 people, solemnly asked.

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