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“Xia-sang, I’m really sorry for wasting your time!”

As soon as Xia Yu came out of the interrogation room, she saw a group of Police Force big shots waiting at the door. Brian Slevin, Li Sita, Roy Henry and the others were all listed. After seeing Xia Yu coming out, Brian Slevin immediately apologized. Said.

Although in terms of social status, Xia Yu is not much higher than Brian Slevin at this time, and Brian Slevin does not need to be so polite.

But Brian Slevin old becomes wise, a lot of things have long been bearish, not at all care about these details, he wants to maintain a good relationship with Xia Yu instead.

After all, his status is given by this official position. He will retire next year at the latest. It is normal for people in officialdom to take tea and cool tea. When the time comes, he has no official position, so he has to look up to Xia Yu.

Moreover, at his age, the pursuit of officialdom has reached its peak, and it is more helpful to the family, but the role of money and wealth is greater. Maintaining a good relationship with the God of Wealth, Xia Yu, will benefit continuously in the future.

This friendly attitude of Brian Slevin made Li Sita and Roy Henry, and other subordinates active.

“Commissioner Slevin, you are polite. As a Hong Kong citizen who is abiding by the law, it is our responsibility to cooperate with police investigation. I don’t know who reported me, but after cooperating with your investigation, my suspicion was cleared. It’s a favor for me, thank you!”

Xia Yu smiled and shook hands with Brian Slevin.

“Haha, Xia-sang, I knew that your great character has no such possibility, but I have to do it, you just don’t care!”

Brian Slevin continued to smile politely.

“How can I care about it, we have a chance to have a good chat, I ask you some life experience.”

“Okay, well, I also have a lot of questions to ask you!”

The two big shots stood at the door of the interrogation room and were polite to each other. Although the scene was very strange, no one around dared to show it.

“By the way, Commissioner Slevin, I heard that my cousin Xia Jun committed something. Is there any misunderstanding in this?”

Suddenly, Xia Yu looked towards Brian Slevin and asked with confusion.

As soon as the topic came out, Roy Henry, who was standing by the side, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and Li Sita’s face changed. What he was worried about really happened, but fortunately, he had prepared early.

Brian Slevin knew that there was a Police Constable named Xia Jun who was a relative of Xia Yu, but he didn’t know that Li Sita had taken care of him. At this moment, when Xia Yu said, he frowned. Who did it? , Didn’t it cause him trouble! Who is so insightful!

Brian Slevin subconsciously looked towards Roy Henry, Li Sita and the others, wanting to know what happened.

Seeing Brian Slevin’s gaze swept over, Li Sita knew that he could no longer be silent, and had to speak before Roy Henry, otherwise it would be easy for accidents.

He immediately said, “Mr. Xia, Sir Slevin, Xia Jun not at all committed the crime. In fact, he found a major clue, so he cooperated with our secret investigation. Now that the investigation has ended, I found that Xia Jun is a very good person. The talents, I also thought about mobilizing our Operations Wing to promote Sergeant to reuse it!”

As soon as this remark came out, Roy Henry complexion stiffened, who was planning to watch the joke, didn’t expect this old opponent to come to this hand, so to have no shame, directly distorting the facts, and shamelessly digging in front of Commissioner Brian Slevin In the corner, he said that he would promote Xia Jun and sell Xia Yu well.

Doing bad things, but wanting to make a profit with backhands, and digging into the corner of him, really treat him as a dry meal? How could he be like Li Sita’s wish? His desk must be demolished in front of Brian Slevin!

“No, if I didn’t find out in time, my right-hand man would be tortured by your Operations Wing.”

“Furthermore, Xia Jun was already outstanding. Once he joined the company, he made great contributions and made an indelible contribution to solving the Ma Family case. Even Interpol’s Officer Alan praised him. At that time, because he had just joined the job, I wanted to temper him, so I temporarily wrote down the credit and didn’t give him a promotion. After half a year of investigation, I found that Xia Jun’s abilities were long enough. The identity of a Police Constable completely restricted his abilities. , I was thinking of mentioning Sergeant to him. Before the document was released, it was caught by your Operations Wing.”

Roy Henry pretended to be a little angry and said, and then immediately asked Brian Slevin respectfully: “Sir Slevin, I think Xia Jun is fully capable of assuming the position of Sergeant, but he is still Police Constable now and has to go beyond the position of Senior Constable. Can you please?”

After watching the short performance of the two people just now, Brian Slevin who is old becomes wise doesn’t know what happened, but he did not at all show it.

At this time, I heard Roy Henry say this, and he wittyly shared the opportunity to sell favors. In front of Xia Yu, of course he should sell it well. Isn’t it a Sergeant official position at the level of a member? Skip, but he is the Commissioner of Police, he has the final say!

“Of course you can. For Police Constable, which is particularly excellent and outstanding, it should be promoted exceptionally. You can’t bury the talents. You must train them!”

Brian Slevin directly decided the promotion of Xia Jun in 3 words and 2 words, which made a Police Constable not far away wonder how envious it was.

Xia Yu has been watching the performances of several people with a smile. I have to say that each is a first-level actor.

“Commissioner Slevin, Director Roy, thank you for your importance to my cousin. Although he will be sent in the future, he has no other advantages, but bear the burden of office willingly and studious.”

Xia Yu said gratefully.

“Mr. Xia, don’t worry!”


Seeing Roy Henry and Xia Yu and Brian Slevin talking and laughing, but he was like a transparent person, Li Sita felt embarrassed.

But he couldn’t leave, otherwise it would really be what Roy Henry wanted. No way, he could only squeeze a smile and listen peacefully, thinking about what to do.

Without the help of Jardine Matheson, if the Commissioner of Police Brian Slevin had an opinion on him and would not recommend him to London, then how could he win Roy Henry for the position of Commissioner of Police next year?

Of course, although his strategy has not been completely successful, it seems that at least it has not attracted the hostility of Xia Yu. This can be considered.

After that, Roy Henry invited Xia Yu to meet Xia Jun. Xia Yu thought for a while, but refused. Anyway, it is determined that Xia Jun is fine, so there is no need to run over to give Xia Jun a boost. There are Brian Slevin and Roy Henry Li Sita’s promise, It shouldn’t be trouble again, maybe she will find a way to make up for it.

In this way, the three giants of Police Force have become the backers of Xia Jun. As long as Xia Yu does not lose power, it is completely foreseeable that Xia Jun can grow up in Police Force smoothly until he grows into a person who can clear obstacles for Xia Yu. Police big shot.

When leaving, Xia Yu looked back at the Police Force building, a smile came up at the corner of her mouth.

100. I took time out of my busy schedule to visit the police station, which not only successfully washed away the trouble, but also helped Xia Jun pave the way for the future. It was a worthwhile trip!

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